0.. . t metrolandmedla A «dual assalm rcptde in a Main Street parking lot last min didn’! happen. ank Regkmal Police now say. "Allegathm Wl’fl.‘ made. they WPYP inws. tigatedl'vypol'lceandtheahatiomappear to be false.†York Regional Putin- (‘nmt Andy (hrolein(kï¬)andMaryHlynesgn-dMichelleO‘Hmasadancedassgoesonauhencwlocaï¬onoftheSilverJubilee55 Plus ClubinlztdumMTuaquhcmimsduboï¬dnflymowdï¬omdx-formapomofï¬aMondayï¬e:mononpagesl9. Pam-Men said (Smi'ï¬'ibune Sexual assault didn’t happen, police now say incidml was alleged to “It was quixc surprising how much talk SHARE THAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAIL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO IMASON@YRMG.COM mnmmou I mmmamm Iflmlmm arthau Tewellers WELCOME TO OUR NEW HOME place in downtown Smuï¬vilk’ Ian. 29 around 9 pm. Police are still investigating the case. No charges have been laid. The incident became a topic ofconm- mm on Mum. Facebook and the street last DANCE DONE FAMILIES OUT MONEY AFTER CENTRE CLOSES 5758 Main Sum Stouffvme, ON man Shoppers 905.640.4M6 mfoObanhauran wwaarthauxom WHITCHURCHSTOUFFVILLE PUBUC LIBRARY FREE ROSES! With a [ewellg 9f gr mom: Carry a cellphone at all times so that you can call for help if necessary. them was? (bmt. Panpndpn said. Police still remind you to try and not walk alone at night. 2993923 Park your vehicle and walk in well-lit STA†'HOYOISYEV! SOMEWILLE ~ Sandra Bolan GOALIE IN TOP FEMALE LEAGUE IN WORLD Studvnt contact information was inadwr tontly wnt out via the wwkly Spartan Speaks ncwslcttvr to almost 1,000 local famile last Slnuflvillv District N'condury School administrators wvrc quickly advised oi the error by parents Friday afternoon. who M‘t-ived tho v-mail and opened lhv lixu'l ï¬lt- altachnwnl. “We made every effort we could to ï¬tted] the mmmumcalion but we couldn't.†sand the high schuul's principal. Reid \N’ulshirv. "We'n? taking u very. very seriously. Wc'n' inwstigating it fully and taking steps In make sun- it dmsn'l happen again." Mr. Wilshirl- noting this has never happened at a school he has been a! hcfom. Pawn ts angemd after student infomzation sent with newsletter lhe ï¬le "1lede infommtion about 80 pm cent of the school's 1.200 students. including their grade. phone numbers. oâ€"mail addro‘scs and Ontario education numlx-m I! was au‘i- demh' attached to (he weddy mmlmwr by a school administration staff member. accord- ing to M r. \Vilhhil'c. “If something can ht- inadvenem. you want to make sum it's as difliwh as possible STILL SAVING PRIVACY BREACH AT SDSS BY SANDRA BOLAN s1v.»!‘nn@")'rnxg n um MT 30000;. In," N seepagen