kaing in watertuluur. gouache and ink. 01e()ttawa~ based Ms Bjomerud and 'lbmmo‘based Mr. lemma sent fragrm‘ms of their work to each mhcr through the mail for ï¬ve years to create a show that includes themes of rmrs-qucradv. doubling and metamorphosis. Mr. lvn'aum mm {mm Mt'xiux m- St'lf'!iilÂ¥m artist â€" mth m hmmm m Jillâ€. In BIBS. his work was selected i « sun wovmrrvr sounrvuu by New ank's Drawing Center viewing program. . . . - . . . . . . . th two nthvr artists, Mr, mum) has. Created Latcham curator Chan Duncan talks mth arust Knstm Byornerud about the piece Iconic Island. which she crcated With Ifmz' (hm-me. Erik lcnrzano. Their show continues a! the dmwntown Stouï¬ville gallery through March 30. For mon- go to latchamgalkryxa He has aim been innflw‘d in a number of communi- ‘ _ " ’ tar-based mum! pmk‘cts in Maxim City; 'lheir mngphk‘al locations did not impeded artists Kristin Biomerud and link lemming) from collaborating. .. [he rvsult is Phantom Limbs. which is on at 1119 [Atâ€" t'ham Gallery thnmgh March 30. Hcr work is included in the Canada Council An Bank. Saskatt‘lwwan Ans Board and (2in of (Xtawa Fine A11 (‘nlk‘t‘n'nnx Individualiy. [he uni-sis have diffmenl appmaches when it comes in expkrring contemporary political memo“. ecological motifs. personal narratives and myth-making via folk klk‘S. dreams. magical realism and thc ;)hanl'asnlagnrical,, In 20 i 0, Ms‘ Bion‘ï¬'mJ'was awarded the Brucebo Fine Art thndmkm Schdlarship. which R‘sulted in a three- momh n‘sidcncy on the Swrdish island of (Eothnd. Sthtflckcolobmdfliswom é 0 Sgt. l’t'ppers Pub and (irill. in the WW! Pth Dn’vc shopping comm. is hosting Ben's Kitchen tonight. ’lhe plays vast mast and Celtic music, included songs by (‘ymal Big Sea. A karaoke Dl will feature Irish music mmonow. 0 The ladies auxiliary a! Smuflville's Royal Canadian lngiun is basting its monthly (buan Breakfast tumor- mw from 9 am. to 1 pm. Tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children. at me door. 0 The Stouffvifle 55 Pius (Zlub is holding its annual Patrick's balm mday from 10:30 am. in its new home. latcham Hall. 8 Park Dr. S. A luncheon hegim at I 1:30. lichens are on sale a! the dub. Get your git-en onyVNmitchutchvStoufl‘ville, 'H‘wrv is a variety of events planned for this 3!. Pat- rick’s Day weekend; ' ‘ Boston Pizza Ls giving away a pot of gold v $200 worth of ‘lhe draw will take place tomorrow at 8 pm. You must be present to win - but you don‘t haw m be a leprechaun. ‘ 0 Smuï¬viflc Family Billiards in downtmm Smuffviflc Ls hosting Shamrock Sunday activities mmomrw. girls lllC.’ For mom infomxatinn, go to wwwjamhamgafleryxa \ than? ch Long-distance relationship behind show Far more cm events. check out the wander at yonmgyon ’mwmlpnnammd'MW‘xrlrnm -‘u bu. Inspire a ('nrl'. (all to volunteer toda)! A Girl Inspired today is a Woman Empowercd Tomorrow! “15830-0776 hummus-ant! Tofmdoutmonabouthowtormh mtupotmmmdoflmo umgnflmponukomyouflw disWnsMcmm.cw us today! 'Soloctodmonly. PG BRANDSAVER†CIBC* ‘ HOME HARDWARE“r w, DELL COMPUTERS* REAL ESTATE* visit flyerland.ca SEW-Tribune “meant \ (in/50mm» a SOVG.CG Get your coupon at www.mve.ca Whil- wpplns Ion r\-' b“...â€" l {rï¬otrnland