Repomng to the votunteet Boetd ot Management. ttus posmon nnvolves event . mutating. and dealing wnh many volunteer committees W: Attend 3! Board meetmgs and Conmttee meetmqs and taking Inmates; weekend workmnngttummerzsetbudgetsbrapprovalandhandmg www.mwnhauBlAbtmnssesneptesautheUBIAby pamapetngmeelectedconmmescnaswponoradvsory mm.mwmqmtawwms.overseetne productnn ot the annual Street Dureday; update the webstte, Wmmdatladventsongcamw.hatsem cmommm act as ambassado: to the pubic and UBIA mernbers; and Other dates as tequred Annual events onetqu the Unonvtle Festml, Umomnle Festwal and one Tyme Christmas Parade. Qualiï¬cations we years exponenoe with not-tor-pront agamzatnom, event planting. marketing, expenteeunsoaatmedaaanasset.8alaryrange$45.000to 549.000 pet ennum Phenol-Id MbWMtS‘IMSM m w =fl'.¢ï¬r."xu.~hraa. Jr» 0' bokm'aexpewcdeISPATCNER. mm 2 yrs. exp Mm awoken! knowtodgodmoGTA Mustboatease Local wm exponence womng on heavy equnpment and trucks call: 1-800-743-3353 fax: 1-905-853-1765 Business I. Tolophono Ham: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm I l Sunset Grill Restaurant Pu or can“ mum to: “513-9602 Lmnsed JMneymon Requer fat Commemai mstaNanons Exoeltem wages'and beneï¬ts ‘ax or Ema! 'esunes Fax SOS-£31462! [mam “Wheat! PM†fax rowmo to Unlonvilb BJA. - D YourClassifiedsca In Markham Inde (Mk-"IS". Mate 0: Female at least 19 years at age. You Must have a mmtmum ot a (32 Dnvers tcense. You Must have Good Commumcatton Stuns. You Muet be able to Start within 2 weeks UponE moot annulment.- . WWWLWAC 22w W.Wammw . c." 455-390-7389 to Set an Interview. You can also Emaut your Interest to MOMgsccom Resumes are Not Requned at this Time You (await: York Rep}- M I! I 18 New Automobile Sales People. No Sales Experience Necessary ASC Dealership Stafï¬ng :5 Contracted by Toyota. Honda. Ford. KIA. Cadmac. Chryslér. Chevrolet Hyundai. Hat and stsan New Car Deabrshtps to Immediately Employ and Tram NEW SALES PEOPLE NEEDED W I mums-8884M amass-Immune» "mam-I.) With exp m unvmcmg. Tabephone excel and word skulls Own trans Sand mum. to: naming-mum I. Ohmicâ€! oFanm-gw vmrurcwrom «WHOM-yr“ «Wm.- manna-mum! Mosh-d and trailing he Soï¬e-Ibo: Admin Secretary smug M and {ommrsssors summit MM 63's euPSeï¬t rem! envwa-ment “ease brward you! resume lo "It Sm Monica. wmflmmm com amateur: and N81 technician ? Locumg kw Mergem alofpssamak to pm my Inm 31 am! busy upuaie 806 W Lithuania Dent-l biannual! Mm §W_m,mboM! 999nm Wand possess student E When skits kmpdgedbeMmsanasset SERVEE PERSON mm flail ht W09 Greg! o: "mammal shuns : mo Please call (905)649-3700 Wm WM moi CNC mmmmgn mt He'dennam controls an asset Perm FT EM w: MOW we obs rears PIDO'QF‘ ExcoE Progressweieademdnecasmesneods #091200!“me Ken 3. Sons Rooï¬ng requures Roo mg Labomers immediately. Plain coil Ubby 905-770-1212 or emu“: WOW“ or m mum to: 905-770-0744 WW.“ Ashcrovc SPA Hiring :9 wt 00%? {Gmm SYI’E combusmmuao'ascab JOB POSTING JOBPOSTWG 0Athoworkmatas1m¢deadaedrwerwormm , -Prmemmnawmsemwasset IWMmmeMreamam mmanah asewymï¬ymugcombyhm 9mm Feedermmeswyedm 'mnmnanapaooaneflmMenmm ommnammmw IWMmmbWMMM mmbah amï¬ cornme MM i nuaesm’ecflne Lflmgï¬yumndostomadwapockets Mammammpoaets Peering mmamMpockets Marmadummtarea mursï¬muasmaly Guyanesasassmed ‘-» c-‘Lw an Math-ï¬g“â€" mutilated-nin- @Work MmMVI-mflum “mmmrwm mmmuvmuum I!!! SEW-Tribune cutters. Wheat moms bum; 8mm; and)» haunt to 250-75292. 1 mamhndmeda WORKOPOLIS M Fm w W (Emma: and Dozen St“ Labour A3; Per; '5 vs Mr “3‘ i: (use quad M ram sic-e ehnsane: Sammie written"! sagas Servo mm cam a Wrs‘wvmnq vs. 'rnn?