l'hal , is what Smuffvillc's Ramsey {X'bmssi is hoping in do thmugh his three-day Build lot a (lame event. ‘ l‘rum Ium- 21 m 23. a poniun of Reeves Way Boulevard in snuthem Stouï¬villc will be rinsed m traf- ï¬c and ï¬lled with about 200 class. sic cars. as well as food vendors. activities for kids. a hand and D] as well as characters from Sesame Street. Starting the Friday night. Mr. lk’lmtssl. who has a passion for building cars. alnng with eight at his frit‘ntls. will rebuild a 1969 (mm-m. [he car .will bt- lully “Natural by Sunday night. The "lhmsfnrmcr vehicle from the movie of the same name will also be on hand. All money raised will go umank Sick Kids Hospital's pediatric can- (‘0! rmearch. Dad hopes Camaro projectbuilds on cancer cure BY SANDRA lOLAN sanuné‘i‘vrmg mm uildacarandmaybeï¬nd a cum fat cancer. (fmm kï¬).Adrian.NadincmdAkxanderDebaissimhosï¬ngacarbufldanp street m'toraisemoneyfor Sitk hasleulwmia. Mr. Ut’baissi already has a buyer fur the vehicle and said the 55.000 to $10,000 proï¬t he is expected to make from its sale will go directly to Sick Kids as we". “We'll build a car and hopefufly they'll create a cure." the 38-year- old said. 'We’re nm going to wkw the problem or cure cancer but put a dent in it' through research. he said. = In February. Mr. DebaiSSi‘s then [4-month‘old son Adrian was diagnosed with acute lymphomas.- tic leukemia (ALL). The diagnosis came after two weeks (if visits to the doctor and emergency department to see why Adrian was bruising'so easily. had pale skin and a lump on his neck His parents were told by mon- than one doctor Adrian had strep thruat m was u-mhing. It wasn't until a doctm in Markham Smuffvillo Hospital's emergency department n-(meswd “We were devastated. My bean a_ be 9n Adriln. "We appru‘iatt- :1 Int of things the leukemia was found. If the diagnosis hadn't been made when it was, Adrian would have diad a rmnplr of hours later, according to Mr. Debaissi. Adrian was immediater trans. ported to Sick Kids. †Mistakes happen." Mr I )ohais-si Said of the multiple misdiagzmses. From lune 2! to .33, a portion of Raves Way Boulevard in southern Stouflville will be closed to tragic and ï¬lled with about 200 classir cars, as well as food vendors. activities for kids. a ' band and D] as well as (haram’rs from Sesame St. FAIHER'S DAY Adrian spent three days in ICU. than Was transferred In the hospi- tal's cancer unit. He stays in anun to four days a week and returns home to Smuflville the nest of the week. “If we get two hours consecu- tive a night (of) sleep. we're happy." Mr. Dehaissi said of when Adrian wines hmne. nmmg his eldest son is nauseous. tired. cranky. has no energy and suffers from a [m of discomfon right mm "It's been a battle." he said. In the midst of Adrian's fail- ing health and learning what its cause was. Mr. lkbaissi and his wife Nadine were getting ready for the birth of 1hcir second child Aloxandcr was born April 20. in life. We appreciate life. for one." he said. Mr. Ik-haissi left his job as an immature udjustnr in l-vhmary m (are for Adrian and hm’auw of strt‘ss. H1- plans on returning In His treatment is expected to last thrw-and-a-half years. 51A" PHOYO’NKK IWANYSHVN work in a "mum ur lwu. 'lhis is the ï¬rst time his fam- ily has been directly affected by cancer. (low to 90 per (cm of chi!- drvn diagnnwd with leukemia gm cured. according to lesxica Macin- nis. manager of math-ling and communicatiom at (Ihildhond (lancer Canada. Adrian‘s chdnrvs of survival are good. ALL IS mv mm! commonly diagnuwd furm of childhoud leu- kemia and it occurs mun: m boys than girls. ,‘l‘rvatmt-m nptinm typically consist nl ('hvmmhvmpy, radjaâ€" tion. a «mu coll transplant m rumhinamm of Ihvm "Never really paid much aneu- Iinn to it until now." he admitted. lrukomm dt-wlups whvn the bom- marmw'x blood stem cells make abnormal blood (0115. Over time. thc loukcmia u-lls unwd (ml the normal blood cells, Hmld For a (lauw goes min or shine. â€