With the ï¬nal yea: of full day kinderganen i (anon around the comet. \brk Region's school copingbeuerdunmostofmeirpm'indalm While school boards across the province smuggle with getting their ready for the full-day kindergarten provincem'de implementation date of September 20â€. on top of the 20-student cap on primary clasmims. both the York Region and York Catholic district school boards say they haven‘t had to take drastic measures to comply with the legislation. Some school boards in Ontario are transferring older students to diï¬erent schools. reworking school borders and adding more portables to ï¬nd the space for 4tand 5 year olds to attend school full time. “We are going to survive this and our schools will he ï¬rte.‘ York Region District School Board accommoda~ tion manager Dawn Adams Finding space for the provincial initiatives hasn't come without challenges for the board. she added. l lowever. being one of the few school boards in the prov‘ ince. that is still growing helped the board have the nec- essary space ready. as the student population would be increasing even if there was no full-day kindergarten. increasing wen if them was no full-day kindergarten. For exampk'. then- arv 13 whool additions planned this summer that will open up space for more kinder- ganen damsrooms. The mos! challenging gnmth areas such as Stouflvuk'. cast Aumra anc was such as Vaughan. north east Aumra and Newmarket IY TERESA LATCHFOID llalrhfnnfl-‘wmg mm uhwwwqpï¬uâ€"m W'd ï¬â€˜~h*' 1.‘ “*bfll-b “I... * U‘n‘ 4-“- *d*D~F