"Stiff-Tribune REAL ESTATE" RED PLUM" GOLDEN GROCERIES* SUMMERS 8- SMITH" CORNER DECOR 8- MORE* memnhmdd lufmdmnnxnntxnnfxnbmm mmmmflwmu Qhoucmmmcnxdmlodmfl 'SdtctOdmoMy HOME HARDWARE ( $18for " 'u ~~ ' of No Bio Blast Spofls Wash Detergent 9mm NoSweat‘Laundrv...mm visit flyedand.ca \hufln‘ $42 Value) SPORTS TheWhiu'hurrhNnmflvilh- Minm llm'kvy wa'ier lion was among 40 minur pnwim'ml hm‘luw «www- tkme. lo receive a set U! brand new gualu' mlupnwm as. pan of the Omaha Mmm “(wiry .\.ss«x1almn's Insur- am‘t- Brokers wa’immn ul (mum) flit-MN (kml‘w A3513! inal'n. the ()MHA and Ill .1 m-wx u-lvaw lhumday. The pnmmm is an ollnn m support vmmgsu'rs who haw aspirations nn humming a: huh-y “milk-11)“. by providing a svl uf mktllt‘lldihg muupnn-m m playt'rs I'x’tween the ages of I’m- to wwn who .m‘ mwn‘slvd in trying thv maxim". 'l'lw IBM) will also pun-Mr nuqu hm‘kvs assuc‘iu mms with glmu'ndmg nwnm‘vs In «M t mu hr» "IBAO continues to suppnn Hm gnu" pruvmcial gmup ï¬lmed on building and gum-nu; the skills of yuuth m um mrnmunim-s," mud Mum (mmn. MM) ( hit‘f exu‘uliw Ufï¬cvr "Hrukvr-s .uv « minimum! In the people and program“ in tlwu mmuuum'u-x Hm up? u! sgmnmrxhip dina‘llx wlau-x m Um: « nmnnmu-m by rummaging [vuuih m b0 .um'v " "W? are thankfui Mr NW rnntunlc'd \prnn uf the Insurance Bmkurs m thmu.‘ mid hm r lunlu-r. ()MHA prank-ml. “Humming a guahmdm n-quin's a 9i niï¬cam im'ual invvxunt-m. [his pmgmm will help a mi chfldwn a hm!†nppummm m w" a x'hsmu- m try the position." ’I'hc ()MHA n‘u-m-d H-z npplummm mun minor hndu'y awwiatinns 3mm mv prm nur [Emmi-d in 1935. lb!" ()MHA is 1hr anvst minor hoclwy maximbe in the wufld .mu uwrwm a par- ticipant base of 300m». consisting m playrrs. mach- ‘v-s, trainer's. ofï¬cialsjhm‘hw vulnnm-rx mu! mmm acmss the pun/flute. Brokers aid new goalies (to: m x: 3? i1 in. DOC}! GMWW frm‘n m me squeeze av Training Sessions inclumm