“';:'.< I umuwvrkrtgtonxum. 51mm“; ..t.. ..“-t.. w W... a..th I “tn! u! WHI'I‘CH U RCHâ€"S'I‘OUPFVILLB NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Pedestrian Trail Bridge Crossing of Little Rouge Creek Class Environmental Assessment Study I‘lll. bll'l'ln llte ltmn ut \\ lllIthllIkll \tuuttulle thrnugh thett enemeet the udhttila; '- Ttl‘dlltllll. “Chung and \thatex. has ttttttated at l.t\\ lttx tntnntetttal \w-xxtttent ' It .I 1"Hl‘nxttl twelextttatt ttatl htttlge ttmungul the I tttle Rnttget reek l‘tt ptnpuxetl l~v tthzt \\I will t unnet t, tn muting tee teattnn trails and ptm tde tnnttnuttv to the turret†tun} llt tut trl. a~ tdetmlted tn the Itmtt's ttatl plan I Ill; l’ROCl'Sb l lm ptwett n hung planned .t\ a \hedule ll t‘tuiett as UtllllltUl tn the Man t ;~ l neuteet \ \\\tKl.lltul] tMl' ~‘t1 Mumupal (lassl'nnrnntm‘ntal Assesxtnent 't it tulxtv .‘ HM: ta .ttttettdt‘d m 2W" .‘k .‘ttt l i. “huh t~ an apprm-ed prmexs undet the Mn ttttntttetttal \. ~\t‘\\lllt vtt \tt \ ltet mmpunent ul the study thl he eunsultattntt mth tntett \ted Hakeht t tit u pathltt and .tgenetev ttne t’uhhe lntormatum tienttetl’lt t Will he held .t~ part at "M utttxltllallnn mute“. at whtelt the prmeet and \utpe Will he ptesented‘ altet natn e \Ulttl u an and e\ aluatmn ttttetta tt'\ tewed. and etmtunnwntal uttpaets and mitigation meaxutex dm tmet: Illt' I'll w tll he held Nus'emher .38. .llll: lmm (1:00 pnt tn 8 H!) pent wltlt .t l\Il(‘l ptt‘u‘nldllun at 7:01) p m. The venuewnll he the lown nl \Vttttehtttth \tuttttt tlle \tumt tpal Uttk e~ at lll Sandltord lhwe. tn the( mint II I “hamhers COMMENTS IN V I'I'ED ll vmt have attv questions at mmmetth regarding the \tudx or H uh tn he added II‘ the stud» matlmg ll\l. please umtatt either til the lulluwtng proved team memhets Paul Neumnn Paul lnPnlme. I’.Eng. Manager of Capital Projects ( Ionsulunt l’mieet Manager luwn ul \Vl’lllt hunh ~\tuullnlle t htshnlm. Fleming and Na.“ mu \ lll \andtlurd Unve H.†Renttm lttm: mm H . \tmtllnlle. t MN I 4A tl/X Markham t \\ l W “\8 lelephune: 903 Mt) l‘lltl x3404 lelephune W \ 4 ’4 l-l'xh‘ \.' ~l lull I'ree t 85% M2 "lt't\~’Nttth%t lull Free 1 mt .‘-tt tH" tax 90% Nu NR7 In W“ 4 ‘4 NIH l‘lttall. P-IUI.Ill‘lllllelIll‘rIUWIlUIM'\.\.l lmatl pant Iawlmew \ l‘tMIlt‘llltllt mm; mm l'etwttal tntntmattun Will he tulle‘ ted umlet the authutm at the .‘xltttttt tt‘al \t t‘ ,‘thl‘ \ t 3‘ t .‘-t. a~ amended. and WIN he med hr the lnwtt ut Whitthutth \tnuthtllt tut the putpme nt wtwtdtttg tttrther Iltllllkclllflll regardtngthet lass luA Stuth .-\n\ queuth teeatdtngthe t nllutlun ul IlH‘ tnlt-rnmttnn xliuuld he diluted in the l'reedum wt lttlutntattun and l‘tna‘ \ t untdtnatut at Qtt‘i tvltl Nlttot I M“ M: MUY‘ ext 2222 \\tth tlteeueptmn ut personal tntnttttattun. all utmmettts mll heenme patt ml the puhlu temtd l‘hts Nottle tmt mued Ntwemhet 3, .