Inmme special edition a turning off your lights to: one hour wun‘t slop dimatc' but it den» onstrdtes that each individual's action can add up and make a btg dtflewnce. accotding to the town's media ark-ass in support of Earth Hour. “And don‘t stop at turning off the lights 111in about what else can be done year round m reduce your foot- print. such as taking transit. unplugging unused eiectrical appliances and wash- ing your clothes in cold water." accord- ing to the town's media release, To make an even stronger impact during Earth Hour. you can opt to use lm'petcem beeswax or soy candles. which an smoke-free. non-toxic and allergen-free. according to The of Fanh Hour. 'whk‘h staned in 2007. is to ask everyone to take personal accountability for their impact on the planet and make behavioural changes to facility a sustainable lifestyle. acceding to www.mnhhoumrg The municipality is once again par- ticipating in the annual event. which takes place tonight. Saturday. fmm 8:30 to 9.30 pm. ‘ If you wam to get to New: market from Stuuffviflc via public Hamil. you have to head south in Older to go north. You’ll also need to take three have! time can be any- where from two to two-and-a- half hours. according to Adrian Kawun. manager of services planning for YRT However. sometime next year. Route 15 will loop through town. then head west along Stouflville Road toJeffer- son Sidcroad station at Yonge Street. where riders will trans- fer onto a northbound bus into Ncwmarket, according to a YRP ‘ . sal which the orgam': is 3kth ing to Mr. Kawun.-The transit sys- route changes throughout the Expected mic time is going tem is for public feedback region planned for 2014. on many proposed routes and As the new route is still in its to be about 70 minutes. accord- Feedback sought on possible Stouffville bus route IY SANDRA IOLAN sbulunï¬yrmg mm â€" a Bauamrae-S _ 1-†aoIasoonPâ€"vâ€"M 1n~nmhumm mun-82971 WNWS! 7:5 now, $3.20 awe-$100 udew-ndvï¬nnh-“fl “mun†EMS! (Mb-$5 Mmuï¬yd-pn-Im‘m M‘cWMIh-nWWunM-Sflmsu mammmwnmm~ $0960 Okra-n mnew...“lummnlomhmwnmomwmmnui 0m»..- N‘JWSGU I!) mm‘udubs‘lO'IBth-I-on S‘mm1uummmm (thï¬ 7)! 70‘3 [My mammmwmmv 20L! 'm(mtw.mwmq\nmwwmwmmm mwunhn-mqm. “,WMWMMW) “Wm-vuhmum.m ONLY AT VOLVO VILLA. OFFERS END MARCH 31. 2013. THE SPRING BREAK SALE IS ON! “momommousu an; GDIIIIII Gel-DOD 23 O I t n O m. VILLA LEASE THE 2013 VOLVO 560 t per I lease “ month momh 0 APR lease F0! more nlonnatm. go to m., a planning stages. there is no“ man dale m depanurv limes available. according to Mr. However. he did say the tran- sit organization is looking to provide two buses in the mom- ing out to Yonge Street and two buses returning to Stouï¬vilk- in the aï¬cmoon seven days a . 'Ihemwasonceakmtelsm Stouffvillc that looped around town. In 2012 it was meme-d with Home 9, which goes to Markham Smuï¬vifle Hospital. The old route number will be rc-used because that is the number designated to WhitchurchvStuufMllemcwnl- mg to Mr. Kawun. EWIMD wmc: 2 5L Tmbodwoed Phone 250 HP Loathov and Sunroo' Pacing.