mmmmnw WWW Resndents Onlme. February 26. 6:00 pm. Resodents. m person. Febmary 28. 6:00 am Non RESIdODtS, March 5. 6 00 pm, Register onlme at wwwlownofwsca.‘ wspIAyonlme ov duet My fvom the barcode in the onlme eGunde 4‘ l mgmmsmm wmcm' ’ AVW m“ "we ts std! time to reguster for Hockey Camp. Check out a" 00' new and WNWâ€; D'OQVBMS Atlas Sports Camp and Camp Baliantrae. For 3M Summe' Campslm'im 3‘ youth, regnst'év fov the Amazmg Stouï¬vme Race. WWWvt<)‘l\lf"‘0f\'"$fi/‘9'50'990'dc 0' YOU (3†March 14, 1:00 pm â€" 4:00 pm. to get out ana pick up a copy at the Lasure Centre dr . wm pnzes Munmpal Ofï¬ce - l WNW mo I Annual Giant Book Site Apnl 6 and/0v Apfll N Contact Anne Howe at 905 M2 7323. ext ahoubflmchuvch hburyon (a MncharedProqmatWSPl â€" Twins um boqonmnq Wednesday, Ire-bunny 6' 2 30- 3 00 pm Mum fr†cookie prowdod Man’s 07 in Wâ€"gwam‘wlé A99 3 l0 yn wnh patenthuardun Sundays. Fobvuuy ! 10, 17 and 2G Tho Municipal Officas Library will be closed Monday Fabmary 1!. 2013 FOR PUBLIC WORKS/LEISURE SERVICES EMERGENCIES PLEASE CALL: 1-800-997-9377 FIRE 8. EMERGENCY RESPONSE 9H mm noun m m 7. 2013 CANCELLED Next meeting quI be Thutsday, March 7. 2013 ‘ at 700 pm. at the Library. The Municipal Ofï¬ces rc-opon Tuesday February 19, 201 3 u 8:00 mm. MY DAY (1050!! mummmnthhkhgolmCmflnd Mummsw. Check out our new leadership brochure at ham:’wwwxownofwscomxï¬tnqnflx aquatrcs leadershrppdf PM!“ DAY ACTIVITIES: LQISUI’E Centre ts open from 7:30 am ~- 3fl0p m Holiday scheduie for Swams / Skates .f Fitness are available onlme Saturday Ham 9 8. (vunday. Mon h ‘0 . Imomo resem ham apptv (at! "w hb'lry to "serve a '2 hour appomtment Friday. Fob'uacy 1'» 1 300m 'PuaNorman' A mmndonrood bay rates on qhom. tomb-cs mdq'wn ups to sow ms row" from a (Qatar-evoldtww free Admcssoon' Rated PG mum». “mum u; 7 00-9 00 pm , - Yopon Induce downOoadmg o‘bools and cache boots rommg ov msnvmg horn home etectromc boot mu vest-an hmq health l$$u¢$. Ph Free Adnmsnon' The (mpmatnon o! the Town d Wchqrth-Stouï¬mue resewes the nght toacceptOtreyectallorpanofmyflodwmmthenghno accept othevthanthe lowestï¬udandcancel mymfm Ms atanytime and supphmcnuty taxes on newly constructed homes, please at our website. Brenda Van Essen Manager, Revenue 8. Taxation Services WS-RFPUOS Bid documents are waiabï¬e It the Customs Service Centre. See our website (For Busmess tab) ‘0: more mfonnauon ConstnxboanrodengL-memSer- mesFQTheDesmï¬tddWL WWGMMW “~1me UPCOM'IG EXHIBITION ‘ ("SIM "(Em Kristi-Wad Erik Jenn-o: “_A._. llâ€"L- _ _ _ - ‘omuuy 2a Mam so 2cm nan-amp... mmwznmmzs, MI- 3.†p... WQHMMDWM C-oilabénhve' and undmdui! waterccvdou} works eupt'onng - amï¬hflw themes of fairytales dreams and myth-matan hwmm.“ , mum“ Main-mum: r M mmmnwm www.mâ€"sm Drop I“ and Create some hetnage crafts to take O home Tom the W“de Visa the gift shop See the umbal. A great “may expemnce' Regular mums-6h apples "Whimsy-used ammon “Meditatan camp-113M mmuflm mvmnmm Hakim†tom-4:00p- ‘ Thoma-tuniqu “wad-5w-â€â€" 300meST 13Febtuary2013 Saturday February; 2013 1:00 pan. to 4:00 pJn. Coda: loath Pavmon on Maul-tad: Lake Come out for a fun ï¬ned day of free activmes and food‘. our websfle for details. Councflcmn Are you a small business in Whnchunhï¬touffvxfle 'OOMHQ to reach new customers and gvow your busmess? See ouv website for details. To regastet, contact mrvane.championatownofwsxa. or ext. 230‘. The Town of Whitchurchâ€"Stouflwue vs seeking apphcants to the Whflchumhâ€"Stmflville Accessibility Adwsory COWWYHT‘EQ, Apphcatuon forms and committee mandate are avaolabte at the Municipal Ofï¬ces. the Whitchurch-Stouï¬vifle Pubhc Labtary and 00! website. F0! details, For detach ca" cart. 2222. Compteted applications are due by Friday Fcbnmy 21. 201 3 at 4:30 pm. FIE! SHALL ms m mu SEMINAR Wednesday February 13. 2013 9:30 am. - 12:00 noon 1011'! m we: CARNIVAL «WWaJhi-wuw TM (rut-M9 exhibit. created by TakmngGbobal and Wedby<mdmmgzzsamwmgflu masandmmotopdmdnw youth uross Canada to cum. express and showcase that damn perspectives on Canadian adenmy These crock; an m 26 winnng pieces, reptowntmg B prov‘m-tes. tomrm across C aha-do What your! here, pamupate in an on-ssfe an xtmy the! expenses youv (mun identity! Mum admssion t?‘fl."!l’o"£t 35;.‘igï¬zogi gill-quail"!!! {salad-‘CIS‘I Illa-Bullion. iotii a xiitii‘! munch-plasma Wmmm