mhuvukau-xwvrmg rum in the 3;: yt-urs Andy (Zan- wright I135 n'skk‘d in Whiu‘hun'h- Sumï¬'fllle. he's winmuxi a number uf peuplc R‘cmw the Whitthurcb Nouï¬villc's Spam I’t‘Nm of the Year award. But when this year's citation is hgmded out. he won‘t have to listen to anyone making an acceptance speech. Scheduled to receive the award during the opening of the Straw~ berry Festival tune 28. the long- time Whitchurch-Stouffvifle Hockey Association volunteer was humbled to become a pan of that select group. . ' “there are so many people that donate time to various organiza- tions and there's a lot of volunâ€" teers in Stouï¬vilk' who could be acknmvledged.†he said. Having waived other awards during his time with the anemia- tion. (Larwmght said to be named Sports Person of the Year has added since it entails Wl'titchurch-Stouffville rather than from a speciï¬c organization or association. Ralher. the 54-year-uld (lam- M'tghl will be making that speech after being chosen as this Wat's recipient. ‘fThis is a community award and the candidates span several spons and activities» As such this is quite special. l‘w seen a lo! M won~ derful people M‘viw this m my 32 years m Smuffn'lle. ['0 be consid- ered in their company is quite an honour." (huwing up m North York befom getting married and mm'ing m Smuï¬villc in N82. he's the father nf Shannon. Knu'lvn and Matthew His ‘imkx‘trindtmn m the assuâ€" namm did n0! begin mm] 199! when \Ianhvw. then a fnur war- uld. vnrullod to play. Making his coaching dvhm in MTG wth hv was just I? while n-udmg In Nunh York and mminu Town's t0psport I a W always there for BY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA minor hockey ing in that post until 1982. (km wright rammed behind the bench with the amiatiun's house ieague division when Matthew began to play. (huwtight quk un added mspun- sibilities with the awxiation when he was nominated to convene the novice house league division. While coaching at the house league level A the following year. He continued his ascent up the associamn ladder when he was nominated to the board in 19% while at the same time. coached the tyké selects , Serving on the association's board for 10 wars. Cartwright held the position an; president for the “Matt asked me to convene menm'icedivisbnm 1992andhe also nominated me to the bnard in 1993.“ Cartwright , ASSOCIATION mama“ (hmwigm said being a conve- nm and board member would pot have been possible were it not for the support and encouragement he received from Matt Hawkins. Even Winn Cartwright was on the amiation's executive board. he found the time to coach and made his debut a! the rep level in Even when his son Matthew retired from playing, he continued to coach mp hockey right up until this past seamn. The most recent was the (lip- pers juvenile team that host to the Ontario l-lockcy Federation AAA championships and advanced to the wmlï¬nal. Since joining the assocmnon. ( kmwright said them WC‘YI‘ a num- her 0! highlights he we». proud In be a pan of. From an indiwdual lxrr‘slx‘t‘tiw. cuachmg 3 Clippers mmu' team m 1996 to his ï¬rst ()nlano Minor Hock-y Asmcmtinn champkmship 11110 was spvual. Mflk‘ Serving 0n lht‘ arvxx‘iu Nun's ('xmuliw. though. (how's far SPORTS Andy Cartwright has been named the 20! 3 Mitchurch-Stoufl'vifle Sports Person of the Year. Among those. Cartwright noted. mm in helping the Tovm of Whitchurch-Stouffvifle secure 3 Serving as president when the axsociation‘ celebrated its 50th anniversary. Cartwright was instm- mental in overseeing the festive occasion was recognized through a number of diffetent evean that took place that year. more satisfying moments. Cartwright also fuelled the start ofa select hockey program in the association and in reviving juvenile hockey after an absence of several past season. he played a key role in helping Whilchurch- Stouffvillc serve as hosts for the ()i {F AAA juvenile championships. Don Easter. current association president. felt Canwright's selection was well desemkl. ‘ "( Hwn his lung sem‘cc tn mmnr hockey In Stouflville. not to men- tion his many accomplishments. l was actually quite surprised to learn he had not ruio'lvod Ihis honour prenously." he said. Having worked closely with Cartwright 1n «watching a bantam- .tgt-d n-p team nu «mo else was will. mg to take on. buster felt his biggest attribute was an unwavming kryalty to the organization. St‘ouffville Sun-Tribune Cartwright an uncan- - "ln my mmd Andy typiï¬es what ny ability to take the bull by the volunteerism is all about. Ho: has hams. F3839! said. willingly stvppod up to give his time One such example was in his to ï¬lla need with no expectation of undaunting ability to re1uvenate personal gain. One such example was in his undauming ability to re)uvenate programs such as the juvenile rt-p team after it was absent for 3 km “I'm not sure how many people remember. but Andy stepped up to take on the role of Whitchurrh- Stouffvtlle Minor Hockey Aerona- tion president at a time when the organization was going through some tough times and no one eLse seemed prepared to take on the challenge of turning things around. "More recently he has assumed a k‘adorxhip rule in mbuilding juve- nile hockey programs not only hem in Slouffvillc but throughout York- Simcoe. Bible! was alsn quirk In pnim out whaI Cartwright has au‘nm plishcd was done an his own tree time and with no ï¬nam'ml gain "\Vllhnut his eï¬nns a In! of IT tn 20-year-0ki hockey playors might not have an opponumty tor-run tinue playing.†Ho's cwn carried this out after his ynungsu'rs had ï¬nished phmng mmor hmtkcv. All “(this has been m ( omplNu-d thmugh a lowâ€"ch appnm‘h. "He has continued to make a signiï¬cant contribution to minor hm‘kt'y long after his kids. ceased to be imnlvui. 'lhe rolt-s hr has mitt-n on have been important. but not necessarily high proï¬le: ones. In a quiet and unassuming way he sim- ply set about getting the job dnm‘ â€" not murh flash. but always cflnv twe. Employed by PowvrStrt-am where he's a meter department manager. Cartwrigth elected to mtim from coaching tho (Thpporx juwnilcs upon completion of this yr'ar's ()Hl' ('hmnpmnshrpx Howe-Wt. hr wun't hr mmovmi frum the mmm scene. In fan. (unwngh! hux nï¬vn‘d to assist m .I tranmlmn plmw mm Incoming Clippers luwnlk‘ murh Angvln V’arsalms. "I will an as a umsulmm m tht‘ m-w rum!) and I'm alme available- In the \th hurrh \‘mufl‘vnlk- \hnm Hockey Assmmlmn for .tmthmg Hwy might m'ul." hr sand. \‘pnkvn Mr 6 rm! trunpvr $YAH 'HOYOBYH/E SOMUWH J STAYED INVOLVED Hm I.†hm‘Ln