other W Mer Atmdxr , a O Suï¬-Thbune ‘hlâ€˜ï¬ (MU ,‘hl,' .. ‘10“ ht .K.’ ‘8 'HIHIhH il’srflf \l‘u 91]“ (.40 NJ. . 1 I ma; 4\ \‘w‘ \IH « (.HI .‘K' « “ H’u- Sun Trimmi- wflmul-n “mu ‘6 Icn MI tum-«ma ins mud II! hm than «I‘ m an! mm nu mm a m Winn- mm. m m! nun-m Ihr Nan Wm m mr to W m nut flu! and m «in in flat my and man- “Wot Wrwmm mama mum ammo 100mm MW xmmmm Whammy IMNM. mm “mm. Wimm BannnWCmen. WSW Lm.Smum SM~M.WM m.wm GWYW‘M Mlmmnmwm AIMINISTMI‘Nm nth-IMmusme‘ c um "uva my um: Yuri luv-In Maia ( «mm mmmumu h N M m. M l6! munOyml (on ADVUII‘IMM. «mum: ‘Hcm‘ 0M 394,82“ Dew William: [MYERS POLKY MAW.“ gamut?! liummw hm Mason lnfonnatimm II'\ when Wl‘ do .1! I110 Munï¬villv SunTITil‘mmn ht' n on thru- pagm m yurknégitmuml Information. It'siwhai many waidcms. mm. .md 0k] want tmm Us and omen in um umunum’ty We heard u loud and dean at Smuflville (anmmms. the infur nation-sharing «mum hmwd by this newspagx'r and the Iehuvk‘ (k'nm- In! Ans Entertainment w Nineteen un 1hr Park last month. Smuflvillt' has winwswd unpm'u dented growth during {hr lam dn ddt.‘ ‘Ihe population reached mm In 20] l. gaming 54.3 per mm sinvv Jill) makhagWhitrhun‘h Slinle tho third fastcestrmmrilug mmnmnily in ( Lumdn The population is vxportc-d to halkxm to 50111) [112021. York Regina's pupulal‘mn is vxgxnul m lup 1.5 million by 211'â€, And N pm cent of those people will not haw hwy} horn in Canada. Bottom ï¬ne? Those people will um! inmnnahun. Luis M it. About Canada and [his community Kudm to local groups than ham: almam' mlk-d 0m lhv M-konu- mau m um new ncightmurx. l'hal list Includes 11%|“ Sluufh'lllv. which teaches [nudism to immigrants nm of l-As‘tRidgc limngvlkral Missimr ary (Ihun‘h. and the Smuffvillc M‘uln» cultural Awnamm. An mfnnnation comm should bv thv W 5mm W. 1950 ' mv “.mnv-“u h “mm pmvkh. amm.r\ va Sinnï¬vilk'. with ht.)fl\t‘\ 12 wan m thaw qm‘sflons. fmm thv simplv "Humim‘m‘r m m.- trumpk-x. many Inng u-Im 1w "Wde 5""de dcms “he for “mad ‘ l‘hv‘n- .m' (mly two “mm m lhr w." Bu! we can all do more. as (he talks Mm 100k gum in uur ( hnwwanun vu- Hing told Us. 11w cvan rould aim an as u «‘Imr mg houw for mlunleer umxmmmuw cwmnw fmm students to n‘unng mm hm)an am- seeking. lhv u-mn‘ vault! hm! an l‘Vt‘Hh mi cndar fur local groups and hummusan to plan their own activities around 11w u-mm can he as simpk‘ m .a small Husk lowed in the mun'n um! ofï¬ces or Stoth train station. ll. Ion. would he vnlumu‘I-nm and staffed. a staph- of lifv hm- m Whiu'hunth-Stouflville. Residents also told m they wnuld like mum signage miwnisinu luml wvms. minimum at 3hr onlmm vs In out community. "Hwy wouid like more \lnm‘s nn kicalcwms. An ofï¬cial inhmnalkm should he the Wm of our «fans to be mom Inform-(M. New ‘centre’qf town needed Editorial More events, open roads would help unite Stouffville “1W0 Slow ( )ld SmutMlk' based on Main Sin-cl. homvs I: swam (M and uldcr. with (mu-n. whn shop (shopped) fur {nod at l( i,-\. AM’ \0 Milk. and Mom). and " 111:“ Town of Hoowr Park". pvopk‘ Whn du all their shopping at Walmam and nth wr m dnw (m an 5mm (1)! is I! , Rr' Mating tn hmr ï¬'nm mu. Mim- IiuI. ( Dr! 4 in! um \llfl‘.‘ If we haw twu ur mm- fluuflvfllm. Nvullyuid Stoum'ilk'. punlw‘ms humus. hum- !ru-s. people whu um “all m the lufn slum!) or Pickle I’Klk'. l‘hvn‘ .uv only two "mm m the wau mm whvn I «1‘ the town "uniï¬vd" lulv l “11‘â€? MW“ tin-m "is mum and lhv Struwtx'm hm uni-sired asset tivnl hams 300 to 350 North-south movement 3 m4 lhvrv should he em .mrmpt m nmlr mnn‘ north/mum .un-sx In \nmflulhw \lam Slaw MW." \‘mvl was npmwd a mupk‘ nf wan .mu Part Hm r was nprnvd rwcmly Smdnmd Ihiw should lx- npvnvd up 1|":th."va .md mnnut Bramhk‘ In Izdward. :lmvn‘sung lhal Mulï¬u‘suum \huwx flux mud open) Information , N-wml years ago. we had the Uovd Brimm Auto to keep us mfurmu! uf mks. l alumni to May-m Wawa limmomm lht‘fl‘ should be abom ï¬ve or, at: such simth plawd at the several appnndws m the town. "88!