While the Stka juvenile Clippers will host the Ontario Htidtey Federation AAA championships at the Stouffvilie Arena. the Miitchurch-Stouffvifle Minor Hockey Association will‘wrap up its season by conduct- ing their Yea: tinder Bender 'i'oumament at the Clippers Complex and Stouffville Arena. “memppers‘ msteredseiectentrieswilltaketothe ice in the novice. atom and pee wee divisiom A celebration of minot hockey will take place in chhumh-Smufl‘viflc when several tournaments take tolhcicemisweekend. "metoumamentisscheduledtobeginatmeCflp- pets Complex Friday at 12:50 pm. and continue Satur- day at 8 am. 'meï¬mlswillbeheldalmesmuï¬viflemmhd 8 starting at I245 pm. for 2:15 pm. atom and 3:45 pm. for pee wee. AbngwithmisevenLtheassociationMflcondua the Tyke C Festival at the Stouflville Anna's Pad 8 sur- face starting at 5: IS pm Friday through Sunday. Atomofstxteamwiflmkepanmhmxgthehost (flippers. Markham Wants. Unignville lets‘Georgina. 'meevemisslatedtowmdqmnwithdwï¬nalSuw dayat 11:351m. 'fllewpperflbmplexwflmlsoscmastmst forthe lakeshoreâ€"hrkSimcoeAEChaflengeSunday Scheduled tobeg'mat noonand 1:25 pm. them/em MllpitthewimersonheYorkSinmtidesagainstme lakesimrp Division fmm novice AF m minm' mkï¬m ï¬re has! (flippers will ï¬eld two entries including themajorpeeweesaghstuwwrmbyat 5:55 p.m.and minor bantamsagainstAiaxat 4:15 pm. liifï¬ï¬â€˜ “#‘iadrh‘im call: 1-800-743-3353 fax: 1-905- Ius'noa I: Tokphono Noun: My - Friday. 0:30 am - 5:30 pm 1. wwwqorkrogiomcom Big minor hockey weekend on tap Fm more tournament information. log on to: www. D YourClassifieds.ca “pm‘mm' hmmdflm The Stouï¬vifle major peewee Ali Clippers skated of! with theYork Simcoe hockey dmnplonshlp with a 4-0winaver the Nemnarï¬et Redmen in the sixth anddecitï¬nggamofd’teirï¬nalseriesmNmmrket Saturday. lustinDay.ChandlerGoyns.BhkeMcNeilandCon- mrllkkseachsooledoncefordledippemwhomre forced into playing a deciding game aï¬er suffering a 4-0 lossmSlouï¬vifle'Ihursday. RyanVbn Kaufmann. lusdn Miller. NickSmith and MatflmBRoeSteadteamedassism lordan stoppedeveryshotdimu! hiswaytopost theshutout. . Other team members contributing to the club's title run included: Noah Withenpoon Adam Ripp. Nathan Wilson. Ayden Stmstnun. Myles Cmven. Ryan Alden. Micheal Campanaleâ€"Fteitas and Craig Oltï¬mm. mrulewppemasamuecï¬wgrwpitmarkedthe second straight year they‘ve won a York Simonetitle afterdoingitlastseasonasamixmrpeeweeAEentry “me Clippers are scheduled to face Whitby in the lakeshme-Ybrk Sirncoe AF. (Jmflenge at the Clippers Complex Sunday at 5'55 p.m. ‘W'flfiflfl'flw “W‘umu'ww‘mm: SPORTS Emsm EM m b: MOM...“ : 1 905-8534 765 mumnMImzo11 “Minimumâ€. hom- «WWW-lilacs!“ l TRAFFIC W6 PERSONS. Wham-Mm ci‘,olâ€nnil'lxli I! .‘..\d a an! 301$!- 1;.Eï¬l.2}il§“‘asc-szuvutthg.‘ (‘3! 905-171-2929 Weekly hydlech (in THIS WEEK ONLINE yorkregion.com me TRAGEDY MULTIMEDIA PROMOTE YOUR EVENT Getthe latest news on an East Gwiuim- buty ï¬ne that kifled foul family membets. v Wynn/1mm Wald! 4 video 0! O'Neill Funeral Hum: Is wckmg pun- time Para Funeral Assistant\ to assist with vmlalmm and \CI’\IL‘C\ an the funeral home by gmnng (hem famnhcs and as well to assm \mh hospital and numng hum: lranxtcrx If you in law In this opportunity. In your mm to Pntrki Leblanc at 905-642-9381 HELP WANTED Loohnobtpersonemononcod m vanous mmmm mums u o Phi-0' Call: 201 #734 cm" InloO 1mm: Arc you retired and ang in Sloufl‘vllle'.’ GREAT SPACES RENOVATION 6. \HU'KF (WW-Tribune 0.! ‘0... Al-uo @Work BREAKING NEWS AROUND THE WEB “man-cum mmuc) b .90 to facebookmm and search 'YRMG on the town'- v pinteresuom/yorkmgm v @vaughaneditor » @Kimlmouv v @Amandat‘enico b @YRMGphotog > @ioumoJez . @mesaLatchford mgion‘s top stories. D buy/um» WORKOPOLIS t ’ e†news "momma-upon (905)7374600 >1 wm than) Wm M. m WMNCE Ptease call (647)393-4884 or flax (905)640-4954 EXPEREICED