Full time classes begun September 3. 2013 K To appty Io: the accredited program you must attend one ot the VOQISfmflOnS (2-3 hows) You must Sogn up for a regastratvon sessnon by man Email: continumgeducattbnflyrdsbbduon ca mm PSW in the subject lune. indude the Iocatmn tune you ml! attend. ! 12. 2013 Tum..lum 112913 Tune: 10:00am or 5:00pm Tune: 10:003m or 5:00pm Dr. Beth Wu Comte tor Lumlng Gaugin- Tndee Training Inc. 36 Regatta Ave. Richmond Hm 5207 Basehne Road. Sutton Course Fee $900.00 1 Ream OHIO“. |II..‘ 0.0.. XWWXmmXoégmmw'Xmm ‘" detmnmmawmmawalmnsmxmwmm Personal Support Worker Program Scullâ€"In [MW STA" MO‘YOHN MASO'O can. lhe ï¬rst duck in each heat to arrive at the Market Street bridge wins $50. Those ducks will then be entered into the grand championship heat. which goes at 4:30 p.m.'ï¬1ewirmerv~dllreceiveprizesandme Stouï¬ville lions' Strawberry Femival Rubber Ducky Racing Championship trophy. 'meraceispanofmeljons'irï¬t'ntiwto ï¬nd new revenue streams for community project; ' 'lhere are twu programs in particular the club is working on. One is, creating a new arboreum park that starts at the former outdoor pool site and gmws along the paths. according to (Zap Oman. Rubber duck will race from the bridge at Main Street m the one a! Market Street in dmmuwm Smuflvifle lune 29. "me inaugural Smule Lions' rubber ducky race is pan of this year's Strawberry Festival. which mm from lune 28 to . Each numberedduckcostsSSandcanbe purchased race déy. Between 1030 a.m. and 4:30 pm, ht-ats of 1m ducks will be named indween th two Racing rubber ducks aid town park projects BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolanï¬â€˜vrmg mm STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL meflcosfwhodbuboun mmnma: the Mermrial Park pavilion will include slmv-roastedbeef on a buntwosalathadrinkmflsu'avmcrryshon- cakcbrdessen ' Wdinwnuisï¬um430to7pm..minor shme.0nmragc,about700peopleeatmast beefbrdhmermatnight.aocording108ha- mnbkilenny.d|elhns’ch1bpreskjentand beefbarbewemnunmeeduilperson. austyeaerdpywerealsooï¬etedto childlmflmnmmisyear. ‘ 'Rignorwmngmatiswtmwededdedto dq'aheaaidofmesinglemeuu. “I think the menu sounds pretty good adeyMflgetvalmformeirSlost www.mWfllbeaï¬ï¬‚abk starthagalanxatlhepcvilion. Asawayquayingthankymforaflofyour suppommeljons’ annual beefbarbemedin- nawfllwstSlOJastyeaxitwasSlS. 11wwcondprojeflissponsoringlhenew skateboardparkinMemorialPark Anodmerdunge'rsdmwillbempmâ€"