llflchr a W mum numb". unnâ€" Ind “Mm my mm...» mm that I) WI on nut 5m! uh'ï¬l'm (bl maid-pom W Icomomud n1 move M 100 com M‘WS Wm Gimp m". Ubent WWM M anomomhm, WHIMIOVI Barnum Cum" Mm (mm 5 Sun. W Sunâ€. 690mm 0m but new MI and mm mm Anmmsm: um usade WM WMJM WWW! WWW WW0! “to M5me Nah" yum In um Al WI“ mm! I. h- lluu «I! Mink Md M “I hub Vernon Mmhma \ulk Wynn .‘Jt‘dw ( 111w (WUHUIMV W MA I? mouthing com Madam: Altrulm r'ulhmm-m Mil" [UTEIS POlKY 14mg.- l)uwmnwn Mnulï¬'lllv has twvn a friendly whipping hm nvm 1h:- (lawless. And wv arr nut alum" As Mailers fled our mu». lur llw plant. malls auxlnuw pom-r comma ml the suburbs. our dtm'nmwm lum- um been the same. 'lhcv never will tx- Think (hrwnumn Ntulï¬vilk" at 3". years ago. It had a full-wit? grm‘vr‘y‘ store. twn haniwan- shops. (flaming 5mm. four ï¬nancial instilmhms, mm- drug storm. our mumupal (mum and numemus who: shops and st‘rvk'vx. In mhor wank, you ('0th mk- ram of 8111109.! all (If lift-K cssï¬uials. hum paying yum laws and mortgagr. In picking up dinner and a pms‘criptinn Much uf that is gmw. In wider spm-m whete parking is mun- abundant and the buildings modem. ‘ No! that all 'us‘ Imt in our (ilM’HNM'n com Fat fmm it, 'Ihe latest municipal “won shnwx Whitchun‘h-Slouflvillv's mmnwnml my raw is loss than I per cvm. ur 400.000 square fut-t. dvspm- {hr .ukh lion of 425.000 squaw fem during lhv pawl svvm wars, That includes duwmnwn. uhvn- Vacancks an- rumrmly fvw and Lu batman A gnawing rummunily is pamalh mspzmsihk- for a Iwalthu'r (hrwmnnn So am many of the ï¬ne pmmumms tn draw nt-wumwrs dmm town fur emenmmm-m and [Mum in shop. Mcn‘hants and thl'if ompluvuw um help the" uwn rauw by nut parking on Main Mmet. when- spms um he ran- ï¬nds at certain “mos of lht‘ \ka. [119w aw thrw' municipal luls m thv (kmnmwn cum. fake a page [mm mall and plaza stow «mu-n; who loll xhvir workers to park as fat as [xmsihlr hum the from 600:. Unifoml hours all. 6! most. mm» chants wnuld also help the (ltmumm shopper. If mumsary. lhv tuwn should mmp up mitmrmem M parting murk‘uuns Putting those hours In line wnh the schedules of mkionIs in [his mmmur Pt wmmunity aka.) nukes sense. \w'w wen positive examples of this in warm Open when yuur customers am- around Save the best patting spots In! the people who am paying the Milk Newer residents 0f mum wiv may not have a need to go dmvmmm as they did in the 1%. IN now far must Ls In the south and tlw mg boa: atoms were bum on their doorstep But our mtâ€"impmvlng downth is wnnh the walk. neighboum Downtown 0n the rise Editorial - FIN Accident victim Kyle Knox lived one day at a time Kc; Armin†Hmm loved and. Hr! If. 30! I, A war hm pmsod sinn- wv Inst mu um. Kylu Knm. in the (Talm- nu idl'm .11 “wk l Imï¬vnny \M‘ dnn'l Lnuw what M‘Yv lust H]! \w hm.- It rmgx haul and clear to anymw whn hum him. In our hustle and hunk- ut c-wndm hit'. "‘5 easy In gm raumhl up m Hump. Haw and wwh "V by w LN wv Lul m wv what lk wally mm! Impunam Um thing that dmw omen nuts mu vnu muki wwr rmh him Mr had lm uwn (mnlnnnhk- part it»! mkng u all m around mm Ik‘ look mwnm m mth and what was bring said. By liswning. hr mmld makv ink-mix with pmph‘ Inst (hlwr [u-nph' are mom impuan ln mmv m llx m, “In trying ham! m mah- s-unr «'U‘n’um- is ()K. "11‘ hm had 1h." Ill hum frum lhc get-go. lfynu \mu'hvd him. he swnmi mnn‘ .nwurv u! Mun was going nu amund him, Mir \de nut an anon m “M the fl‘dldt‘dl. Pvupk- whu .m- mow umu'lm‘d only with what they haw to say Mr xhalluw Hr ruuki Ways gt“ a umwm one ('mwvrsamnn going with vuu Hus Mr W.» surmundvd by mmm'. Muwalmsufx 1.1L? out "w Inml dun: and a farm nut the back. kyle wax not afraid to be on his 1mm. W0 haul m lm‘p an cï¬w un hum lnx'auw he was mmlun able m his mm skin. Human wok up many hours. wmmmcs so many he would lose hunsclf