‘ttt ,‘ JJ ll ll tl ll 2! ‘t l NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT AND puauc INFORMATION CENTRE Pedestrian Trail Bridge Crossing of Stouffville Creek Class Environmental Assessment Study llll‘ï¬l l'lll CL '3 \\ t. t»? ‘»\ llllt Run h \fnulh tlle thruttgh that ettgtneertn}; mmultatttt hnttm' , ttt '2‘.l.":;_ attd \wmatn l.a~ Jllllalt‘tl .t tjlaxs liltHrnntttCnlJl:\\\C\\ttk'ltl lot a pmtxm-tt txdestm' Ytat lvutg: Anette W! the Mouth tllet teelt l‘he pmpmxlhtklge Mtuld utttnett tuex:\t.tte were shut: it t ix am“ ,‘tt~\ us, ttl'lllttilil‘t tn the metall ttatl rtetmttlt. as tdetttthul tn the Eu“ tt ‘ 'Lt-L we I Ill. I'RUL I,» l ex l‘lt'lt‘ll t\ heme planned as a .‘xhetlule ll ptuml .|\ nutlttted tty the \lllllkll‘d‘ l new it \ \wu taltt't‘ \ll-A‘ \ltmttttult la“ I nvtrt‘nmental .'\\\('\\fll(‘lll =t\tnhet 3000 .h amended m .‘HV‘ f: .‘t ‘3 ‘tslllxlilxall .tmvrmulpnxexx undu the Ixm‘trnnmental Assessment Att \ km A 'ttputtent t‘l the vault Will he tumultatmtt mth Interested \I.ll\CllUlthl\ l‘lll‘lte and lumen \ t. 'ttt l’uhltt ltttttttttattttttt etttte l’lt wull he held .tspatt ttl tlk'mthttltatk‘ttt [mum at Mm ft 'he gm an t and slope \\ lll he presented. alternattw suluttnns and emluatu m t rttena rex It‘vu‘tl .me. em trtttt'nerttal IHlP-k t\ and nuttgatum measurex tltxeuwxl. lhe l’lt wtll he held \memher lbâ€. .‘ttll trem «uttan tn 8:01» pm thh a hnet prewntatmn a: W†p ttt lhe \t‘tlue mllhethe"l‘tmltnl'Wmtehutth Stuul'l'wlle Mutttupaltltllmat ll; \Hnlllttttl l‘t1\t‘,:lllllt'l tumult hamherx COMMENTS INVITED lt mu INN am qu‘\ll\'ll3tll mmttwnts regarding the stud». ot Whlt to he added to the \tudx ntatlme Itst plane t utttatt etthet at the tullowmg prtteet team memhen. Paul Neuman Poul LaPnltne. Ping, Manager ol Capital Projects Consultant Proieet Manager ltm tt ul \‘Ihllkllllrkh‘SII’UI‘IlVIIlC lll \andttnttl llttve \tttttthtlleUN I*I.Al1/.8 lt‘lt‘t‘httnt‘ W5 (‘40 WW 12404 lull I'h“ l 85" M: Tl “VNIM‘N’V lax W“ tvlll V“- l mad pattl nettmantu'tmvmfwx ea t. htsholm‘ Fleming and :wa hilt“ il‘ Rentrew lime. Sutte wt \Ifirkham. UN UR “Ni lelephone VHSâ€"4,7414% x.‘ it lttlll‘tt‘t“ l 8833“ 4â€" lat 90" 474' lull) l'lhdll paullamlmew ehtshtltttllettstztgmm l't‘MHltJ‘ tnttvrtttattutt mll he mllexted undet the .tuthtttttv ot the Muntttpal Mt. ; M .\ H \ .‘ l .t\ amended. and thl he med hy the low It ut Whitthtttth \tttttlh tllt‘ tut tht guttth ut ptm ulme tutthet ttntttuatmn tegatdtttg the t la“ l‘:\ \"tudt ~\m queuumx teeatdate tlw t l‘ll('\ tum. nt thts tttturmatmn should he dtm ted to the lereedum ut lnlurtttalmn and PM at \ ( .mulmatur .u 00" h“) IQIO or] 8V; (‘4: RN)†ext :22; \Vtth the t‘Vut‘Plh‘lt nl '.‘\ “anal tlllt‘l mattun. all mmmems will heeome part ot’the puhltt ret utd This None tttxt mued Nuvettthet 5.31‘l.‘