A painted wooden floor for a stunning look ‘\ paintell wooden lloor can bring 111-11 1111: tape 11111 the (omen ol the tape tn such lllt‘ to anv room. but don't llnnt yoursell to a way as to obtain precise angles. Apply the 111stone1‘olout l-xplon' the art ol tnetamor dullerent mloun ol paint to each element of plums and treate .1 dIamond pattern lot .1 the pattern wnh a patnthtuxh litan-hasul unique ltmlx. paint is meonunendml tor lloors‘. \‘our first \lt'ps 1n lllh renmatton pinjt‘t'l :‘dtet Will have painted your pattern. are to 1‘l1'an the lloot and then .111pr .11‘oat lt'lllm't' the 111.1xlungtalw around each due of hlaelt wood stam. lo xtart ereattng the mood ax soon tls‘ you've tlnrshed \t) that pattem. draw a line on the lloor with a plt‘t‘t‘ you ran dean up any wet paint that has run ol chalk 11ng aeroxs the eentre ot the room. under the tape A l‘llllhll the wood with the running parallel to a straight wall. Decide on coats of varnish. leaw'ng each mat to dry for the size of your diamond pattern by ensur- at least an hour. You will be able to walk on 1111: that each angle that interxeets the base the wood floor after appltn'ng the last mat. llne lonns an exact 90° angle. but it will take at least a week before the varâ€" Marl the diamonds to be painted and nlsh is hard enough to rexixt wakrnarldng deman‘ate the tndmdual horderx with mask lmnt furnttnre ‘3' w\' ‘wrumL! . moa'uotflaqaokw I .m ~z..;,; :. - 1 fl“ Water Puriï¬cation - Sale.s-Serviceâ€"Rental;w - Repairs to All Makes "The right unit for the right job find Awa'aenctmlvo Colour Ladt'“ technology. the colour 5 locked right in -â€" no m ’ - wood 8: much mmmmmmmmam oolourantsand can'tuwcatedbyanyoneou Looktornnblgrodmumstmmm netghboumoodanqunm. (mom _ , a ‘ Avail-nut: muoomoocom u , - ~ 6380 Main smut. Stouffville 905642-5883 sell-ct Napoleon Inutleh