callz1-800-7 - 43 3353 fax: 1-905-853-1765 @W k. WS‘TOW Hoots: Mo - ‘ nday Fndasz‘mam-srwpm www rlt ' . .yo rogmxom I l BECOMEAMONIESSORI Openllooacbdcs: 5mm 10.. - loo-x Ray 7. IC. 2|. 28 haunted Open [louse Ive-l MJIQJI. MIS- lo---on "LtAbt an m A Mmmmuumwt’m Guam- Prom-momma tomato Montana! mmmsm, ‘t “menu‘s-chm Im'm-"wfmw :NSTI" TUTE “GISYER £905) W 12‘? TEACHER D Emmanume mmeMtomm SiasGChMScmcesdeos Elf. commu- Emu: HRO'W.M Silvet Leaf DaÂ¥)5pa Th5 newly openaj .a\' Spa LG currentlv luring full or part time ‘taff to pm our alreadv terriï¬c team (j) Experienced Estheticians Amung Friends Dayurc Is seeking (2) Housekecrcn (3) Front Des Receptionist Please a ly in son: 4261 WW 3! Sho peg of Un'ionville Plaza hflp‘J wwsilvcrleafdayspaxa/ fov local school aged chnldcare centres. Pf! Splat shifts,Mon- Fn Please email resume to: mongtxkndadncuu‘cnm REC E's Ivr umlrud sturlmg lune 201 3- Augus! 20H Hath pthh' ('xh'nswm Monday-Friday Ham-5pm Candidates should wsess strung communication Ski wflh a great attitude Must be a quu‘k learner and be able to multrtask, Previous expenence an asset Please email resumes to: careersflslouffvilletoyotanel Reqmrcd tor communal pmpcn) managemgnt wmpany Pcflnrm udmlmslrullw and \u‘rciunal dulics Prepare and mmntmn rcpnm and ï¬lm Minimum ‘ )c‘arx relmzml cxpcncmc Strung mgummlmnul \kllls Pruhucnl In MS Wurd / Lurl I’u mum with returnees lo 1905) 780-8255. StouffvflleGED TOYOTA re uires FULL-TIME ECEPTIONIST LEGA l. SEX 'RETARY Stouflville Shooters captain Steve Schneider (left) exchang- es 3 with Maarten smolden of the Tilhurg Devils prior to their charity game at the Clippers Complex Sunday. The team from the Netherlands is on a tour of Ontario centres. Funds raised went to the Terry Fox Foundation. Go to yorkregionxom to see additional photographs. Stouï¬n'llc Shooter Henderscn tries to shake off pres- sure from Ferdinand Van Berk) of ï¬re Tilburg Devils. (“,9 gottateqt.§9m = ' ’ ‘neWS SUF'Wribune ° I’mlllw umlluk' With .3 \lrnng walk ethic ° Prcvmux «ales expcncnw prclcrn‘d 0 Strong \Ustnnk'r wn Ice \hlh - (‘arccr uncntcd We are Cur-'eï¬ï¬‚y seokmg an mdrwdum With strong Customer Somme 5 mgannzatmwa» suns Euceoennai telephone manner and twang IS reqmred Email your “my oxpocmiom and you! mum. to: WMWMOCMJKIM Stouffvflleéé‘o TOYOTA rdumwm~du hm :19 m... 1 u~a u-uto'na- Email resume to: Careers (‘1‘ swam illcluymamfl We are growing again! Al ‘TOMHTIVF SALES (‘ONSl'lJ‘AN'I' CUSTOMER SERVICE SYA" NOYOWICK IWAN vs" V N WORKODOLIS