5H.†Duh‘rhu M.\\ w Hmd-hï¬kty enthusiasts - some in â€" take to the Stouflvillc Rescrvuir's rinks for mes during Familv Day Monday. Poliu‘ advise against skating on ponds» Sec page 2. (qukl York Region bewnw a hmhed M hvmp gmwing activity? I'hc Yuri Region linvimnnwmal Alliance \mnh m ï¬nd out and. armed with a I‘nllium ï¬g m. 3.. h! ; ( Sun Stouffuille -'li'ibUne SHARE TIIAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAIL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO IMASON@YRMG.COM BY DAVID FLhISL‘HER dï¬uuhere‘yrmgxom Hemp production hyped for York’s ï¬elds THURSDAY. “3.13.2012 I WMWOFWWW I 24 PAGES/31mm ALLIANCE HOPES 10 USE TRILLvIUH GRAPH T0. ENTICE LOCAL FARMERS Hmndatmn gram. H's hoping a local famwr or two is willing to law the cmp a try. Alliance emuuw director Gloria Marsh and her compatriots got the idea after real- mm; the immsxihimy of nhlaining sustain- ahk'. Inca! nmlerialwsmrh as comm Ms Marsh had a basic knnwlmigt- of the Uses 0! hmnp. but dtwv hmdï¬m imu hot and concluded it wde be perfectly suited for York Rowan. The anialwo hmts an infunnallon 505510!) in Bad); Man‘h. aimed at domonstmling how it can iniwt lifv imu Yuri Regith farmng community Boyund its many mm » as .I hmva 1m mmmmion. food. fabric and mhvr malt-n ails w hemp is also a wry austmnahh‘ rmp that "was wn' link- lvnilin-I. hmh‘u Mr M pvsticidv. shv said. mm Canadian Tlro TpUFFvILLE ï¬fth an m’l‘ [fl I'S