unï¬t", "~I-I' FconomfllSun WWW“ mummy“ macarndovum ' Gflmryiopncbem “thanme 8Mme Sinuflvnlle ram be Inhibit A in that case study. Wv can alsn be pm-artiw. By all rvpurlx. the omplnycvs robbed hem last mnmh did every- thing right. l‘hvy mmpliod with the rubbers" rt'quvst. Nu onv was injured. ribune i “M MN .‘m: a» ‘K)\ f...†K"! v; .‘l‘ihfld‘! “HM-1%.». “U.†0“? in}: ‘Imu. h H .. ‘IH‘ (‘41, 3' k I @ï¬iï¬ibu .1 . N PUBLISHER Ian Proudfom 1; _ 5.: ’ at» ark "me. your In rm JMl! Wm! mm! hr in than an m mi» an! mm In ludr I dun!!! Idrphnnr :mmhn mm: Ind «Mm hu- Qua “lunr WV“ lhr Humâ€: run: wan animal! [In d»! m "diva!" ‘otmoccmanlOOcorn- munnwm ammmem Repoan vmmm,serv «ammonium W.WE¢3 mam.m AME!" IsIM. Advertising Manage! the Sun "mum washed ny Thursday n a dmsaon 01W Mam Meow, Grow Ltd. a ahouy Almmstunm l“ m gnaunï¬vn‘ con \uyL Krmnn Hum ‘ pf! '11“ Cl Imn'Hln"\ “(VXPJPCI \ ("flu- Manger .Hrlxmu- . Umdgr ix“""““"~’}\""ï¬ I"' lETTERS POLICY [Jaw H'lllumn I‘IM'RH'H HUN 90‘ 294 8341 "atw‘v'lfl'r'fllg lhrï¬un lnhunr lidhor hm Mmun M‘tklhlm. 35040 20!: r I-MILAL s HHS MU 877K ()ur formcr small town is now mon' small city. sitting on the urban edge of (‘unada's largest monopolis. ' (Inmc happens. in the big city And as merchants who had whi- (‘le driven through their stores' from Windows hcrc abom 20 years ago dis- un'ert‘d. crime has no boundaries. In fact. criminals often look for a crack in tho armor on the fringes of our urban ccmrcs. You can make vnm hnmc. hus‘im‘xs and vch'u It‘s ( time rcxistam lom or (mate a Neighbourhood Watch group inst like ms‘idcms in wmhem Stmlt’fvillc did last war fol- lowing a string of \l‘dn. daytimv rm domia] breakâ€"ins. Thal'x nm mega ncwm vvvn in Stuuffvfllv. Hu- mnu- hmnrh. and other Mam Street ï¬nancial instilu (ions. have hc-on hit by rubbers dating .1! {mm as lur back as the 1980s: Also LN munlh. the Shoppers Drug Mart in vust-(‘nd Stouï¬villc was held up by .1 nun with a handgun He Iv" mlh pn'xgrlplum mcdimtiun he drnmndvd (mm .m cmpluyw. Money and drugs can hr n-plawd Not so for human beings. York Regional [Wire and other mguniuuinm haw lips and mum‘- als to help you ï¬ght and dN'uuragr crime. Visit the police wrhsilo (yrpxm m the community pnlinng u‘nm‘ m lhv Stoufl‘w‘llo mun statinn for adm'v- It sounds Ion simplistic. but ii wnrks. poliu' toll iis Puliu' uiï¬i'i-ts nth-n dimnplm crime \lallsl.|(\. telling us. only thaw whn become mvulvvd in seedy. illiui |(‘Ii\'il\‘ haw in wurn .ihuui hunm mg \ ii'lnns m sialisiu \ A guard pauullmi lhv frunl ontmm :- m Smuffvillc‘s (‘IW‘ uulivl this \ka a Hummm hum .m mm \m min rnmpdm pmnunwd prmmm-nlly m the bamlk parking lot. Hu- dnmnnwn hmm h was ml)de last wm-k. ~\ Lmh' mu uwd. \nrk Rvgimml l’uhu' and. NH arrmls haw been made Ax umquc us the pharmacy rubber) may hau- bm-n hvn'. it. um. should not have surpnwd anyone l‘ry telling that 10 (hr drug \tulr vmpmym' or bank teller m Sluuffullv who wvrv thn'au-m‘d mlh wmpum last month. Fighting crime before it happens Editorial s1 Prices seem out of line L O t O for DOIICQ station renovation I am not a huildvr but haw dune an major mmwauuns (0 my own homv. Acting as thc mntraaor. my cost wag appmxinmlvly $125 per square, (out. 50. 