Stouï¬viflc’s Cassandra Fiorini. l7; enioys the balmy weather and snow during the school break LYNN “CHIN! PMOH SIGN UP TODAY! For Your Choice of Suite. Plus, move m within the ï¬rst 90 days and you'll become an exdusbve member of the FOUNDERS CLUB, enhan you to a special package of your choice, woflh opproximafe’y $1 .500 PRESENTATION CENTRE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK For more :nfovmohon and ï¬zture updates mm fhemorleighco o: co" 905-947-9990. Magician Peter Mennie shows (hire Lynch a trick or two with her hat and a wand at the lebo’vic Centre for Arts}: Entertainment â€" Nineteen on the Park Tuesday. The show was part of the Whitchurdt- Stouffville Public library's annual March break program which was sponsored the Uons Club of Stouffvifle. ' . Mikey V (ah Michael Vultâ€" uvich) entertains with songs and audience participation at Nineteen ()n The Park Monday. UNIONVHLE M Maw y ;M on IEYIIIM§NT IIS!D§NCI MARLEIGH' “DOMâ€! YOUDOM “A†PHOme MTTEVEEN