andme m and mu! mrlutk IWW numb" mum-and «Mn-u the sun Wm m the mm m puhhh m m)! puNlah am! In «in 9m (lav m and up." WINEâ€, huh“ Whin‘ Annmmwmou' MJ‘O‘VWV Dau- Williams «In Illmmshwn‘ 1 nm l“ ‘7 mun-0m" coon Mdamr Atmdgr "unruly-ï¬n"; mm Yuck Rppnn Main ( .mup ammunm' lEl'TEIS POLICY [nun-MM?†. mu :sadmsnnolme NIURHH'HUN ‘lh-ZW-SI‘H hm Mason Part of Bell Canada's ï¬ve-year. SSO-millinn commitment to mental hahh initialiws. the annual Let's Talk Day encouraged public participation in vxchangc fur ï¬wun'm donations ‘ Beyond the funding. which (ww- da's health care pmviders deqwralely need. the campaign go! us all thinking and talking about mental illness ~- and that's the ma] success story here. Fronted by Olympic medallist (Jam Hughes. whn has been open about her mum battles with (it-passion. the cï¬un also encouraged other and ('iliyens. m spéak up about their mvmal Int-aim chalk-ngcx . ' They were still ï¬nalizing the ï¬gures yesterday. but you texted. tweeted and Facebookod millions of times I'm-May m support uf mental health. More than half of the people liv~ ing with mental disorders 58); they am embarrassed about their condition and half mponed d'm‘rimmauon as a new]! of it. according to a (kmadian Mental Health Axsuciation survey. problem and almost half 6! those sur- wyc‘d thought mental illness is simply an vxcust‘ fur had behaviour. It all hdps start the “national u>n~ wrsation". one of the cmnpaign's plulâ€" furms. in an anon m reduce thv stigma emanated with mental illne». As a nation. we've become more kmwviwgcablc about this disease in turn! but so much mow um hl‘ Another survey found the majonty ul ( lanadxans would cease being friends with someone with a drug or aknhol Bell and its many panncrs in the [11‘s Talk Day initiatiw should be run- gratulmed for being good corporale citizens for working to impmvc the lives 0! our frimdx and famin mvmhers Mm hank- mental illnesx It's now up to us. its (anadians. tn maintain the momentum and cumin “P that national mnwmmkm in him}: dawn the stigma still associated Mih this disease. pmw wc tmly haw .1 long way to go. Don ’t squander momen tum More than half Ofthe people living with mental disordrrs say they are embarrassed about their condition and half mporml discrimination as a rcsult Editorial ‘ a! it. School board should learn from privacy breach at $055 Parents are right to be angry. The school board publicly disseminated enough pcrsxmal information for any- unc tn impt-rumate their child. and potentially gain access tu their ()SR. Ry: Prumj' brmrh a! $039 Parwm - angc'n‘d aftrr main" inï¬nmmrum sent b What do you M 0! these issues 0! u «m up" 5117117. Fri). 7. om? EM mas to m m to l he ru‘vm bread) of th? privacy at \llnlï¬vinn I‘iu'rir! ((u‘lu‘n'an‘ H'hrnxl The incident impacted 1.000 stu~ dent records. with personal e-mail addresses and confldenrtal Ontario education numbers sent as an attach- ment to newsletter recipientx Because this information is part of the Ontario Student Record (08R). the breach cre. ated the risk of identity theft and for ther breaches of privacy for students and their {mum Unfortunately. the school board's cavalier response demonstrated a lack at understanding and decorum. hint~ ing that this has happened before and It may happen again. l he ru‘t'nt hroarh of th? privacy at Stouffvtlle District Secortdan‘ School showed improper response and fail- urv to follow basic guidelines. but rt-pnu'nts an opportunity for schools across the region to improve student protection and demonstrate due care. Although the school's response has correctly been to take me mat- tor “wry. very seriously". the board's Initial reanion was disappointing. Its spokesperson. Christina (lhooJlum. simpr stated that breaches d0 hap» pen in every organimtkm The board has to comply with MFIPPA. [duration Act and PHIPA laws. but personal informalinn is the mm! important data in their custody [he hoard dumn't uwn this data but is required to prmoct it at all (0515. [here are simple best practices Letters to the Editor Punusuen [an Proudfoot Reach me at wwwprivacybreachxa or e-mail soundbitesé‘securityand- privaeyra CLAUDIUPOPA m u '; n'nu' You can read letters. columns and stories fmm 71w$unâ€"7HImneon_V0rkm~ gmmvm A half-dozen dads from the Leamington team apparently didn't like me taking photographs of their kids. who were swinging sticks at the local fans after being ejected. and surrounded me The heat goes on. hm Mason is editor of The Sun- Tribune. 0 Using encryption to ensure data conï¬dentiality It is cleariy unacceptable to hear about seriOus incidents like this when the public is so sensitized to cyber- bullying, online fraud. abuse of child information and other types of crime. would have prevented the breach but there is still a real opportunity to Show Ivauk-rship and due 6311' IN 0 Ensuring ()SR data is proper- ly classiï¬ed. clearly identiï¬ed and tracked; To register students. parents or teachers for KnowiedgefM' Cyber- sach Education. contact Catherine Sword at the \Vhitchurthï¬touffvillc Public library (905-642-READ) m r » mall Registcrv‘Knowledgt-lâ€"‘lowxa. Reach me at wwwprivacybreachxa or e-mail soundbitesé‘securityand- privacyra - Axsigmng a privacy ofï¬cer in each school and investing in their profes- skmal training; I don't mean to plug free training. but this is basic stuff that I ~ as a secu- rity expert by the Ofï¬ce of the Privacy Commissioner as a pri- vacy ambmsador â€" even mach youths who attend my communitv mum -' Emm- a: (ham 1 n m - lkhora Krlly Dill-UNI m 8mm»- Amumsmnon 6290 Man St lhm'mn. Pam-non Robert lazurl'u StouMe. 0N. MA 167 Iarlue Smart Tribune HAVE YOUR SAY, ST UUFFVILLE mutton. 0mm».- Burrv mad Iolm Willem: The Stouffvifle juvenile Clippers beat 3 Pickering Panthers team that only brought nine skaters to the Stouï¬vflle Arena for an Ontario Minor Hockey Association playofl game 520 Saturday night. Some of the Pickering support- ers were particulariy upset with the jobtherefereewasdo'mgOneguy let him have it with an expletive- laced tirade that would have made Andrew Dice (Jay blush. Not everyone agreed An exchange between fans fol- lowed that featured plenty of loud words and ï¬nger wagging and ï¬n- ished with one guy being pushed mm the recycling bins. A couple of decades back. I had to be rescued by some (Zlip~ per fans during an over-heated OMIIA ï¬nal on the same rink. And we haven't even mentioned Philadelphia, where fans boo Santa (Jaus and safe landings at the air- port with equal fervor. I went to see my alma mater play basketball last {all at the Fajide Mapk‘ 113a! Gardens. oï¬iciafly me Manamy Athletic Centre at Ryer‘ son University. when a hockey-SW19 ï¬ght broke out in the stands. T39 Domi and Eddie Shack were smil~ ing somewhere. More ï¬nger pointing followed but. luckily. cooler heads eventu- ally prevailed. Search YouTube and you’ll uncover a buffet of evidence of spons fans behaving badiy at events amnnd the wnfld The hit list will include video of barmom style brawls from NCAA football game to Croatian soccer mau‘hcs. me in-game sneakers m hecklers who cmssthel'me. ~ Not all hockey ï¬ghts take place on ice 03 The Top with Iim Mason 0|me (lawman/Rm [mun Tanya Purhwn Debra Weller