A roundabout is being consid- ered for the Hwy. 48 and Blooming- mn Road intersection. The Ministry of Transponantm is mnducting a preliminary design study and class environmental assessment for improvements to meintetsection. * "I think it will wurk." Mayor Wayne Emmcrson. who has never madcilasecrethewamsmore of them throughout Whitthunth- “We have to start to do some- thing tx'cattw no one is stopping at red lights anymom and then? have been a lot of accidents at that inter- section and hopefully it will curb it by any one event. “0mm: the MT!) looks to impmve its roads. mundaboutsareone of the consid- erations. according to Astrid communications co-ordinator {m theM'lU's central region. m. the MIT) has conâ€" structed six mundabou‘s on pro- vtnctal roads in Plao Martawa. the junction of high , I8/52 in Hamborough/ Hamilton. highways 401 and 3 in the Wmdsor area and in the new Hwy. 26 (Zloarview/(‘nl- lingwtmd/Wasaga Beach junnure. according to Ms Poet. 'When it's something new. they're a little apprehensive. But once we show them what you can do. I (Mnkdleyamnmaxxepu'xg' Ms Poei said ofdï¬vem Oneon Hwy. 405 inWelland is expected to open later this year. Roundabouts ’working' on Ontario highways The study was not precipitated IV SANDRA BOLAN sbo!an@yrmg.com Mayor backs Hwy. 48 proposal cabablcofhmflhxgnmtmlï¬c.“ no one is in it. you inst keep driv- The MTG considers install~ ing mundgbouts because ale_ ’Ihey are also more environ- mentally-friendly than stop signs orligtmbecauseoflesskï¬ingtime. according to Ms Pod. Speed is another factor. Vehicles skmtobetweenwanddomlh within the pmvincial roundabouts. according to Ms Pbei. 'Roundabouts have been shown to itan safety at intersections by reducing crash risk and sewer- ity.“ attending to a 2010 paper on mundabouts and com- mercial vehicles by the ()man'o mickingAssociatkm. “In all honesty. my trucks would try to avoid i1.†said Lorie Andrews. of Central Sand and Gravel. which is located on (Jonc. 3 north ofWagg atoms have had ditï¬culty maneu~ Road vering through the roundabout “A roundabout Ls oniy going to without or complicate matters." she adjacent ï¬xed objects associated Ms Andrews also noted. how with their design." awarding to ever. “we pmmote anything that thediscussion paper. wtilasst'stintramcsafetyandtrafï¬c CentralSandandGravel has flow“. about 15 trucks a‘day on the road I ‘lnaswringalowtmvelspeed inthewintetlhatbumpsupto Onthecttcuhtorymadwaythmud‘. amund30inthesummer. deflectioncommercialvehideoper- But they aren't the only sand One "eta! gravel pit operations manager is not completely sold on HowdopubdabmkSuM's W?E-Musarnasovï¬ SOUND OFF Roundabout; including this one on Millard Street. ann‘t new to Stouï¬villc.MayorWayneEmma~son isabigfan ofthcm. ‘Inalhuestymytmb Mtgbmilit..l Misï¬phgb (Jamal Sand and (hunt! and gravel company operating in what Ms Andrews called “the heart of gravel counny'.1‘hore am at least l4 local operators. plus those from Durham and areas north and south of here. along with commeréial vehicles carrying goods for rmailers such as NoPrills and Walmart. Ms Andrews said she hopes the MID trafï¬c studies were conducr - ml in the summer. not winter so the study reflects an mutate pk“ ture of the lntersedion’s volume. The design study for the Hwy. 48 and Bloomington Road inter section is expected to be wrapped up in May. That is when the M10 will know ifa roundabout is fea~ stble m not. according to Ms met. “I keep beating the drum. lthinkit'sthewaytogof Mr. meemn said. SUN YIIIUI! ill! 'HOTO WMWW atWomn‘quhmchoon Ruth Ann Univ)! will be the guest nf lumuur a! this year's lmernatimud Women's Day lun- cheon hosted by (ht-Whilchun'h Stuuffvillc Chamber of Com» mom). uoruogï¬aqu Hu- lum‘hmn takes plun‘ tomormw at the Meadowme ( Rolf and Country Club. In 1982. she earned the Vista Rising Star award from the (lana- dian Gummy Music Awmaliun. Mrs. 01110); has also been awarded the (mice: of the Most Venerable ()tdor of the Hospll ml of Saint iohn of kmsak‘m. the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond lubilee medal and the Viceregal Spouse's Mrs. ()nloy. who is the wife 0| [1. David ()nley. is 3 Chris- tian singer who grew up on an apple fam1 near lntcmational Women's Day. which is March 8. is a global day of recognition of women's past. present and fulum contribuiiom to economic. political and social achievements. II is a national holiday in Hul~ garia. China. Russia and Web 'l'ickms am- S40 for chamber members. $50 for nonâ€"members and can be purchased by calling WES-6424227, CORRECTION The story Police. ï¬reï¬ghterx continue to bank sick days. which appeared in the March 2 edition. should have stated York Regional Police Association president lohn Miskiw will only beneï¬t from 1,040 hours when he names. vwn though he has banked more than 4.(X)0 hourx ’lhv luncheon runs fmm noon mme. Whitchurch-Stouffville News Digest : ~ list! yorkrrgumxnm for mow on (ht-4w and other Maniac