Kelly Bachoo and (bust. Andy Patten- den had just left the some of another cmxh on Mount Alben Road in F251 (Bwilhmbury when their eastbound vehicle and a westbound [ï¬dup mud: collided J The two media ofï¬cers were taken m hospi ~ M by air ambuhnm. ' mend aï¬et their cruiser collided with another Const. Panenden. who is aka the co-onh~ tutor of the SloutMlk Community thcmg Centre. was back to work Monday on modiï¬ed dunes while he continues his recuperation. Sgt. Bachoo. hm. wm no! as lucky. but did (scape major injury. She has been trans- fmed to a rehabilitation and physiotherapy ward. Although police wouldn't wleasc the spe- dï¬c injuries to either ofï¬cer. they did sm‘ Sgt suffered lower body injuries. The crash remaim under inwsugaunn. The depamnem has n-(‘eivni "mm mm sages of support since the crush. mnwlhing u appmcxates. (lonst. Blair Mchllan mud, lucky 191 nowadopted K) Date: hungry 16, 2013 ‘ Time: 6:30 -â€" 9:00 PM Location: Council Chambers, Municipal Ofï¬ces, Ill Sandiford Drive. Stouffvflk On December 4. 2012. Town Council LUNMdCICd a stall report prescntmg thc Final Consultant Reports on the Ballantrac Muswlman lakr and Envrmm Secondary Plan , lltghway 48 (Zorrtdor Rcvkw. At that ,mcctlng. 'l‘own L‘uunul .Iduptcd a rcsulutlun In mmmenu: the statutory process under the Planning Act to adopt amendman tn the Ballantrac Mussclman l alte and Envrmns Secondary Plan and the Zoning BY-law tullnwmg a puhlu mtnrmatmn kt‘lflrl' on the ï¬nal (unsultant rcportts) and rcmm mcndattum The Puhlu‘ lnt‘nrmatmn (chtrc meeting wrll pruvtdr an uppurmmty tn uhtam more mturmatmn about the hnal (innsultant Reptth and PHIVIdC Input on the ( ’unsultant rrunnmcndcd ()fftt ml Plan and Znntng By law Amcndmcnts prmr to the tummcnt‘cmcnt M a future statutory prou'“ under the Planning Act 6:30 Doors Open You are uwncd to attend a Public Informanon (icmre hosted by the [own or Whmhurch Stouffwllc. bungumdudcd asrpan of the Ballamue Mussclman I ah and ltnvmmx Secondary Plan / Highway 48 Coman Rcvmw 6:30 6:30 » 7:30 7:30 - 8:30 8:30 ~ 9:00 905-640 WW 0! [8556428697. Ext. 2320 I Fax: 905~(H0»79S7 P maul llamdrmdolov-ofm.“ 6:30 » 7:30 Review Pmtatlon Boards/Staff and [ad (Msultant available for question 5 discussion 7:30 - 8:30 Introduction / Presentation/General questions and comments 8:“) « 9:00 Staff and the Lead Consultant available for questions I discussion lhc luuH unsullanl chnrh are .tlelJMt‘ tnr rm nm In thv uttu cs nl thc lh-panmrm Planning and Budding. Mummpal Olllu‘s nr unlum- .n llttpzllwww.townolws.calballantrat' mussclman lalu: sec Nina“! Study Contact sf Alla Druid. MCIP. RPP i Manager. Plannmg Scnu 1's é l’cpumu'nt u! Planning 8x Bulldlng Stun" I Tmnn ul \V’hlulmnh ‘wluullullt. 1H \«Hullluld “Inn \luullullu ON I 1A 071% One York ofï¬cer back on duty after crash NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The Ballantrae - Musselman Lake and Environs Secondary Plan / * Highway 48 Corridor Review â€" Final Consultant Reports BY IUIEMY (ill MALI†pgnmaldttawmg « om TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE S 640 1900 o ()nlan‘o SH LA announced the adoptive family was that of a Yuri Regional Police ofï¬cer. 1111' news comes two months after the i hound dog was discovered injured. bloodied ;; and emaciated in Aurora by a police ofï¬cer. lnitiafly. images of the dog shodned many msidems and the wider nation as photo- ‘ graphs wow beamed across the country. up] :wpsm “gm-var after the initial story broke. learned the dog was chemi- cally branded with (eruptmuy hair dye rather than {mew burned. a omelet technique. (‘anadians‘ s‘hnwnd their gmutwiil toward lucky. donating $51!!) in 2‘11: wvcks to help fund the health costs and mum-w of the dog. After the dog gamed almost two kilograms in wright. su his rihs wow nn longer visiblv. about 50 pvuplc calm- funvatd to adopt the animal. [hiring lhv .ulnp‘iiw pron-m lucky was labcivd as hum}; a "gooflmll" personality. thy ( )nmrin SH A's Brad Dewar \aid Hw nmmx-r I‘H strali (m "‘1' dog's [m has mm largely gmwn mu. hr added, Mr" lX-wur md thr nï¬'u'm whn fmmd I m In; (mm. .\'rm.\hm Mk lrllan. who. at the mm. mid “win-gum rum shv \muld considvr dduplmg llw dug. was nul 1hr nrw uwm'r. POLI BRIEst