Usually. when we think of visits southward. the cast of usuai ride and its spectacular panoramic Views of the coffee suspects includes the resort-laden beaches of Cuba, Mexico Or and a performance of traditional Colombian dance F0 the Dominican Republic. For those of us awhose inner adventurer Vanessa and Adriana suggest buying a Colombiana p: IS calling. Colombia IS the place, The members of Team Jaunt are freShly fried up empanada from a street vendOr ColOr a well-travelled bunch and Our’ACCOunt Coordinator Vanessa and their pop and make many varieties you might have a h Travel SpeCIalist Adriana had only stellar things to say. and made it finding in NOrth America. Panaca Animal Park is Vane: very clear that they would certainly, in the nearest or nearer future: favOunte place to ivusit’. it features an expansive habitat be returning. Vanessa was enamoured by Armenia. the rich coffee variety of animals. each with their own sectionof the i: growmg region that IS also a national park She enpyed a cable car {highly recommends seeing the Colombian horse show Carnwa! Crmse Lines. Carnival Valov. An Included plus 11 m 1:; Buy below: gm 27 2013 WTmmfl.m Fun in the Sun on a Caribbean Cruise Fin-tummy» M. St. Lucia“ mmuomnmmw “mwdm. Sacha-an W0, A \~. m toxe’s rude and Its spectacular panoramic vsews of the coffee plantataons. and a performance of traditiona: Colombian dance For lunch. both Vanessa and Adnana suggest buying a Colombiana pop and a fresmy fried up empanada from a street vendor Cofombians love thenr pop and make many vanetres you might have a hard trme fmdmg In North Amenca. Panaca Animallpark is Vanessa‘s absolute faVOunte place tofvrsit’. it features an expansive habitat fIHed wrth a variety of anamals. each with their own section of the park Vanessa Estonia! Cotombu Tour. Au Indudod S2 349: m 10X! Explore the Best of Colombia in 8 Days - Buybakxehmflzofl I DupameNovls. mam 17L MAW, vmt Iooou. the oath. nylon, Cartoon. and mu. mam private lows. IN mom and My bro-Hut. ~'_ rï¬etroland mm a In Whoa win m IOXES “~hw ohm