\souflr «gun flaw daynweekqo to yomegion. THIS WEEK yorkregionmm SPORTS ONLINE from moss Yuk Region â€"- including the Ontatio Junior floaty League and high school leagues ~seven Thursday 7:30 pm. Israel: A [nanny Though Tim www ‘crmlï¬ï¬‚kchnslunchurch u» Sunday Sonic. at 10:00 am mmzomm m-num 10 on the PM 19 cm Ammo. shaman LI“ ’NM: m cm.“ 000000000 o ‘ n u o u inviting. relational. open Sunday Worship Service 11:00 am “dummy†imWAv" hSZR Mam 5L. Sumth'tllc 905040 256! 'S'mcc 1842' LlVlNGAALL‘EB come as you are. leave changed. Sunday Mm a 10:803m ammum Man I u 761 now HIGH SCHOOLS: StuutMllc Scmndary hosting teams on ï¬eld, in community lauuv lk-wm has \l'Vt‘l’d] nth fur player}. on "W hmuflvilk- In» mu Saundary Sdmul buys' ruglw teams; ‘ But one that must hv uphvld foremost lhl‘ wtva Spartans senior boys' head math n-walm. is whem-wr they hm! a touring team from «MN-as. mm playvr must svm- as a billet In mm M lhv opposing players nu! Spartan pluyvrs will In- thing that this wt-t-k and mm when they play host to Mt) tnurmg trams fmm Wales. With both mutrhcs hemp; Irv-aside in funnau. the ï¬rxt um I\ m‘hcduk‘d tn ttth‘ pluu' Suturdav When the Spartans play (Martian on the Stmtflvilk‘ Swmularv ï¬vld ‘springvale More than rugby at play for Welsh Visitors 10:00.11“ ( iclcbrat'um Service Ed Fontainc 1 1:25am Sunday School for all ages \muflullc Rd. .u Kcnm'ds Rd 9US-XX7-5h51 wwwsprlnmlaorg Sunday, October let 1" MI! IIAH HAYAKAWA mhuwkawm’d‘; mng um .u H mm. _ lhv following Saturday. 1hr \pamms aw slam! in INN Ah†syt'hdll. also on their humo patch a! 11 am. IN the Spartam. llur lwu upmming fricndlivs wrvt- an n M'tpmcal mugenwm Hwy made utter last going ovum-as m play a series of exhibiliun matches dur» ing Mamh break twn yl-ars ago. While the Spartans an- luulung furward to playing the lwn friend lig‘s. Hewitt said they will prm'idc a formidable dmflt'ngl'ï¬u his uluh. [1qu since mgby us play“! an a far more serious kw! in Uwat Britain. the way ice hockey is pm» ( mud and playvd in ( hnada‘ WELCOME TO ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Yuu know (hr lwn (cums will he goud. It'll be a tuugh gm." he sand. "‘lhcy play a different level of mng {mm what m‘v play. It'll dvï¬~ Cmnoso/EM‘m/cmmtw Some. SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM 6432 Mall Sl.. Stouffville Phone: 901640.31!†Wheelchair eccedolble Sunday. October 2| (1'1!!! RI!!! 0 Oscar Ramon Pubuc School 850 Home! Path 01., Stoumme Se'n'ice n} Warship 10:00 am Saturday. October 27 Annualhll bum." 9:30 a.m In [1mm Men's plt‘ auguun, Audlonctr Ken l’n'mxu.‘ 10:00 am Sunday. October 28 CW one! (CI...) (647) 547-3618 32 m Cum. Stou'MIIe smmmom Wm.†Annivnsarr scrun- (Burst mmmcr Rev. Richard Sand Infant baptism 10:00 am, Itad Pam". Jrfl mm! ( 'Iuldrrn ’s Pasmr hm' Anad Yanth Panor- Ian Harm ( ’uumrlnr. 84mm: Barthel!!! www.spcfamily.ca Tm'sda)'s (6’ 6:45pm - 8:15pm Jr. High ~ Grades 6 ~ 8 Walncsda) Ks QT “Km 8.15m Kids Club ‘ SK ‘ Grade 5 nitva open our Players in [how games wn‘c as goodwiil amlmmadurs. llvwill said M (be same time. he said has club will deï¬nitely learn more about the game. Stouffville Pentecostal Church ' 6853 Main SL. Sumï¬villc 905.040.5696 " Playing these games deï¬nitely makes us better.†he In facing the two touring teams. vrs‘ m hockvy games lk‘winsnidhe's "It's pwny mm! and H's .: gm" lhfa. having played host to them wqx‘rivncv fur c-u-nmun" vam twn years ago. said. Sunday School Knds Ages 2 - 12 years of age Sunday Service (IE 10 am Sunday, October 21 Friday's (9‘ 7:00pm ’ 10pm Sr. High '- Grades 9 v 12 "They play a different lva of rugby from what we play. It'll dqï¬niu'ly open our vych UCWSOthAnnOvenuy Evemrne Weknme? 10:30 am. WonmpSeMce famewhdefamiiy A (hard: in a Baum‘fld ( ,‘ounrrysuh' Pastor Whiter Rubbing “In†BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH .-\s fur ‘VKIM-rxydmn Her mid llw mnnm‘liun su-uum-d lmm nm- of the Sluuflvilk' ruau‘hvx who helped hm! ;\ Inun'ng Wclxh [mm from ï¬rm-mu Mtvr the! mau‘ht-x. vam mm! my playt-rs and unn‘ht'» hum both trams go! tugvthm fur loud and hand mu man at tho "Mlt'h awards. During thc- visilnh' sun. Ht'wm said they try to lt'dt‘h lhv pluyvn a bit uf Canadian ("ultun- just the sanw as lhl‘y wnuld (in Mwn "wit loam goes (worst-us A "We try (0 Show than umund lawn and in thv p-‘N wv'w ('wn had mmv nf the kids talu- thv play ms to hmkvy gamux "It's pn-ny mm and u". a gnu-n MM Sunday. October 21 860 Cone. 8. Clammoï¬i 905-649-213 12 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 642-4414 Rcv. Peter Pallam Sunday Service 10:303m 179mm Macaw Wu mn- 9:30 .1 m Sunday Sduml 1 HM) am Worship Scrun- Lunch to folkm