we had your hands on any of the new $20 lllslately? Maybe I'm not getting out enough. 0r mybank hadastockpfleofdteoldcotton- A paperbflk’.(plmluaemycreditcarda|ot. trying to rock up points like I'm Steven Stamkos). Butlhaveonlyjustreoenuyrmtmyhandsonmis new plastic money It deï¬nitelyjeels weird. Kindoflikecandywnpperbutsheerdikeitcouldshp my ï¬ngers. as money sometimes does. or youmiï¬ttacckienmflyhavetwoofmemstmi togethernndendtrpgrowywerpayingforyourburger andfnesoombo (Doyouooooehmaburgerandfnes at most places was more 1 than a burger. fries and sug- ar-laden drink? Talk about promoting obesity. Sounds like a job for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg) I deï¬niter prefer the feel of the old money. even if I see the mutant needskeep to shake ' up to - r - counterfetters hard at work 86mm 0 â€"- although I suppose if you‘re a forgery artist by trade. you welcome the chal- len _ ï¬ner) you go to pay for wmething with the new potymer $20 (polymer sounds so high-tech). you wony mepersonatthecheckoutmightkmkupandshout. "WhatR'lhis money is plastic! call the cops!" lately I stand at the bank nmchine hoping the ther- mostat'tsmmedupalittletoomghandabumhofmese plastic $205 will get stuck together and instead of 560 I'll get SHXHalaMonopoly-bankermr'tnwurfavoufly But I‘m sure Canadian banks wouki have an answer for that once it happened a few times. as in. “In an eï¬on to improve customer service and for your cont'enience. you can no longer withdraw your money from our bank. Enjoy yourday!" " New bill weird, if you can get your hands on one lnrsomewaysllikehowmeUSJendsloleavemeir hillsmesame.whileoursah~'ayschange. lhadteadfomsgrmpshadaflkindsofopinions aboutmenewfmladianbflls.includingmatmeysaw mmvhkm Butuwyhadmaxheï¬monmeammm.wflh matnewupagofdwotmrmtmmecenueofm mingglaringbackatyoujtboksandfeelslikeacoupon forSZOoï¬alahan’salon. - One person's image that probably won't appear on ourmneyanytimewonxflucssayisï¬nancemnistet lim Flalmynwhommthisueekmstopaprivme lendirginstituï¬on fromlomr'mgits interest mes. But themhavembeother ways of preventing ï¬rst- timbuyersordmwithmfltheincomï¬mnm theirhandsontoommbormwedmbflh Topunishallduswtmmigubeneï¬tfmmkm mtaufldktatempmmnmhowtoactseems overlhetoptome. Thenagainmsyxmhavegameredlamnotaï¬nancial guruAbigwindfallformeiscasmnginmyAirMiles pointsfovmosemoviepassesfonwo.whichalsogayou twti drinks andonebagofpopoom (a $25 value). Mmdyusedmepassestoseememoviekgu oft-crich for under-mm Canada's role in the Iran diplomats' was. My W! is it's our own fault noCanadimnndethemmieï¬m Although we‘d probably downplay Canada's role so thcthingwasahit 'mU.S. theatres. lust another one of thoscweirddunpwdoinCanadmeh. Idosecuutnmkingsureoï¬rhothmxsimmrkm. somethingvvehavealm ridingon inYork Repon'does nmï¬rool-m the mimoflwingmmkimflwn S. iskry mmmomaummmmm hadryourhmdsonanyofuwnew Check out this week‘s money saving deals from our team of experts buy mu) m Wï¬Ã© “Em Just a few of Our Featured AdVQ'TISQ'S gflyerlandsa†SOURCE Io-u v..- I.- AVIOO'III. ONYOUR NEXT GROCERY BILL! c. save.ca