4.500 squan- fl‘t‘! should umu- m at a UN Hf wmclhmg in the aura of $87.51") In $775.01!) mm )m mama Pam-u. Ian. 1 z. p Mm do you think ofthese issues or l_n rvgurds to thtf new police suh- om? ï¬mmtommm station at the mumnpal nï¬iu‘. docx anynm‘ vlw iwl SLIS millkm m n-nn ’mï¬mcm Vale 4.500 squarr lee! of ofï¬n- smw 1x a bit mrr the top? Hcm man mhvr ponva haw nuliwd Ihv planting of minus and (In/cm ul [um "um um hum min 0! Main Sin-m [mun-n Mn. 48 and \‘Imh I‘IIN'†Pmiu‘ts ~lill need in thc (1N of (how pmjccts rvducul. (hmpvmm- tendering needs In he used m cwn' ximation and I cannot helm-w the low bid for a small rvnuvd» tmn such as (his mqu not be dune fur IN than $1.15 million. Hm u-pl.u rd the dead Hum plum vd In can undo! warman Re. I’olu‘c' uffla' (mung luu'u $560.0“): ( ounvillors qm’slmn rival with Md R173de Pulil‘e'. km. W. New trees need water, too“ HHHI HI'R! H W‘H’H‘IU! Letters to the Editor FRANK l. VAN VEEN go on but nu‘ds In b0 Keep our sidewalks deat In most every city or small town I've liwd in during the last sacral decades. .1 leam- Insiswd walkways. whether in fmnt uf stores or homes. were to be cleared off within l2 hours of a snow stun“. f‘lld. IMIIIIC‘MIM‘IN Vlllt' ('Al‘ll‘lï¬t‘ ‘3 good for the hoan. waistline and safvty 0f ulht'rx. Does this not appiy in Whilchumh- Sumfl‘vilk“? ( Yes it does. in «main areas. under lwlaw 2 7~251~RDJ But for 48 hours last mack. it was 'impuxsihlc to travel the sidewale I dun‘l think the mspomibflity should be mmpk-u‘ly on the town's back. If men‘hams want customers. no matter what thv wrathâ€. a quick xhuvel and splash uf salt might help. l-wn' day during the summer. mvm mun-ts am always watering the beau- tiful cnlnun‘d hanging baskets and bal- n-ls m Iht' (krwnurwn aura. | hnpv thv mwn mmvmhen. dur» ing hm summer months to give these mm [mm a shot of H20 a few times per 'HAVE YOUR SAV. STDUFFVILLE GERRY MCGUCKIN \ 1‘! )l 'FH’IUJ' R. DYNl-‘s \ n n 1 rm I f 01.1101. Plum-mos Im'ku’ Smart lhmmthunom Barn’fllad (m Mumm- ‘ DIRECTOR. [aim Willem: 0|!me Ianvu Hutu-n u Euro. in (Jun Debora Krlh (City people with dogs are a dif- ferent breed I discovered while tak- ing daughter’s pooch on a bathroom run. They converse and smite. even if they only remember you through your canine companion's namm I've said it before. but feel it needs repealing for fear wv. too. lose our innocence: KNp saying hello to each other. Stouï¬ville, It won't lower your taxes bul it might help your blood pressurc. Hold that dbor. Wave. Check on the oldefly. Remain (‘mmmus Smile. Phone a friend. Sav thanks. laundry. I had visbns of her giaring back like she remembemd seeing my mug on America's Most Wanted. We're nm Mavbcm'. (Labm (low or “Vin Peaks any kmgor. hm lo“ keep the small town aliyv. kids. ()r we'll all have to gel dogs. h m Mason is editor of Thr Sun- Tribune. They do know how to use their car horns well. And when they wave. some don't use all their ï¬ngers for some mason. if I sound like Gamer Pyie. Radar ()‘Reifly or a country radio tune. but they don't say helm to each other in the city. Same goes for holding doors and letting whicles merge doum in Rob Ford's hood. Bu! they aren't Stouffvilk’. Hw places are. (Insert hick townihay- 909d onediner here. Pretty sure I've heard them all.) A wuman gm on. loaded down with mom laundry man tlw Bal- timore Ravens could have suik‘d during Super Bowl KIWI. l lwld the door open until she and her collection of baskets and (leaning products were ï¬rmly in. smiled and r caught myscll. I wasn't in Kansas anymore. low. I adom Toronto and all big cities I’ve visited for their cool an‘hilmw !ure. local dives“ swanky spots and unique cultural action. l was riding an aluminum our daughter's mid-HM“ lnmmo apart- nwm building when I neariy did it‘ I wasn’t in Stouï¬â€˜ilille anymore If I'd said hi to the woman and her Off The Top with hm Mason Uum‘mu. (JAsuntD/er bunt Auvun mum. Urbm H rile-r Dumm- or Buunm Auunmuumm Ruhr†Insulin