“ Oakvflle docs U|d Stouflvmc. bum I950 - 2000. “ 11mm S‘muflvlllu“ H‘umng In hmr fmm mu. «hm D What dowadm iSSIRSU Letters to the Editor ' "Stiff-Fibune FOR BREAKFAST, SOME ARE CRISPY, IF YOU DONT WANT CHOCOLATE BARS WE. HAVE‘CHIRS. /"""" Puuusuun Ian Prmulfom Mouth The mayut'hm vxprvswd his hupr tn we mom mundabouts in town. Mundaboum eliminate wasteful four- way stops and encourage easier and slmxilhl‘l pmgrms through the town. “‘1’ will have to somehow teach drivers hnw to use them. um wrll Alocaldnw I think it's time to get an emu-pm new to build StoufMllds Big Straw- ln-m' .‘II the wummm mmer of va. 48 and Smuffvilk Ruad. lTwu- might be the. need for a mcdi~ um-sm‘d assembly hall in town. Per- haps :mu m 350 seats. with theatre. sMo mum}; and a wellâ€"«1111mm stage. 1119 mare might be available in the munici. pal ufliws. Except for the tiny centre at lcnth and Main. all of our shopping is remn- amd west and wuthM-st. Suutlrrvntnn «south-omit. north-east and mid-mnh mas have no such facilities. lth'mk the town has done a gram ‘pnh (with the (kwlnpers. obviously) in gating numerous; play areas and walk»- ways Walking the “any Fox Run mun- immdmcd us to some of these. lm's yuxblishannpohlmmcmih ION BROWNSIEIGER 5m: rm'11.1.t ill] UH-fllr IUD "N‘l'l‘ {N‘ "DM' Iaugns dlmul. hv's umnmmlh landed on hh feet. even without the posi- nrmh law (it'ng "It's been a lmlv \urn‘al and lnum‘." hr said "And I'm thankful for that.†[I'm Mason is vdimr of The Sun- Tribune. others? Emma:me WWW Smule park: Ind walking mama SlmM.ON I.“ 101 mw,m HAVE YOUR SAY g TOO FEW KIDS 1' :ATIHEDOORi LASTNIGHTI Datum Pwuun um I“! Aw \HHHI lhIm'mI. ()nauuns Rarn‘ Mud hum Mum.†hm" Wilma: Mum: lb ( mm [Wham Arlh “It‘s bizarre." M r. Manet said Mun- day. ‘Even though Ihe NHL is dark. it’s still the story to follow. The only thingiis. them awn't any gamt's ‘ Mlh no end m vie-w. “Right now. it appears it will be in a hit of a deep {rt-971‘." hl.‘ sand. “Pm me duwn as skeptical" Far from normal for NHL broadcaster In a normal Nuvcmher. leff March would be mnkmg the NHL bout for Sponqu commuting {mm his humv in smuï¬ville to all: big-league games on TV and radio. This is no! the norm; The players an' lm‘kt‘d mu. Hwy- amn't \peak mg to the owners. We‘rt- left with stock. footage of young guns and old dudes in {NEW mils posmr~ ing behind microphones in Toronto and NewYork. And them's this new home town to discover for Mr Hawk. wife (Jain: Robinson. their two kids and new dog who moved m last July. There's still plenty of work on radio and TV plm (he ptxk‘asls he rounds in his home stud)". They enjoyed a Smuï¬xfllc win recently. Dad was bluwn by the talent at the Jr A level. “I know I'd love Stuufh’ilk'. but 1 mm“ know it wuuld lw this much." said Mr. Marat. whuw friends include local mum‘s and m NI ll Ms Brad May and kt-Ith At tun Before Sportsnvt. tho 'l'urunto nutiw spvnt fnttt watts as host nf Hockey Night in (Landau Radm. m- hnstcd the Mod: for (‘NK “(M‘kt‘y Night in (kutadu and was mm of I‘ht‘ Icfl March Show and t u hmt of lratfx Lutuh on talk Radio AM 640. “it's hm'tt kmd M an iltlltk‘lflai can-or." \ald Mr. Marti. who post- poned wmking on .t PhD in lingiish tn talu‘ .m vntn It‘Vt'l tub in pmâ€" muttons at the Mufï¬n). Fin‘d {mm an (m-air job thc‘rv hr now laughs ahnut. ht“: mtttmualh landed on his feet. even without the post- graduate (W with lim Muwn Off The Top I )I It“ 'I‘ :I. (.ummwlflul Hun .Mn’izl'll\u~fl. l~~hm HI'UW "mum. at Bum-u“ \ngmunumuh Ruhr†I‘qulhl murmt. Imnlllrrum 1mm: Mu Inn (1 Spirit away