lhmï¬umfleBnckSchoolofWD‘namSlouï¬vincenioymmcdcckdmeon MMaicstyoftthcucruiscshiphnwcekmd. once back on dry land. “(Monday) wean bonded the last and only flight out nf Miami coming north mm the hurricane with Sandy on its way to NewYofk.‘ said Ms Brock in an e-mafl. Dancers catch last flight from Florida Sandy caused dozens of cruise ships to mm port calk and several cancellation; WhammesdmIMStoufMfle's Rï¬chudson Masonic lndp previously trav- ekdtoSmdunQucagomden-im. Backdamenmnawbusyminimfor ‘ tin-Canadiandwnpkmsiupsteammmpai. fl lioninNkmtrmHnMy. ' i ' IRICK 3cm 0' HIGHLAND OAK! H0070 m“