N C M a o .23.. .5. :5: ._.,§3=2 I Hwy. 48 roundabout .; We "29d infrastructure ï¬rst, would be death trap MI W um ht' Ins (ha (I) with lid indudr a Win: tektich nunha namr ml! “at The \un "than Mr: xlwrmlopubhhm nm "mummy: klthW‘ (MW Su‘ï¬fï¬bune WEEKEND FORUM "‘9 Sun haunt OM MI W. on: Saturday a a canyon d the Humane Mada (mm m _ a M van-ed whammy 0' W OJWM‘ Bunny.» MANMEEI Ruin-n I azurhp Director Regional Pmducts and ( Justiï¬ed nualI'W'rmg ( «m Emma 13 (Lam I )rhuru Kt’Nv In W .‘m‘nuvwmx e um ("Bu-Mung" leamr A Imdgo' lETIERS P0lI(V DHHUBI'IIUN 90" 394-8244 Yuri Riptm Main ( .mup uammunm [kn-r thlmms Dun-nun. Amusn. Dunn-mum ( km! Puulm u "Iai‘ADflm mg .009 “Nu-wrle . mu 0W Harn' Black l kbm Weller lathe Smart hm Mason + before new residents move in l Iwmod two lessons that day One was to he more patient and thorough when going through the closing process. [be other was that infrastrudum must come ht-fnm development. When I bought my home in Richmond Hill in 1987. it was dur- ing a building boom. 1 lomc buildâ€" cn competed for laboumm with "W Skyl'hnw and other builders. 'lbere was a shonage 0! materials and dosing dams war postponed. We lived m our male: for eight Wtwks because we (‘uuld no! change the sale date of mu ‘pn'VI nus home' When we ï¬nally took posqu 53ml of our new home. then: was one light bulb 0n each level and only one washroom was conned- (‘d (or so we thought). The ï¬rst time I flushed the tm» let. I baud a strange sound in the haw-mam. Sum ennugh. the drain «imply emptied on to the concrete We wouldn't build subdivime without nmmng W'dlt'f. uwagt- and gas lines ï¬nt. WP urn push cable and phqu um hofun' mmmx- non. So why don't we ï¬nish the nob? luck at Hwy 7 loday I! has lookcd hit a wax (DIN? for two years and the 0th is nut in sight. A parkway hell can! plan was disnnw-d in lhr early 197%. This curridur. which huuws the 407 HR today. was suppmcd In mm- mm mpld mum! lines such an VIVA and (K ). but became nothmg mot? than a cash cow fur a foreign mm- pany. thanks to the Mike Harm gm'cmnwnl ~â€" whlch leased the right of way to balance the budget for one year and create the illusion of good money management. Matkham had the fun-(sun to build bypmses amund mam strut-ts of Maxiham and Unlonn'lle. Rid}- mond Hill did not. In the l9705. mlmaam pmmned the (am-mum oftheYongc mbwaytollwy. T. l'llhe hurled helm? it is ulmpk'ted. [he whim]ng of Ynngr 8mm xs taking plm‘v in dnhs and drahx Puwet ling-s gm moved to the «do and lhvn wv mnw them again twn wars lam wnh nu um savmgx Condo pruju‘ls got appruwd and mnumnds 0! nm n'snk'nls muve in to an arm alwady gridâ€" lmknl. vvrn un Smuuhxxx \V’hdl will Ynnge hunk like when hux lam-s an: being built in the near fmum? We must plan mnunumlim fut people and not lust pnwide the uppununity fut develmm In prof- n on serviced max We know populauon projec- tions vmhm York Region and should he pnmding transit. bike lanes. a hook. community centres. lihmm‘s; bypass mats and parks required by mlâ€:qu num'ng In. a! lhv linw they am’wv In! k'vk-s for (hex.