MMOPPdmpmomands M's-Mum ank Ill-ginnal Pnlil‘e nabbed ï¬vn mnmris‘h‘ doing mon- than 50 kml h (we: the limit and (hanged another 80 distracted drivers during (‘anada Road Safety Week. which wrap;x~d up Monday. ‘ In all. York uflit‘ors charged 27 people with impaired driving and issued 1.488 tickets as part of the cight~day initiative whik‘ targm~ ing the four (,iffmccs that contribute must to death and serious injury on (kinadian madeer watbt-it infractions and impaired. chm (amidst Road Safety Week. sponsored by transport (Lanadaf is 'an enforcement live designed to incrvasc public awareness and encourage safe driving with the goal of making Canada‘s roads safer. Beautiful Town of Uxbridge 19703 Prime built home all hardwood and ceramic floors 4 bedroom. 2 bathrooms. watkout to deck "om dining room, new gas turnace and shinï¬es. Ca" Janice Bank. at 905-062-2898. FOR SALE BY OWNER 15,0(1) charges provinoewide. which included 12,155 speeding charges. 104 street racing “ charges. 778 distracted driving charges. I41 impaimd driving changes and 1.237 seatbelt chm (:inada Road Safety Week. spammed by distracted and aggan driving. [he majority of the tickets â€" 1.25! w were fur speeding. Meanwhile. the OPP. which patmls 400- scrim highways in the rcp'on. laid more than The opening of our beautiful new chapel :- now the largest In York Region. ' ANNOUNCINO A new standard of elegance. An enduring standard ‘ professionalismï¬t W service. U0!" KIthSNfltNI) PUHUWINO SA TURDA Y,“ MA Y 25 TH 2:00 ~ 3:00 RM. (awn; awn 050mm»: