‘ Police chief prepares for population boom mumuldm‘wmg mm Path skin m thy wan has an vuomy. Hut gum Im a police {mu-'5 "war on drugs" m “war un crtnw'. I1w fully m this watt-n. sumv say. In it ran signal to mp9s on "11' “mum! that. out them mnwwhcm. tht-tv's an mt'my. York Rvgimml l’uliw (filil'f lam iuiliflc- mm a untimsling .mpmach m PHSllfl‘ that. tame: iiun he staminiflsh with those tiwy an- menu! In wrw. his ofï¬cers wmix in pn-wni mum. iiy building N‘iullllnshilh .nui twirling in mmc l‘qlmuy ' lot many. this may sound for mg". our to yours ol siogio mimhd ‘ time ï¬ghting m‘mss Nonh Amer» "u a and in much 0! ‘Ihe industrial- m'd world. lkwurwr. [m (th4 mum». it's Hu- only mnwwabk- mum- u! .n non m a mmmunity undean \lu‘h a dramatk‘ rhungv in the mt twu drunks. (m In» hip 01 his head, he rhynws ul’ twn Ms M “Misï¬ts numbers which. fm many. could hr (M‘rwiwlming, By mm. the n-gmu‘s wpulmiun WI" balkxm fmm 0w cumvm one million In In" million, .\ mlmlwlxming ti: pm mm M thuw pmplr w‘tll ml haw hut-n hum m Canada. M then. Ymt [Mum will be the INN dlwm‘ n‘gmn in the country and many 0! those new Mkk'ms wnll unm' tmm ummm-s whew thc notice an- (kspised. "Whm do limmm“ s'n' when mm we us mum) mining?" he qumnmml. “In their uwn mumries. they mmkl haw thought uf khv pfll-k‘!‘ .n .m I'm-[Nun M mM-nmwm. hnnal and corrupt†"the only way to In tlwm knuw pulk‘t- am an moi! xkk‘ m (imadu. ( Lh'ld killiffe mm. is m wurt with natural gmups to hawk down dis~ mm. (mn‘onw languagr diflm» rum and entourage infumwkm sharing and crime running. Withmu this appmu'h. mm» Immmes ohm am‘mpt m deal wuh inlvmal pmbk‘ms thenmtlwm resulting in ethnic [coups hemm mg insular. N that mum. pulkr low luurh .md became disamnmm. loading m «mummy; similar In this sum mm's [Mung 8mm shuntin in I" II~ III‘MY (.KIMAHII ': 62 per cent of 1.5 million rcsndents won't have been born here ank Rtginnal Police (ihicf hie lullifl’c believes the face of York Region will change I great den] by 2031. l‘nmntu. (,Zhiet ktllttte unmask. "Yuri Region is changing .1 great deal." he “We have l-mvttanx Sudanese. Tamils and Chinese and we need to make sure they see us diï¬erentlv than they we the authorities in their mm emmtriex m an that. we need In engage. build trust and build t‘llllï¬dt‘fltl‘ m the polite culture.†Noor Din. the founder and (‘11) of Human limk‘awmr. a York Region nunâ€"prom gmup that. among mhot things. helm immi- gmms adapt In (lmmlmn Mmch mvx lhv pulvu‘ wrvm- Ix duing a wonderful tub vngugmw wnh eth- nn communities. -\ M‘ek ago. he hosted an (-wm mvnlvmg York Rogiunai hwlicc and Ybrk‘s Childrvn‘s Aid Society m help pamnts and ymmg pmva (mm l‘akismn, India and Sri lanlm undt-rslnnd m1- urgammmms‘ Ink-s m socit‘tv. 'I (am) {rum Pakistan and. m that country. the poker only deal with minimum As am upstanding ritm‘n. you simply do not want In deal with them and if mu mmt. \1 m «I? likely afraid." ho my» "Hem. lho puliw aw wry differ em and a pan of the community. We role of the police here is keep the community engaged. We want to make sure people use them as a mmunre.‘ And York Regional Police is par- tsmlarty good at mining to all sons of mmmunmes. hr says. addtng afï¬rms am good at denim with diffcu-m udmm in different cir- 011015th “ l‘hen- is one law for all of us." he “Bu! if police go In the hnnw 0! a Sikh m a Muslim 0: Indian. those families have their mm culture and they mid“ deal m nu MTG Mth police In a diflcn-m tmhmn." Ofï¬cer: undmsmmi tho-y mus! Impact the culturvs and he WIN Iiw or things will gn mu. m adds. l‘he document hm. nmny [an ('h. but focuses largely on dwvhpmg {elationships to "NM- the force's crime prevention agenda mm communities that are often less accepting of police. he says. The document (‘UIK‘ludl‘s Wllh 10 recommendations. ingludtng offering training pmgmms fut um cars on dealing with ethnic medta. requests to partner with immigrant welcome centres and cxpandmg policeman in plan‘s of wonht'p. (Ihivf lnlliflv hm spvnl thv pm! :u yum (rafting hix Inrwant lhmkâ€" mg new at pointing, trammg wnh the I‘Bl. infum‘auun-gathering in Egypt and South Africa and. d5 of May this your. comprng :1 Mn- year master's, deww in k-adurship. As pan of his umrw wurt an Vinuria's Ruyal Roads Uniwrxny. which often addvd an vxlru 2|) hours in hit almady lwfty 75 hqu work week. he wmw a Ito-page thesis on enhancing York Regional Police's mlationship with its visible minority mmmumm-s -Many 0f lhv document‘s ï¬nd- ings am being impk'nwmmi by thv wrvive. whdv ulht'rs haw been in works fur wars. anlud‘ mam“ mem'tw'samplemcm of minority ofï¬ces from about 6 percent to about 18 pawn! in tht' past kwyurs 0m mmmunim-s WI" hcm'ï¬t hum the mnmnwmiauxms idrnuv fled in this project. hr write-s m this am It is now time to km the WP motto: Idioms speak louder than mtds. But it is not only the local pulm- sen'iu- lhal can hem-ï¬t. Last weekend. lnsp. Ricky Veerappan. 0‘ the foul-'3 diversity bum-an. presented the chief's ï¬nd ings I! the Canadian Race Reta lions hundation‘s award nf'vxwl- km and symposium in Halifax. The good hm doesn't stop there for Chief Iolliflo. The mar n'ed tamer at two and Water of M) was also awarded the ï¬N alumna award from Royal Roadx nus week. he mwiwd the award and (“blend a k‘mun‘ alongside Mading Nfzor. whn. a: a child. wag displaced by war in Mr Sudan and became a crusading journalist in the African nation.