A ï¬fth round draft pidt of the Toronto Maple Leafs in the 2010 National Hockey League entry‘dIaft. (Nick was promoted to their Mil. afï¬liate after begimflng this mm mBotse.kiaho.asanmbctofthe mama the East Coast Hockeylmue. Whisfmrslweoï¬ccmm aMmflecmtgmmsist '1!!th tsettWhistimewiththeMaple leafs'topafliatetwn. (Mick [ads like he's been Wambmeonhfe. Andridaduflyso. Especialty once the Zloyearold Stouflvifle resident made his debut earlier this month in the American lkdeylmgmasamcmberofme ‘t'montoMadies "h’s been mm it's been great. It's really boosted my conï¬- dence.†the six-foot. 207-p0und {OF (Mick's am’val with the Medics Mthavecomesoomwweitm! loraaunbinationofhflors OnewmmeNHUodLouLwhich created a domino died in which call: 1-800-743-3353 fax: 1-905-853-1765 @wqu M ‘., . WORKOPOLIS 8min.“ ‘ Tohphooo Hours: Monday - Friday. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm www.yorkngion.com I a I - 4 IV “KIWI. MAYAKAWA Carrick pleased to get call to join Marlies mhayalawaï¬yrmg‘ my: DYourClassifiedsca a plenty of new and existing minor league playens wen: found to hot at unfamiliar places for on-ice employ- mummmmm (moflaseasoninvmichdwylost inmeCaldt-rï¬npï¬naldidmm mydwxgestomeirsqtnd. Quidwasmtï¬tmdwnï¬dde “I though! that I had a good campfiresakiufhbdmeatme develop my game more. 'Foralolofmenewguyscoming inhkemysdf.wehadtoï¬ndother placestoplay.1beMatï¬essaidmey would send me 50an to the East Coast Hockey league.“ Aflet spendinga couple ofdays athomcaï¬umirflngwananick gotmecalhorepontoldam. Marbes'uainhxgcampeafliexhthe semen. "But theysaild I needed to Helping to case his transition to life in Boiseand the Emeas the WaffomletMaflieandMaple leafs'forwardï¬mmm on mecmb's thitdlimx'arrickmadewmidemue struts in his game and eventuafly worde his way up to the ï¬rst line andwasmilimdmspecialleams Wminsogamesw'nhme SlmflMtwmnassedngoaband Zlassists . 'Evetythingwmgrealmmho." hesakl‘hwasagoodsmmdonfor Taking careful note of (knick's progession were the Marks. who mnmaflymadcmecaltobdnghim (‘anick concededmemncaught hflnabitoï¬gtmdmmesanwtime. he‘d always held out hope the can wangingmhappeu saidhe'ssonofsmningoutaflovu again in terms of being faced to makesomeadjusmmtstohisgame aï¬erhewashmMacdinmmd withdnetempointheECHL mmtmmmusabt fasterandmeplayersmalotsmn- ger.Butl‘mgetmIgusedtoit.' WhileCanickdoesn’tknmvifhe wilhemainwithmeMadiesfm the restofmeseasomhehopahisper- fomxanoeonmeicewmwammit. ‘lt'suptomeastotuvweflldo." hesaid.‘\ï¬ie’llseewha1happem" Ibrnow.he'sxelishmghismnem “lt's been a lot of fun. I'm enjoy- Stouflvillc nativr Sam Garrick recently donned a blue and white jer- sey for the Toronto Marlies. ' ’ GEE-Tribune Hsz 1“ Manny‘s-aw :xwh-uo-dwxdum. “tum-tum! *’ 5 news PHOTO GRADG ABEL