DYourClassifiedsca W' i mm M Basin»: 8: Tohphono Hours: Monday ~ Friday. 8:30 am ~ 5:30 pm \ call Man haul» ts our 0! 2! (.mud‘um hockey 0m « mls who haw been assignu! by the [nurnwnmml lu' H4ka Ink-ration m work all I2 diflvn‘nt lllll‘ wmm during the 2MB, Ii! u-amn. Ilndu'y (imam .‘mnuum'ed Monday. Smuffvillc‘s Mm Thu!) will 314 more "HP work Tran back on world stage ’lhc Sumflvinv mskk‘m whu wurh as u Imvs man. was «might-d In the lllll‘ World llmk-I m Lhmnpmnamm m In- playt-d in fwd". flux-5m hum April IH-Zfl lam year. maul) walked the NH!“ Wuld (3mm plumal division um.- (imup A playduwm i3) lju blunt. Ills resume includes wurldng two Memorial (“up championshlm. a wudd under I7 and work! junior champkmmip. : 1-800-743-3353 LIWWWW,â€O Mn mom-mu m MrMmS Mus mhm «Au «1160ng t um V the Stuuflvnllu Yankees Baseball Aw» éiauun’wa‘s a big hit an lhc,dimmmd m (ht-it inaugural campaign this. past mm mm A! the annual Ymt 8mm»: thmll Awu‘muun awards Imnqum Sunday. tin- Yamkws n-wlwd high n-t‘ugniunn m wwral muan It’s. Ufl‘ lhv fwld. tlwu wan in launching hawhull m Wluuhunth-Smuflvilk did nut 30 unlimited. Hwy won the maximum Inca! wa‘iminn m lhv Yvar award Inr in vau‘vllt-m-v m "meaning in mrurdanu' wnh awx'mtmn standards. Hashing the awwialion's Mosquito wlw! championships was a big slvp m winning thv award. cumbim‘d with vn-t-Ilvm truthful hum visiting learns, Phase “.14 sham-d with 011* lawn ul \mttchurch-Moum'me for pnMdmg a magniï¬cent mum" at Bethesda Spun» l'u-kh. Mil» kmhl .u‘wpwd the award on behalf of the Yanle and was quick In attknmvledgc the mluntaet bond mem- hvn who put in mundem hours of wt \‘it v. Yankees score awards for rookie season HY MILIMEI. IIAYAKAWA 1'4:- uwmmmmbomwm Domhuwm fax Kuhn M‘hluwlcdged fellow board mcmbcn hourgl- manopoulos. Rob Hulmm. Mikv Handlk‘. 'l'om mum and Bill Smweml fur“ vwmplary service Hualsn gem: thanks to Maya: Waylw l-nunmsnn {m hacking the gruup and In \Mflvls Rub Raycmfl. Mike Ru‘hamiwn. ldnvt Ruhl. Bruce "an and parks stafl tor "pnm’ding excellent service" to thm'r “mam/mum kumnupuulm won the YSIM l‘xm‘u- Hu' anhm uf llemu uwmtl [m lead mg lhv deh't‘s. which had 240 play vrs and 2| teams play in the inaugural season Kannoptmlos also received high praisv for running I successful m0- vimiun championship weekend in Sumflvilk‘ and for hosting 3 “mm : 1-905-853-1765 0pm:ng m m‘mhlam‘c with [m u! A.ss(u'uzliurr of flu Year umml tin its urcvlh'm‘r in I'lm' mm the association's ussommon standards. «1 mm ummmncm, "It wamcuachvs llkv Krmwlh Am? nus. Sww llnrwly. Nadim- ‘lhumpsun. Shawn li'msturiu lumm and mum less mlwrx whu “000 um .I\ gnu! mlv mndl'ls. working wnh 1hr Md» town week pnwidhng a Inn and wit amm- sphorv at thv hall dlammuh " kmannw» ulm «and. Kurmmpnulus thanked hlx mic hmmw 1m standing In. hh mlv and being pmwm. as running 1hr «mum/n mm took away valuable Lumh mm In lhv plan-Is (Airgun. Yank-vs mosquim wk‘ct player Spence! krabi won the new x‘ianmn'x Svlm‘l Play†at the Your award I’N'sidcm 1mmâ€)! Alhdlln and [hr assu- ciation kicked forward to Smuflvillc'c. second season of operannns. 1110 Yan- kees will be allowed in 0mm n'p teams fur the ï¬n! timo \ Ymu uwunl Kmh: had thv mqu hailing .uwugv during their chumpiunshlp qurnunwm. hmmg .346 during the wwkmd ï¬ouffvflk‘ homo loagm' play/9n num- inawd for awatds includvd pocwvo and leuw: Su-vvn Hmmu and MW hulk-1V. human: and almw: Alt-x \h Muhnn .uld Man lvimnumn, In. \ I .877.m.045| 12mm I “(out maaordrmukentn-xom Applicants must: House email: Amongfrknda MW “VJH‘ .I \‘H! knc“h‘dxn‘ N! Br maulch u uh xhc \ i 4 Han- a rvluhlc whn I\ .m Denial other [mum] m \"unun n nun-ml) luukmg h»: .m Fuwrinwtd l'uuumrr \‘on in- or Health Mammal Admin. lk‘flh’l' cxmncm \‘ M1 .hu‘l Haw Dental upcncm t‘ .m and pmmun awilahlc mmmlmclx \cnd rcxumv (m or h‘llcr In «mung I m‘ndx ( ‘hnld (.m- ( L‘Imm h wckmu [LIH'UIHL Qualit) Aswan“ \sxmanh ‘0 H\\!K'\l£l \H t‘l\(‘\' Hillnll‘h II n t‘ @Work (\puwnu nu! WORKOPOLIS hiltk .lfl nlr \(II aâ€