- scmccs haw aimed) been bum in. \n n‘stdcmx down? scr- vu vs at the sum. 5 Look at the condo at Red Maple .md Iï¬lh Awnuc. lhcrv is no safe way for pedestrwa In get to Yungc. PHIva l‘ul thv fenu' m cmss mil» way marks and chmb the sides of the tum-nu“ hu‘auw pt‘dt'flï¬ans were nu! c'omzdctuj m the dung! uf [hr (M'qxnscx In Maynr Rob Ford was amused of conflict of interest because he used lettemcad'tn m‘u- a few thousand dollars for a football team. then how is it not a conflict Whl’ll um town politicians receive a mum- It 's an nhvr case M bad planning and bad politics. but the dew-lop- vrs got m and gm out with their proï¬ts and the community IS stuck with (he umquuencc. [M's get a council thin doesn‘t nwr dcwkipcrs 90 much. lanmnâ€" now Is u no! a mnmu when um town politicians receive a mum- hulkms In their election war chests direcliy [mm umbpem? Remember this next time mu vmv. [M's not haw toilets flush mg mm our basements after the (k‘whpvr hm allrmdy kâ€˜ï¬ With the pruï¬tx Gawacnsnnasmnm Rqaon n25‘mw5ammm M‘dflwywmmtemmwfmd mmmamï¬an ( krald Berish PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot GENERAL WAG!!! Iohn Willem: HOT TOPIC: Roundabouts ( )h. and sm'akingufum‘x. how about all that mom'y spent on upgnxi'mg the imm- sunmn and imtéllmg new lights 3148 and Bloomingmn just lhis‘pmt year? Re: Roundabout; ‘work- ing' on Ontario highways: Mayor harks Hwy. 48 pm- posal. Mmrh 7. ' be mpiaced. removed or changed. 80 was all that numey spcm just fur fun? Whik- l belich mund- ahouts help in mixï¬visimls. putting a mundabtmt at the intersection of Hwy. 48 and kamingnm umnds like a death trap stow down when they am headhw, mm dun-11 the hill (man! 48 run the red lights nuw. It happens quit? oï¬m. I‘hvy risk hitting’nnc car. maybe two. let’s say. But What happens when that truck can‘t stop or slaw [or a nnuxiabtmlfl‘amage. I can mfly assume if ma! intersection is changed. again. the trafï¬c mans and metal! design will need to Andl‘lllellyuuonethmg. lwiflawiditataflcosts So the trucks that can’t If the‘pi'mnme and (mm In the: past several ' l have seen one drivcr follow Trafï¬c ardes great - m m if drivers follow rules RON BROWNSBERGER the design smdy was com. I think trafï¬c circles are great. A mundabnul allows people :0 gm homv a bit earlier and shut off their engines, therefom protect- ing the environment. “A! Hwy. 48 and Bloom- ington. the long waits will be gmady reduced. islet how we are going to teach drivers to use mund- abouts correctly. ‘lherc are two rules: 1. Yield to trafï¬c almady in the circle approaching WM]. ! 2. your departure from the circle with the use of your right-tum signals, Going any direction from yum entry. it's alwayx a right A driver heading west- lmund pn Millard Street yiekis before entering the knew they wow studying the idm of a mundabom at this intersection. why did they make the upgrades before NICK ROCHE]! mun .m m .‘H s n M 1+»- m r Bu‘tlmxfldaskmenï¬n ST PATRICK '? I THOUGHT Wâ€"Tribune 6290MallSL Wï¬MLM 167 At least with stop signs. if they don't mm to a full stop. they slow down and you can decide who has the right of way. Roundaboms are iust another reason to Roundabouts suck. I live on ‘the comer of time-Mindame pictured on the from page March 7. With roundabouts; nobomj slows down and everybody thinks they have the right-of-way. A" driver heading north on Tenth Linc yields before entering the circle and uses the right turn m um- tinue north on the remix. Stop signs better circle and signals right before continuing on Mil- lard westbound. speed thnmgh [he intersec- tion. 1116 myordtrsnmkxm' what he is talking about for trafï¬c solutions. Oh. and by the way. accidents am on ing never ends the increase and the bunk DOUG REID <7: Di m 11:; S IT M ’H". 11.1.}