N C m fl 0 :9. w... 3% .333: I é. Donna: M 9 Rob!" lazurko Mum‘sme “mam-u: Wad-yum uni-HM 1hr Tuna-1mm... Mduw mmmmm mudde ‘Kï¬-lMO-Zbll In NOS-6408778 «A... 14800» 743-3353 Yorkllcpnn Maia (,mwpaotnnimflv Kano-INC†lETTEIS POLICY hm Mason [Wfl'ï¬mg ‘ um Inï¬ll DISTIIBUTH )N 905-294-8244 Dunn-mos Cord Panlurr: Dow Willaams malva The Sarita» WW!†but we m... . Ontario Municipal Board. 1 Municipalities. devel~ open and msidents often despise the board. but it plays a vital rule in the gmwth nf uur province. Editorial OMB plays vital, unbiased role in shaping ourtowns Mr. Klees' private members bill allows municipal politicians to get around Places In (QNM legislation to make decisions on the intensiï¬cation of established neighbourlxxfls. which can't be appgaledtodleOMll Newmarkct-Au mm M PP Frank K1005†effort to limit its powers. while popular with some residents. is no! a good idea in the big piclun- of things. The fact is municipal politi- cians are often too close to the decisions that need to he made. They face NIMBY neighbours whohave agemiasVWneeda mix of lesidential and commercial The move was prompted by a plan to add more than 700 homes to the former Glenway golf course in Newmarkm. own WGlenwayisoutsidePlacea to Grow urbanization corridors 7 Notinmybackyardismta reason to block progress The 0MB. at its core. is an unbimed you]: that looks at development ptoponis without ptejudioa 0MB decisions are based on evidence presented at a hearing. talcum law. pmvinciai policies and the principles of good plan- ning. They are not based on the emotions of frustrated neigh- But » what happens when municipal politicians make deci- dons to gm themselves reelected rather than decisions that are best for the community? dedst m Icfl to residents. wetllikdystopallgnmhbecause growth for our future. ISSle MP? Frank Klee: wank municipalities lo have ï¬nal say 6n development decisions. 121's face in}! dcvehpmcm Ibo point is the ()MB pm- n'des a valuable appeal prtx‘es‘; to all Without the option. tkwckurnéwntdd appeal through the Ontario court system. which would pmvc costlier to taxpayem Most people focus on the way developers use the OMB. but what happens if the board's pow- ers were stripped and the munici- pality made a decision that upset a large group of msidcnts? Who's going to step up and say they want that con- dominium constructed in their If a dcvcbmr's plans go loo far. the OMB can rule againSI him. If the municipality picks NlMBYism ovér iogic. the OMB can rule against it. The 0MB is a democratic sys~ temandhasheensinceitwas created by the province as the Ontario Railway and Municipal 80am in 1906. But it is not perfect Reform is needed to take poli- tics out of the Ip'pointment pro. cess and ensure the t peopie am in place. Dumps have to be made to keep developers from “me are too many examples ofdieUMBbeingusedasathmat â€"â€" if the municipality doesn't apptuve the plan. its going to end up at the OMB -â€"which puts more buxden on taxpayers The OMB ï¬ves an parties an opponunity to have their day in court and it puts the needs of the whoie ahead of the wants of the Don't they deserve a non 17mm avenue through to appeal? no one would want to see their migiflmurhmd change. Who’s going to ask to have that picturesque View blocked by a subdivision? Them's «mainly a trend that indicates the board isglikei'y to mle on the side of devebpem. butmat's notpmotolsomcsecret pannership mu 01' THE wm Politicians should stop bullying Pmblems no! just asso- ciated with transportation The basic structure of our pmvinoe is at in many areas and the major ck:â€" ,phant in the room is the debt being carried by the uxflpaninannckelecflonmhercivb class. W'camikiam'hadmgivespeedl- csandtrylodmmupsuppmï¬mdlcitpany usingphdommmm A personal attack agzinst mama stu- dent/candidate wouldnothavcbeentoler- ated. Yetmhenwetumonmn‘l'Vsmm sceaseriesofpemnnlattackghhvolv'mg lustindeeau. Debt biggest problem fovtowns, pmvinces Much effort has been madeovermepast few years to change the problems associ- ated with bullying within our school; And rightly so. Recently. my high-school-apd «hum The failure of govem~ mems. at at] levels. to plan for the ï¬stula. to respond to (banana walities. to pm~ vide reserve funds to main- tain infrastnmure. to think outside the box. has rcsuhed in huge ipmblems. pmvincial and municipal guvemments mnsponation affects just about everything and everyone. We. all need efl‘ec- time transportation. [xrwer constantly played out by cities such as 'Ibronto In many cities. far too much has been concentrated in a downtown cone. Transmnation may be the No. 1 issue in the news «my â€"- but it is not just about transportation and Rt. Mixed emotions about transit plan. April 4‘ niecunem probk'm has been looming for genera- Hons The transportation prob- Dem is not just about auto- Clear}? the failure of proper planning is one Anothcristhegreedand Gamma MANAGER Iohn Willem: Punusmzn Ian Proudfool is the idea of publidy trying to sidethebmc What caused the present problem. how doweconmmepmblem. and twdowepmvem it happemrgagain? \Nithimptoved services insomeam it mayde resultinnmrepcoplcbeixg concentrated in new plac- Over the decades. we have become very good a! talking about problems -â€" look at the time it took to get the subway expansion. look anhefact it isonlynow ma} 3 train link to Pearson '5 Under way. Infrastmcmxe pmblemsareanomer major problem that won't go away. Clearly Metrolinx and proposed revemne sauces. lmndflmwhidmwpddthe peoples" Meuulimareliv- ing Any new tax must be seen tobc hit and paid by all and not dimmed solely atmtoristsPEfltapssom thing similar to the health charge annually. My message to all politi~ clam; think outside the box Nearly all the current day problems are related and should be addressed collec- tlvvly. not in isolation. the sooner we all realize that then the sooner things will improve. I. BRUCE DUGBLBY Stud W3 lb the editor WHITIIHl-‘RLH‘SH)UH'VILU§ Whenlmadabmndw l0 Bullyingindmschoolymdisaswmngas hismdieworkphoejngmrenunemorany omerpanofoursociety. mock someone tolerated? We tell our kids it is unacceptable. hurtful and iusl plain mom behaviour. By our own government ersindnlway.mestudmtsinmemock election would have been cited for bully- We'wbeenmadeawamtimeandtinw Jwish our governmt leaders would hadbyexamplevynitoommbtmm. 'SiIMï¬W-Tribune 6290Ma-nSt www.mxu 18/ fund the salary of the co- ordhmatormddaeprbesbr mesummeueadingduh been used to cover the cost of author visits for students. Womdatabasessuchas meMangoungmgeheam- ing database and abouts. which I was particularly deliguedmleamasmmy viaythgï¬mye-bookool- In pmceetkamveryweflspem indeedandmereforelhope thesalewfllcontinue. Re: less need for book sale. letter to the, editor In! ColleeanLApriI 13. Ms Huntsaysmelibrary is so,wen~eqmpped than? isnoneaitobuybooksat the sale. I found it diï¬cult to believe tihtary staff and volunteers would amend if it does. my family will deï¬nitely continue to both donate and purchase books and. in fact. nan year I plan to volumeet. notmededandnotputto Booksahworflmhile IO ZADOISKY WHI‘ILHURLW-STDUPH’ILU: According to the CEO of ARLENB RBI-1503 m u 'Fn'uu proceeds