In the sulhudr His \isll‘h and girlfriend wvrv now-I "‘M'““M'" " ‘5 Wm‘mfl m imImM‘. [M from hix pmu‘rliw Instinle KAREN DYNES M10 wax almost fearkm {mm mm \mm H nu on. He flashed his hm {nick at ago 4, Yum um and hm mlumm and we still don‘t Immv haw hr um H mm smrmfmm msunqh‘bwwon M". driw and hit a luv. gima‘mm r5 mum ANNMNG 1m WAY am Prom: KLU’ mm on "Ammo WHEN YOU ARL mum, 10 INT: RUPT! ‘â€' "PM Letters to the Editor r / SUHl-Tribune Pm" Ismm Irm I’mmljmu swam l )m bikes and Slummuhik‘s horamv hus gussmu Ihvn' Wt‘fl' m be many mmv crashes. but I! never SRM'd him duwn Be ï¬rst to (beï¬ts! corner and. whvn m doubt. gas it was haw he raced m nunpvtil‘xm. The day came when he m-iuld pan the “old man". ()ur eyes me: Im a sphl «second and he was gone. \an lw died. a little bit of all of Us um. um. But he Iiwd 0m day at a timv wmmhing we should all «try to do. In lovmg mcmurv of We lames knm. Nah-20H Try wesbend Stouffville if you're removing trafï¬c lights Ha I humanism tmflir lagm. parking plans and†study. ( In H No I'm. \Nhitrhuwhï¬muï¬vflh munâ€" «A ll hm Mï¬â€˜lal a rmsxwalk at klw down- uwm (ram station. ll tlw light at Main/MiIIIMarkm \Itu'ls is swiuthed m a flaslung red. mum u mean a 15 to enminuw lmk 1m thv abkhhodk-d m ï¬nd a cumming. shun Hi My walking. I! x hard to teach tub 10 um the lights when men- aw none. Hymn-t about wnu m trying to magma than the (mi r fa, lunmmwn is stunning as it ‘5 with uni (Haring ptth as M‘ll. I! a light Imus m be mnmwd. lair nnv {mm the ms! sink of » thv mm side has enough tmublc cm“- mg "w strwt. I lhmk the [hwnuwvn Stnuffvillv Wnriu'ng Group nocds m go back to flu- dmwlng ham! and dvckh‘ whk‘h dxm'num-n it Hi wultmg m impruw. KAREN DYNIis \N H 1H" H You um and hm; «mamas and W.ON.M 1(3) WIN?! ’Hl-“Rl II S'I’YZHVHVII H KP NT KNOX lulu-mu. Puumm n n lad tr 5mm! “lulu I\)I.UPPMII()~h Ham ï¬lm A (h:ch Mam.“ lnhn Willrms hum. nu mu [whom mu» (,m‘ a mld. [mm night 30 wars ago um munth l mm (ï¬ning my hm! lclcmurkcu‘t ilmwrwdutmn Sitting aimith the \ilellM and unrut limith in what wth became my unite. in whats nuw Curves an Main \trmml was the king of mid calls. During the prt-Vmus wvvk. I'd been oï¬ert‘d tho cditnrship of the Mmtrttrlw-lanmitht-ti Smuflvillv Sun. without t'Vl‘l h‘wmg visited this municipality. My ï¬ancee and I tnurv'd the town. I said yrs and ht‘fl.‘ I was. armed with a list tit Inca] commit» tiin groups I was about to phone to announce the tww publication. “10 rvsults uf lhnw calls flirt with me today. The then-friendli- est town in Ontario lived up In its billing. l'lw wvlrnmvs wvn- warm and genuine. Not a hang~up Man! a sarcastic cumin-em (Hey. maybe I shtmld be selling (knit-dranng I thought in a rocky moment.» And i! wasn't just me. Mr hoard similm stories nf warm Smufl‘vilk‘ welcomes. Uf home baking deliv- ered to dourswps and told how!» ages oxtondvd over N-ncm And I thank lht" tum-«loud ww auv plant in Mt‘mnnal Park fur all Ihat. Nuuflw’llo's shm gmmh was stunted by that plant and our week's limimlkms, ll allowvd fur mustam hm slaw gmwth and thv rvlanwlv smooth integration nt’ nvwmmors. Nm the nu gmwth \nmv hurl-wan" burghs liVI‘ with. hm \Itm gmmh. Wha! about you. cspu‘lally If mu aniwd in this mwn during our mum! gmmh spurt of lhv last H) years? me one of the momflk‘sl wr mm m one 0! thv fusimrgnmmg But am lhc two mutually t-n‘luslwf That's what we wundvn‘d as wr pntparvd fut last [11th Stuuflvtlk‘ (thwrsatmns wont un that wry topic at Nineteen (m thr I‘nrk 11w mum-nation 'tam'l mm [)0 yuu fl‘t‘l the gloss and mum-(- tton to Stouffvilk‘ mam nf us do? » [1m Mason is with" of 71w 8th Minute. Friendly ui'eleome still cherished Off The Top With Iim Mum" “um mu M Human» Auumwumm Ruhr" (“Judo lulu-nun. manhunt/Kw hull Amulmm. “NW: H4114? Diurnal. Um III" mm lunm Hm hn‘u