The fund was (mailed in 2007 (u help resi- dents who have been aï¬cxted by emergency situations and require ï¬nancial assistance in nrdvr to afford the-Lasemiak. "The intent is not to have a huge competi- tion. but to mme together and haw fun. We give out silly prizes." said l‘lm Soukup. a‘sso- dated pastor at BBIRidge and chili cook-off co-mdinamr. It has raisedï¬toso for the fund during the past four Brown sugar. Bacon. Beans. l'husc an: just some of the ingn‘dk'nls m lciuf Rae's award winning sm-t-I .md mur chili. A no“ pmplc's choir:- winncr MI] ho rmwncd Marchï¬duringihcï¬lthannuak Ihlh (look-Off although Ms Rae will be competing. she's mowd out! to me “uniun muwyry. “It probably Won't wm ltn most unique. but it's the only category I ï¬t into. It's a (0m- hinatiun of my traditional with my swvct and sour (chili) and a little twist this time." tlu- 31-year-old mothet oftwo boys said. The annual cook-OH. sponsored by East- Ridge Evangelical Missionary (Zhurt‘h and Royal Bank Stouffville. is a fundraism for the Whitchurch-Stouffvillc Emergency (“are Fund. ’ A committee of local nesidents mvievvs the reque_sts and decides upon the funding, Kangaroo recipe put jump in annual chili contest [he competition amages 25 entries over The Regional Municipality of York invites applications from individuals who are interested in serving as panel members on the York Region Transit Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel for a term of appointment for one year. which maybe renewed annually for a total term of four years. ‘ York Region Transit Mobility Plus is a specialized sharedâ€"ride public tran5it service reserved for thoSe persons who, due to physmal or functional limitations. are unable to access conventional tranSit services. The York Region Transit Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel is a three-member panel established to hear appeals from persons who have been determined to be ineligible to receive Mobility Plus service. You must atso be a current resadent 01 York Regaon, a Canadnan citizen and at least 18 years of age. Disabled Community Representaiive 07R Medical Health Practitioner To be eligible for appointment to the Appeal Panel. you must be ether 3 person With a disability or one of the tollowung. ' - locensed physman 0 hcensed optometrust/ophthalmologist - certnhed rehabotitatuon specualust 0 charopractor - physootheraptst 0 regustered occupational therapist 0 licensed physucal therapist - regustered nurse 0 certmed psychologist 0 50031 worker BY SANDRA mum sbolanwv (my cum APPOINTMENTS TO YORK REGION TRANSIT Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel Yoï¬mgion ()thw unique (hill "11pm haw mvludcd curry. wfld turkey and duxvlate. “It was dim-mm A. A number of people “kt-d it." Mr Suukup mid nf me (hm-“lau- ( hili. ‘ When laslv testing the chm uflvrings. Mr. Soukup has (me piece of advice: “If they do say they’re hot. be careful." ‘ Over the years. Mr. Snuth has noticed same attendees tame every single one u! the nitric; something the judges don't do A they split them up amongst themsest by category. “Good {or yuu. I don‘t know what they're like the next day." he laughing. When it comes to the cooks. Mr. Soukup's advk‘t' 'tm‘ludcs this: “lot that uniqueness stand out. It it's hot. let it be hot. (Shines can be all the same but if you make it a little bit amen-m. stand out. then make it stand out." Last year was a good one for Ms Rae. She also won for best decorated cupcakes atmcMarkhamlairwithablueandwhite/ Atlantic (‘anada them. after yeérs of enter- ing the jam and lemon loaf competitions and coming home empty handed. flvc calvgnnes: puppk‘s (Nuke. lrmlnkmal. hottest. vegetarian and must unique last year's mm! uniqm' winning entry was lllddt' wnh kanganm mean “It was kind 0! like beef." Mr. Snukup mud, whd. along with the funds other board mom- hvrs. jndgt- lht' vnlrim mid lhat's what kind 0! makes it fun." he COMING UP It apgx'ars the low of cooking is ï¬rmly emmnchod in 1hr famin genes Her siryeapold son Caleb loves watching cooking with his mothu and along When she was yuung. Ms Rae helped her mother in the kitchen and her grandfather used to run a anothme for miners in North- ern Ontario. "1 low Linking.†she said. Ms Rae her sweet and sour mm 15 a famiiy mam she m'caked and made her 0 Ms Rae's culinary supremacy shoum come as no surprise. Candldates must have the ability to meet at least once a month, mcludmg durmg busmess hours. Prelerence will be given to applicants who have a demonstrated hustory of community service. In York Region, Interested applucanls are encouraged to rewew the Mobility Plus websne at mobulltyplusyrtca for more mformation regarding Mobility Plus serwce lndwuduals Interested In servmg the York Region community in this capacnty should contact the Regional Clerk's ofï¬ce to recewe a York Region Mobility Plus Appeal Panel Application Form at 905-8304444, ext 1305. Deadline: Apptbcatuons Wlu be accepted untnl 6:30 pm. on Friday. Apnl 5. 2013 ‘ Submission requirements can he fnund at www.casuflgexa/ewmshmfl Pieasc note. mcipes are collected in order to he in compliaml‘ with the York Regmn Community and Health Sen-ices require- with younger brother taxed. 3. try to help. The Chili Cook-Off runs from 6 In 7:30 p.m. at [iastrichge Church. 12485 Tenth Line. Admission is $5 and ‘mdudes all the chili you can eat, a hot dog and a drink. ('hildmn 12 and under are free. ‘ All of the money goes to the Emergency 51A" MOTOISJOG ID MTTEVEEN