4a.: * ’ may) WeRsJJ “Jr 'g'2: V‘. "y ! N Stouffville District Secondary School's Spamms junior buys' rugby team saw its season come to an end after they suflcrrd a 2247 loss to St. Joan ofArt (Vaughan) in a York Region Athletic Association tier one semiï¬nal match at Dr. )M. Denison Secondâ€" ary School in Newmartet l-‘rjday. The battled back in the second half with a try and convert by Reed Savage and try from Nick Rabito. And in the waning moments of the match. dieSpamnshadmcballonSlJoanoIAtc's M-nmflneonlytofallshonwhendme Splfbnhliormï¬yboylolm ' Haymghuoaheadwindmlheflm half. the Spartans dug {Mmsclves into an early hole after trailing 12-0 befom lush Meadows scored a try to cut their deï¬cit to 12:5 by "I thought we played good, but, not gmat." lamented Spartans" head coach Rub Edmondson after the match. “We missed a In Sunday Sonic: at 10:00 am www.in20nc.ca www stouï¬vsllechrmsanchurch ca inviting, rotational. open ‘ i I St‘ouffvflls f'e; (Chumlies: wercomermm * 1 1 :00 mm. Everyone Welcome “MANNâ€. Show wmmm 6528 Mam St , Stouï¬wlle 9056402561 PastOr Jom Amy STOUFFVILLE ' CHRISTIAN CHURCH nonm'ut one 00-000â€, (luau-mm urn-snflnxvnle-orb “WWUEIISE! Sunday, June 9 8:00 am 10:00 am Eucharist Church School 8: Nursery at 10:003m Saturday June 8 Floor Hockey Tournament 1 0:00am Anglican Chutuh of Canada I 254 Sunsct Blvd. ODS-6404461 www,stmï¬villcanglicanya 11:30am Sunday School for all ages Stouanllc Rd. at Kcnncdy Rd. 905-887-5651 -Sundly,lunc9lh 10:00am Celebration Service lay Sandiford few tackles and just couldn't capitalizr at the end of the game." Mahmuth hwwmm A! the same time llmugh. Mmundwn was quick to credit 81.x loan at “As Grade 95 last year ihey lost mom games than they wun. This year they sur prised Us. ‘lhey'm understanding the game more and we got as much out of them as we could." “I Qaw them play (ian prinr In our match and they've building a nice program at St. loan of he said. '- Despite the loss. lidmondwn saw plenty 0f posilives with his Grade 10 club members. some of whom muld move up to the senior squad next season. The Spartans bamam boys' mgby team suffered ‘a 32-0 loss to host Father Bmsani (mejbridgc) in its YRAA tier two junior semiï¬nal game Monday. springvale Illa-u Im- Mi ‘1 WV Music Festival Smuffvme United Church ‘Mcn of Nme' choir. Soloist Susan Ryman. Violinist Matthew Eeuwes 8:00 pm; July 15 to 19 ‘ Vacation Bible Camp 9:00 am to noon BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH WELCOME TO ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . 11:00 mm. Evcning Service 6:30 p.m. Eva-yon. Welcome! 6432 Mull: St. W Phone: 905.640.3151 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 642-4414 sz. Peter Pallant Aï¬a‘adhï¬milycbwcb Sunday, Iunc9 Wednesday, lune 26 9:30 a.m. Worship Sen Service of Worship l0200 a.m. ‘ Sunday School "At our school ‘(Stouffville mum ondary School) we have three teams (senior. junihr and bamam. which play in junior“er Iwn) while mher schools have just two teams in senior and junmr.’ he cited. ‘ He was quick to point out his club was comprised entime of ï¬m-year, Grade 9 play» crs. while other tier Iwu u'amsxuch-as Falht’r Bmwu wnsiswd of Grade 9 and K) players. As of press time. the schedule was not available. 'lhv Spanans. WPI’I‘ down 15â€"0 at the half before utilizing their bench to give all of their playon. an opponunily u) play. Ikspitc falling one game short of reach- ing me ï¬nal. ( lrummey felt the season was a success; Spanuns' head coach Steve Crummcy attributed the outcome to experience. he Aswell.mcSpanan‘sMBbetakingpan in the Barbarian (Zup at Hacker's Field in Markham Sunday. ’ "It was a great year. the kids learned a lot," Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main St. Sloufl'villc 905.640.5696 Sunday Servicc (Q; 10 am Smday School for kids? m m (m (647) 547-3618 CongregationalvMeeting Wednesday, June 1 2 9.30 am Prayer Meeting Everyone Welcome! (Qajan Sivabalasingham was part of a University of Waterloo Waqiors men's golf team Luuliugvm that ï¬llibht‘d in a two- way tie in sixth place at the Canadian University/(hues? Championship at Club de golf Val des lacsx‘in Ste-Sophie, Que. Friday. lust completing his second year at the Universin of Waterloo. Sivabalasingham carded a four-round. 20mm par 304 (75-79-75-75) through the four-day event. The Warriors' golf team ï¬nished in a tie with the University of Western Ontario Mustangs 3! ("fl-over par I 199 thmugh the four~round competition. 1118 20-year-old Banamrae resident and Warriors' co-captain also ï¬nished in a three-way tie in 42nd place in the men's individual competition. Ugo Coussaud of Laval won the men's individual with a fourunder par 280. â€" Mirhael Hayalcawa SIMIka WOW! 81h A Ozun‘h in a W (mum Pastor Walter Robbins Sunday Service " 10:30am