School yard shooting still hits home In celebration of the Rouge Riwr watershed and park. the fmmh 0dr lion of Rouge Days takes place lum- 6 to 9. [cam atxnglka'Imk variom habimls on its "Ilsa? park pmpvr ty at 11737 W'mvan Rd. tuman between 10 am. and 2 pm. Naturalists are asked to bring (heir lunch. which will be eaten amund the mmpï¬n‘. S'mnn-s will he provided. It was late! learned the injured girl had been hit by a .22 caliber bullet. ï¬red by one of two teen- age boys hunting groundhogs with a rifle on a neighbouring prop- erty next to what's now MindTech Montessori Schook “Ninety-nine rccnt of injuries thai seven: are am.†her mothct said. She remembers Dr. Mitchell describing her daughter’s recovery as ‘a miracle'. - Mrs. Grove. accompanied by daughter Debbie. 12. drove direct- ly to the school and then rushed Danette by car to the Stouffvifle ofï¬ce of Dr. Blair Mitchell. "Dr. Mitchell immediately told me Danette had been shot." loan said. All three then travelled by ambulance to Scarborough (Len- tenary Hospital where Danette's father was waiting. The bullet missed Danctte’s spi- nal column by a fraction of an inch but severed her liver. The date was lune 15. 1972 - 41 years ago this month. Danette, then nine and in Grade 3. was one of 300 children watching a softball game in the school’s east playground. Sixddenly. she felt a sharp pain in her back “like I'd been struck by a baseball batâ€. Principal Allan Martindale helped her into the school know- ing something was seriously wrong but unsure what. Telephone calls were. placed to Danette's mother at home and to her father. a dis- parcher wi’th McGowan Mobile Mix. - It was a day her parents. Ivan and loan Grove. will †never forget. Nor will the staff and students at Dickson’s Hill Public School. on Hwy. 48 south of Stouï¬ville. "I'm lucky to be walking." IY SANDRA IOLAN sbolanï¬fvrmg mm l was a day Danette I will always remember. Celebrate Rouge Days with cook-oï¬f park visits ineglstramm is “alum-d and can be done by (unwitting lawn: a! lauraW'ilkwvgnmxa or 905-640- 2127. If that isn't enough outdoor activity for you. a histont tour around Bruce's Mill (Ionscn'atkm Area. 3291 Stouï¬villc Rd. takm‘ place at 7 pm It will be led by local hismrian Fwd Robbins and goes rain nr shine. look fur nrangr balloons in lhI‘ parking Int for the meeting Ioramm. She still retains a large get-well card signed by Dickson's Hill staff and students. "The Centenary staff was won- derful.†Mrs. Grove said. "They regularty kept in touch by phone." Surgeons predicted that. if she sur- vived the ï¬rst 72 hours. chanccs of a full recovery were good. Her mother remained at her daughter's bedside until the critical period Danette said inwa telephone con- versation from the family's Gow~ anstown farm near Listowel. “I'm lucky to be alive.†following her release. Danette returned home. but not to school. a decision that troubled her greatly. her father But she did. Principal Mar tindaie made sure of that. (Dome September. she was back With her friends in Grade 4. Danette spent 12 days in hus- piml. ‘ "afraid she : wouldn't pass.†Ivan remembers. [he walk as ï¬re. but prr- rogmra In mhe meantime. her recupera- 'l’m lucky to be walking. I 'm lucky to be alive.’ with Iim Thomas “on he mquimd as spa? is limited. Contact Anna Rose at annanm-(a‘ townofwxca or 905640-0749. mm NY A! MARKET l‘he second annual Chef (mk- off takes place at the Stouï¬n‘llc Famwrs' Market lune .20. Inca! chefs am asked to onus again use ingredients from the mar- lwt vendors to create dishes How- ever. lxx‘ause it is still tamer eafly in the Seaman for fruits and “Variables. they an- being alluwnl tn augnu‘m And bet skills dun'l end there. She sometimes serves as a solo- is! at Zion United Church near (km/ansth and vmn the hearts of friends and relatives when she sang at the wedding of their eldest son and daughter-in-lak’. Graham and Corrine. Ray and Danette have two younger sons. Derek (Kristine) and Wade. "nu-y also have two grand. children. Jarret and Brooklyn. unmzsaWWm mmutrummlwmm On Sept. 25. 