Consider! this. Four hun- dred students. repmscnling seven schools. on a single mnhg performing vocally and instrumentally before a packed auditorium of appre‘ (lancer! at Swuflville lï¬striét Smundary School. Me. too. And it ocquned Friday evening - the annual ï¬tudem Musichscholarship In this regard. my a5sis~ tanct‘ pales in cnmpariwn to many others. I ï¬nd it impossible tn keep pace with those whu daily perform duties without thought of time and cost. And often without thanks. However,- there’s none among us who doesn't have rriorities. occau'zions that [cad engthylllts. Whale-vet the mum pow ple mspond. 'l'hoy number in tht‘ mmdn‘ds. maybe Ilmu~ sands. in ()mariu can this disuncuon. Sluuflvillc’s rm standing. 21 llnuwooll Ill. Slouflvllle EVERYTHING IN I'll! SHIRE W h i I v unduubledly (way mwn an lay claim m m. Whvilchurch record ix our rrv a cum~ numin u! volumth Park: Miriam SelliclnoSmith and Diane Marla", Smuï¬villc But it couldn'l have hap- pened without cooperation. teamwork provided by 10 teachers: ' Susan Whilebmad. St. Mark; Jennifer Faric. Harry Bowes: Rachelle Nichner. Stouffville (.Ihristian: Ingrid ltg'ms. Bal'lamrae; Michavl Macchione. Whiu‘huu’h I-ligMands; Lisa 'l‘ayiur. Melis- sa King and [and Mann. (Had mauve parcnls. (, Surh was the scenario Nov [8. It suqmaamxi an experience anyone in an organizing role could only hope to hear and Roaming Around with Iim Thomas lea Taylor of Glad Park: “P193513 ask us back.†Ingrid l1:ng of _ Ballalr trae: “Next year, ‘ahsolulvly. â€"~’ put us on your list." Diane Marian of Stouï¬â€˜villc Secondary: "To have (“alum ((Lumck). so deservedly hun- mm‘d. madethc evening extra special; "We're very proud." Although a snund system glnrh dciaycd the concerts start by 20 minutes. would- be listeners displayed appre~ dated patience. None cum plained. 53V And by the evening's gucu of honour. (Inlum (lanit'k. 'I'hv Gradv 12 scï¬olursl‘np recipient had the audience. applauding to the skirl of the piper» My gmclt‘r!» ushvrs, purl-- mg unvnddnh and high Minx)! custmï¬ans, (idry Burke. Ivan Harris, [1-H lnhnsun. Adian McCoy. (‘Ihflx Hagan and Alex Buukm. Hv kuyboard accompanist ling-- on u- La ndrv. Secondary. By maxim of Murmu- nim. hm and Ryan Mamn m Im'hmrimlsAshlcvAlexander. b_‘o what did participants l'he acr'()lades didn't and SIOWIIIIII III“ I. IIIIIIIBS MuhvauJuumIIm EITIIEIIIGIEV SIIBI Ilcl 905054006657 SALDMDN O hm "mwas‘tsaSWresmz mommbrmmrsbr mmmGOyears. ()n this night. all was right with Stou'ffvillc's world. The. rafters rang lo the sound of beautiful music. Collection containers rwmnded to the tune of $2,200.00 On Nov. 18. both aims were achieved. And second. it provides much-needed funding for hard-pressed school music programs. A roncen of [his kind has two main nbiectivos. First. It showcases student tal- cm. vocal, instrumemal and drama. from kinderganen through Grade 12. ‘ ‘ And Hmma. Grade 7 of Whiuhuu'h Highlands: “To play. (tenor sax). in from of such a huge audience meant a in! to me." Aim Immifer. Grade B of Harry anes: “it was absu- Iuwlv fanlaslic." ‘ Said Madison. Grade 3 of Glad Park: “II was exciting. Never have I sung before «1 huge a crowd." fler BIRKENSTOCK 80 YD ‘5 Students and tat;th enter Stouflvifle District Secondary School during the opening of the 1% annual Student Music Scholarship Concert Friday. .0†sou: any