GOVERNMENT: Thirty cents of each tax dollar for policing mumwmaddabwtmmumaxmu- h “W v a! m but for 3 mm a! the W mum" about the "mom debt. almofabomflï¬om. -_ - - me W B m m and mug whuh stands at about $2 btlhmtt. WWMCFDMMM. 'Idifgywmammseenmmxdbalu memmwaflmm ' _ wiflseeapudï¬ntsspudflmanw 'lmwmmmmm ofyemsandmdwdusdwabuayc wmmww‘im simLMBleuï¬wï¬mdingfrmnexte-malmt Wmï¬mammtï¬mmjd- mammmn Ybrk round] its 2013 ï¬nancial plan 'lhursday. 'lhr 52.9-an hudâ€" get a “ capital program and aSl.?-tï¬ï¬‚kmupemmtgp|m1 †IV SEAN PEARCE htgmflalkï¬l.memm1kmmamwmd ligmcanmenï¬omemem gummmneasen mmtmmsawminfliam the of 18 new paramedics 'm volume cafl areas and m Regional Point's mmcï¬moï¬mxandifldvï¬anx Wmmï¬mmdnï¬y Regional part of your tax bill to rise $40 North York Markham- Emblcokc Immature x. I M We“me 340 1333 Sheppatd Ave E . ‘ 71 1 1243 lslmqton Ave 418498-4151 ~905471~4327 416,-233-8881 TORONTO HEARING SERVICES lEAOING-EOUGE CARE FOR THE SOLUTION YOU SEEK! regional tax dollar collected. The 2013 capital budget indudes $266 milâ€" liOn In! the subway extension. 5135 mflliun for the Ybrk-lhlrhmn sewage system soulhcmt collector and $55 million for the Peel water supply pmjen. Mmyoflhe pmjects in the capital budge! MBmWspcudoMamanumba ofmmMMa-sdrabnym- sionwillreuï¬veflmdjngfrmnextemalmum anhadxeptwinoe. Some regional cwncillors mm con- cern about the region's debt. which stands at aboutSZbillkm The region is planning a l.75~pct-cenl tax inflame in 2014. The 2014 budget paws SlSlï¬lï¬onmcapitalexpendituresalflSlefl- boninopetaï¬ngcosts. Some regional councillors expressed Youaremvnedtommdal’uuxMeenngtobehddbymwwtmesmmeolmmdmm (a) to (0096!! an :pplunon by (FxOT Buttonwle PnpenmlP ï¬x an Ofï¬ce! Plan unendmem and new Setondaty Plan lo! the redevelopment ol mounting Buttomnlle Aupon lands; and, ~ (b) to consult stakeholders on the planning and design ol Allstate Parkway and Renlrew’ Dave from that BXMIOQ laminate 16m Ammduthe MthssEmmwnul Assesan 20". SUBJECT [AIDS Yb: subjea lands consist of apptoxlmately 1‘0 beams (170mm) mWardoomeCuy of Markham. Thelands mgemalybouodedbylmmenuetothenonh, Highway 404 to the west. the Rouge Rum and the BeaveICreet to the northeast and sunburst, Renfm Dnve to the eaé! and Valkywood Dme to the south (See map How). Wtammndumtomewt. Wmmmnucmmlmmm mmfliflnayMtoflrm Eth mmmmqummm WWWMMIMMW (HOV Summit Pmpcmfl [P has Wmed an Whmmuflmmmlmm WMMWCIBWMOIMHQNW MWWMWWMk-Mpon W ugh dowry "and use Wm. mad. offKe. MW! and mot-Mal oestrus TMstismfomwlmdsmsfolbws. MMW‘SMR Ofï¬cnll’hn Amendment mmSeconduyMthuwlmispmpounqm Rmapmlonofmmhm'imm Justus; Pul'to‘Conmul â€"(ommnity Amenity Mea' and expand the 'lndustml ' Busmess Pm Wmthemmdevofmem Him AID EFFECT Of TH! PROPOSED "w W and dim of"! pmpnwd Wu! "an and new Secondary Pun amendment us to home" thehnntendevdopmofmeomotmlehmon lands BothtbeproposedOflxulPunmndmt Pedesman and mu onemed dams Much oï¬enamdemqeofuiesmdm, Ammedmeveuiï¬ï¬‚xemmdemulconmled ametemeofthedevelomnmmm (om-um resadenmi uses located mew along mmdmmnm A lame mm tenure «intent to the mud use (on. along the western edge of the pmpeny and adptem to the Hoqhway 404 transpomtm NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Monday January 28, 2013 |.7:OO‘p.m. Council Chamber, Anthony Roman Centre 101 Town Centre Blvd., Markham Wheel†low and ptoposed Sewndary Ptan amendment m" requue Reguon of York approval, HARM AID DESIGN Of ILLS“?! mu AND REM“ DIM Athlete Parkway 5 an extstmg Mane mayo: (ouxtm road fvom Hdwm 7 to Valleywood Dnve, and then tapes to a Z-lane minoc tolledoc mad 1mm Vatleywood Dnve to Its tetmmus. Renhew Dnve cs an exustmq Ham Industrial (cueuo: toad from Valleywood Dnvetomtetmm. Aspartotmetedeveiopment at the: planmng apphanon, 0mm transportation Mastmctme and semces mu be requued. tt :3 antitth that the extensson of these two mmknpal roads MN be mounted to 16th Avenue to setvxe thos me Munmpal (lass EA process erI be coordmated or mteqrated wrth the Pianmng Art process to avord dupkatvon and to ensure rmproved envvronmental pmtertm, at Wfll‘d under semen A 2 9 of the Mmmpal (lass [A proress UTE mus M MUM r) lfapersonorpublrrbodydoesnotmkeoral submrssaons at a pubhc meetmqpr make when wbmrwom to the (rty of Marih‘am Won the proposed ofhoal plan amendment IS adopted. the personorpubkbodyrsnotemtiedtoappealthe dectsaon of the approval authonty to the Ontano Mumupal Board. «Hfapersonorpublxbodydoesnotmakeoral submrsslons at a pubIKAmeetmg or make wntteo submmaon to the City of Markham before the proposedofhoalplan amendmentrsadopted.the personorpubtxbodynuynotbeaddedasaparty totheheamqofanappealbeforetheOMJrIo Munxrpalï¬oardurdessmmeopmmoftheï¬oard. there are remubteqmvdstoeddapersonto WNKWWHWYY "ammuwtshtobenwfleddmemdme proposedofhdalplmarnendmrï¬ordmerehml ofareQWtoMtheoflKialplan,youmust mate a wrmen request to the (Iert'x Department at the address noted above or by ernaul to podyanoud markham‘ca AcopyotthepmposedOflKulPthmem n amiable to! puck moving at the Devdopmem SamsCommdtheCnyWOfï¬mbdmn the hows M8:303.m. and 4.30 pm. Adan mutton ns avalaNe hum Geofl Day. mm -WestDevHopImtIeunm. 3071 of the (ny’s Planning Wat tel. (W5) 477-7000. enquomgflenumbGOP-H 415381‘ Personal mfonmtion counted m response to (hrs plannmq nohce mfl be used to assist (fly 5M! and (mitopmessthnappiutionandwï¬bemdc mummnm \ (ms'mnowmbpvmma ummcm Wmmmmu