1982. Danette and Ray Bean: were married in a 1me ceremony at Wideman Mennoa nite Church. For a short time. they resided at the Beam family farm south of Hwy. 7 then. 24 years ago. purchased a ZOO-acn- pmpeny in (krwanstown. “She leads a full life.†her mothâ€" er says proudly of Danette. She's the deputy clerk of North Perth County. is recognized as a' certi- ï¬ed municipal ofï¬cer and hoids an executive diploma in municipal government. But it’s not all work and no play for this 50â€"year-old mother of three and grandmother of two. She loves to sew and knil. plays the organ and piano. golfs and downhill skis. And to think. 4! years ago. a life was spared by “a miracle“. lion continued. so rapidly. the gmm- family enjoyed a memorable boat trip that summer ftom Pef' forlaw on Lake Simcoe. along the Severn River to Puinu- au Batil on Georgian Bay. ‘ And she's been ï¬ne 9va since. graduating from Grade 13 at Stouï¬ville Dislrict Secondary School with an Ontario scholar- ship. “She was ï¬ne." her mother recalls. OPINION with other pmduns. according m Maria Schembn'. spdnespemm for the town. Samples from the chefs will be available for lasting between 3 and 4 p.m.. which is immediately fol km by announcing the commu- nity choice winner.‘ as voted by the tastem ’l'h’é Rouge River watershed is 336 square kilometers in size and includes M and Durham regions. as well as the municipalities of loromo. Pickering. Markham. Want a Rob Fordesque mayor? Sit back and enjoy the show Heck. lwas a 15-hour drive from Toronto last week and Ford Nation was still big news ' Mr. Ford shouid really have his Own W Show. You can“! make up stuff this good. as reality show writers have come to discover too quickly. Heck. Mr. Ford makes Me Lastman's time in ofï¬ce for- gettable when we all dmxght it was too bizarre. It's hard to fathom. but there am still Ford supporters out there. even here in the hin- terland where we neithe: select the mayor of Toronto every four years our pay his height. We just sit back and enjoy the show, 12 kilometres north of the Big Smoke‘s border. Still. the Stories of Rob Ford -â€" some don't even involve'the law enforcement community â€" serve as a collective cautionary tale for us all. Wayne Emmetson. the longtime mayor of Whitchutch-Stouffville. announced well before the last election this would be his I know it's a wracked-out. query, the kind posed after an overbad of morning cafle'me at the doughnut shop. you do? Picket the town ofï¬ces on Sandiford Drive? It's like wonderihg where v" "n 'v" the Maple Leafs would be if with [im Mason not for their meltdown in Boston last lam mm! in ofï¬ce he“ month. .-.;n “"4, a... -L-:._.._- V Attend more council meet ings? hat if Rub Ford was mayor of Whilchurch‘ Smuï¬ville? What would Richmond Hill and Whitchun‘h~ Rouge Park is North America's largest urban park and protects 41 square kilometers of watershed. which includes rivers, creeks. for- ests. meadows and agrirultuml lands. according to the Range Days“ website. Land use is ‘appmximatety 40 per cent agricultural. 35 per cent urban. 24 per cent natural and l per cent open water. according to the Rouge Days' Website. ‘ last term in ofï¬ce here. (He will seek the chairmanship of York Region.apost only voted on. for mm. by members of regional council.) ‘ Wtchurch-Sxouï¬vflle â€"â€" not that he’s Rob Ford material. You can read our full story on Mr. Cade- fmm iast momh at yorkregionxOm.) Most people are happy 10 let their neighbours select their politicians â€" then spend the next several years complaining about them. 2014. (For now. it’s a line-up of one. Peter Carle. a retired law. yer and relative newcomer to our town who has some inter- esting takes on life in rural That leaves the door to the mayor's ofï¬ce at 111 Sandi- ford wide open for next year‘s eiection. mayor? It could happen. lust sit back and see who the rest of us elect Oct. 27. imitasunsmalTheSm Off'lheTop 3 Rob Ford for