l'hc Newman-t lluvnimnos have parted ways with GM and head mach Brian {\‘rï¬n V‘uvâ€"pn‘skk'm ul hurlwy npvnr tinns Maurice ( latenacci annuunced the decision Wednesday evening. scwring ties with “*rrin fulIIM'ing a «axon which saw the Hum'mnm' [all m the eventual league cham- pion Smufl'xdllv Spirit fut the wound straight war in u wwn gaunt" st-m‘x "It's nm a firing as much as mov ing in .utht-r direm'on." (‘mcn- defeat at the hands of the mum Spin} not once but MT. am (they) rolch over (Aurora) and then rolled aver (Nmnarteu. [he team then took on (hometown. wiped it of! the map and practised absoluwty no austerity when it took on me Whitby Fury and demolished it to win (its) ï¬rst ever Buckland (.fup.‘ MP (Luanda: also link a moment to nemcmber a dost friend and Iongmne 8xka Spirit fan. Huh l'kxm‘r. whu died smith-My April 7 Hoover ’watched’ Spirit win title: MP huh. Vat mm W m. w W Maul. m“ elm-o. mm»- un-muu. comm M and mo mo? n udmmrï¬â€™wmg « om RY IUHIN (illllMUIll MHW Si'iï¬i'ï¬'ibune Mom-III flHomeFindema mu. whu made the amnmmu-nwm um'r Inc-«inn with l’rmn. “We want In muw in u dinukm whwq the on- K" pmduc! L~ cumng fut (am \M'd like a team that is wow and play- ers who am curative and twp I‘m»; (m the edge of their souls." [\‘fl’itt was let go am head coach of the Spirit in 20%. l‘hv Whitchurch~Sttmflvillv n‘sidvnt led thv Hurricanes tn tlw North Um‘skm mgtflar season title fur the second consu'utiw war and tivd for the uwrall 0"“. lead with the (M metuwn Raiders. ‘ cnacci said efforts are under at the age of (it: “I knuw my Mum! Hell» Humor. 3 Sum ' 0 Spirit fan who died inst befom the ï¬nal me. is wry proud and was Wfltl‘ ing dawn as the team mm its ï¬rst ew‘r cham- pionship for my home town." he WMMMML.‘ msm‘wummwy «manhunt»: SPRING INTO A NEW JOB! TOW TRUCK 12mm Guamntdhï¬n mmmamm' me‘mammmm “gnawawwmm [OACETTMNOIme. mm“ mm cm. PM and W!“ (W)mmmvmomnm mmwmimm i00mm Ilium 3g WGTAN ' uni (Ciro-m. moans. mm M m WWI: ) D YourClassifieds: Fn'ï¬tï¬) iii-1'9“) i» ‘: DainWebwm Wheelsca H1 IR. A HOCKEY Em Mm Accoac 0' Adaouo‘ comm 500w. would be an use!) This as a Mom. permanent man Wammmodmem Piou- omdl your mum. mention Human Mouton: Muklum ma Nuke†w: I\ cummly Wklng RIB" Personal Um humid lot Sula 1nd 1 CSR ht W m M We an: also with; an expencmcd Indiwdunl (c y m hmkcn fut Mn; icmmm ()ur ulnl candidate mll have a nummum n! 3 em expenencc and knuw "I § M («mamm- met- Brute: cxpcnmcvwlll M an and Hal: hut-rd male to M a or b! I I “IS-.75. Wumflmaflsom W252? Of 416-790-7284 Our phone lines am open: f‘m‘w yum Cfassmï¬! an 5’4 Mer a an ’ hm -; m q - .5, mg mo am an w your classiï¬ed: WI. Ford Lincoln (Hartman) system. phoch suppun F“ m: cos-47mm: or email ache-yhnmmwccnmryn.“ EWUM- 'aF/Ta maoood Rm) Mutham Ra] catalc‘ufhcc mum's mature. pusth mdmdual evenings 1nd weekends hum desk Vipffiseflelp m.ocr.cal]ob FULL TIME OFFICE CLERK . pornontoomwam devalue cometate account bass to: Ms: w company :1 mg, 30ng m. medal and «Minna «manna: ,m’m‘w“ Rob! um cm an asset mmszon Dymlc Sam Wu M M hme sales 04 mayo: homo applnncos W.v-mn am Sahryyhs bows 808N685 DEVELOPIENT UWO ( ‘Iasx'lhcd Ilnllinc mm» 74 V 3 *5 ‘ “WM