mommo W "out! 21M! mum hm m 3m 5 W a 82‘“) 8| Mum mm 9351 FWM‘NMW nommuornga WMA‘G‘N W 9mm on m ammo: 1W UNI“ MCK“ l 8" ‘ , Rea Good Dual Clutch. ID All 1 ‘ ‘ i’ Allied Ldr. M}: 50 (in Thaw L m nch ; Beam. 6 F! San Blower. (‘uu Cz‘m manual“ Hy¢Hydme chm m ml Mu Mow“. PT Cuhnvuut. 8 FT 3 m M [’9 Tqu (and). 3 PTH M H moo . M u‘ any woman “7W mu an Union at 601 m m mun-farm‘s mum mum-am Mun mum mem Thur/tumor: “limo-w dam mum" fluwbfl Mï¬hh mm" duh-tu- “MI mm. mum-w “mun-d WIâ€, mum Guy-Am) Mm» “1M0! MMU annua- «Whom W NC FARM SOLD , SATURDAY OCTOBER 20. 2012 10:00 AM SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HWY #12 AND wa 47 EMERGENCY # 18850 HWY 12 GREENBANK. ONTARIO W limb!“ Mcch (‘ah [Mn-cl 3079 “nun Mtvdtl 4m Rel (‘nood Dual Ouch. ID All Tricia. MF I65 D‘eu-l Traum P8 All“ Ldl. MF 50 (in “ma Beam. 6 R Saw alum. cm SM: m Turk c r. x F} mom an Hydmupw .nm 4 Raw Mower. PT (alum. Pop Up mus: (Gaul). 3 9111 Post Hole 0. . 3 um- m... m. s». N mu MI; MN r ' Wagon. NH Mann Sp: 7. ‘ “1 HM mill McCormick. HF .15 Draw 1»: Combine. 6 Lad 3 PM ;w Qy Hand Took. X Cu Saw. flu CW. 10y PM MI. Qty (3min Tools. Blacch Twin BM 15“ Blades. M Ford wmus, le CI hm. Bench WM. Dnll Pun. Wbd (MI! Self Pavel“ Am Wood 801. Wood Trusses. M Canoes. Qy Galas. Cod- Chou Shame! Trunks. Wood Spinner. Qty Collecuble Cm (Good).some Home AUCTION SALE ON SITE FOR THE ESTATE OF HARRY HILL MMWMWMM UP to 90% LTV Doll Worry About (7nd“! Rel-Ire Nev! (fall Hugh Fm AMP w-MIJM mmumm. than mam Samoan WWW 1! W1†w w mlmmnmmu Haw-iambic: FARM SOLD FOUR GENERATIONS FIRST AUCTION ;Hyd$X IOPkMJl’THTn m mm “Wm†L m “$74M YOUR AD CALL (905) 853-2527 PEOPLE 00 READ Mu- “HI C.U.-.'--I--I'..UI'....'--..'O Passed away of NI homo m Stouflvmo. on Mendâ€. Odobov ‘5. mammomyouwmmmno MoJoanbyMsm mmuboudymmodbymubvod Mb Joan at 65 In. his Mon L Fm Pa . Franco. Baku flm» A930: mun). K!" EM. Joan Fr: 33:33,. N J09“). A] Sullmn Wm L ' wmwï¬q {OIL ï¬nal-9mm an'd Moreno-grout W. L ‘wu Dom un Tomato on January 1393922 HowamlhoOmon'IOwn Wodd Wli “mmme _ .mmeme . Ma m wwww mm mmwca m w“ .Mmmmmm boThotdto m. u on My. oanbuta‘zotzuzpmmwu m at 59mm» Bambi crutch. Mazmmm. In Ru 0! hours. tho haw woud Wmmmvuon «WWW. palm). Am Mccm (Ivan). Mn 990“). “TM (CM), W Law same. Lloyd gm nmummmnu‘m MNTOIWLFOH newsm ’v h Car «00†wn Onion Mon. nouns 1004.24‘69 Puud away on Octobor16.2012.m m 9001 you. Buovod huubond ol the mo Joye. Walton Lovm MM 0! Chem. Susan. Vomon (0000‘). Evan (mo). Davnd (Pu). Donna (Catherine). Kman (Gupuo) and the mo Lulu Jo Gammon (Roch), Dom glam u! Gammon. Lumandgrm min-IND andBnndyn totCIMOrdandtholath mums. and the late Dow and Jack Wilhmoon Lumnbngtnmunp‘oyuotm Canada. Moro rm In1082. Ho MawaoH .hhmcny maximum No mommy Tho MI room Moods at the DIXON- RLAND FUNERAL HOME. 106 Min St N. Markham M). MammonF from 2-4 and 7- pm. CW mm WWW mm mm. mm m mummmm mw c mmm ummnucmmm. WALTERS. Vomon L00“. '1...“ in the Classiï¬eds. 8: sure in mcludc yum WEB ADDRESS INTERNET PRESENCE Pmmolc your company\ 1-800-743-3353 AsHovJun WWWSHMSWW Just 0 though! 0! 3M remembrance. Jud I memory tom and true Jud I tot-no! afloction Andaman!» auto: you Mom ouch any we mm you. TWan on not rumba mm mmomow mm wmmmnculod 647-984-0080 Mann mun and bunny sm h .munng Im'llmln‘\ n! \uu Nmp m gnu! m‘lfl'uf‘. Wt: imr win to thc mum and \l.u\ and funk agmn 1»va v. mm Orland. Dunu! and [annulus ln kma; new 0! a Md“! hum fume! and Mamet who passed away chbu IV, 20†We tl'Ioughi of you with love Huh) But Chm n umhm‘ m We thought of you you-th And days hcfotc mm 100 Your mcmnty is out kccpukc With whwh we'll new: pan (ion! has ynu so has kcpmg We have vnu m nut hum lOAugun mm: 1* (\‘tuNr .‘cm 7 \cu lung wan tun- paswd um r \nu lcn m (‘unn Wc nun )nu mm ungk‘ d.“ but known; \nu .ur (‘urus Park-k Mclaren Man. (U. [aura and Rob KAMANGA. Derrkk Donna! Shanon