° Not surptisingly. the FedEx Vatue of an Hour survey results show just how (werworked. stressed out and time crunched Ontarians actually are. Minty- ‘thlee per cent of Ontarians sur- veyed were so time deprived, they they would use their extra hour to sleep. compared to 22 per cent nationally. ‘ Wrth daylight savings shining clocks back tonight. you get a pre- cious extra hour. thh the cosmic timekeepers' largess in mind. Big Brothers Big Sisters and FedEx [ixpreas through Angus Reid. suwwed 1.003 adult (lanaâ€" diam in September and asked what they would do to change the world if they had one hour. In an advocacy bid to inspim people to make time to volunteer. the two organizations continue In engage people in a Facetxnk discussion on how a sin* hour can change lives and Wu communities. I Another 28 per cent ' would spend their hour catching up on chores and household errands. versus 24 per com in other parts ofCanada. ' c'lrnbcrtiyrmg (am An hour; 60 minmes; 3.600 seconds; approximately 4 per oemofaday; What will you do with your extra hour? (Si‘f'Wi'l'ribune Don't forget to ‘fall back’ tonigh t? BY CHRIS TRADER \n' page H WWSNH ’- mmmwmm I NMGESISIWGST READ ALL ABOUT IT! BREAKING NEWS UPDATES AT YORKREGION.COM York Region's Medical Oï¬cer of Health Dr. Karim Kurii rolls up his sleeve (0! his flu shot from public health nurse Rizia Amod at regional headquarten this week. The region is hbsting free mam clinics from now to Dec. 2, indudingonc in Stouffvillc. Monday {mm 4 to 8 pm. at the chovic Leisure Centre. For more information. visit wrkca/flu BIG SHOT $TA" MOTOI‘M-Kl BARR! f1 Rig): now. MaymWaYne FJN‘HIQNHI cams $42,148.63 annually. While councillors each have a salary of 321729.66. Mr. Hargmve said salaries I‘urhhftchun‘h Stouflville council. including thv mayor. mmcwhcm betwmn memarkm. which ison the tail-end of its gmwih. and hm (iwillimbury. which is at the beginning nt its development. Newmatkct's mayor earns $85.39!; while- liast (iwillimbury's maynr has an annual pay nf 56!.191. according to a wpon from ttmn sbolanï¬â€˜yrmg4om Whitchurch-Stouflvillc's may!" and mun cillors may give flucmsekvcs next your. i (bummer Rob Hargrave gas his wish, Ibemayor'sjobisfullflmewhilcuwumn cillors' position is classiï¬ed as pan - limo. liven with a proposed raise to $60,000 tur the mayor’s position and $38.!!!) [or mun‘ (tillers. Mr. llargraw told "Ibo Sun» In‘huno they would Still be the lowest paid lm'm staff members. The councillor pmscnicd a mun-c- ul mutinn during “Ines-day night's council meet - ing to have their made on par with that of East Gwillimbuw. ' “For the hours and the time we'rv putting into this job. them needs m be some parily," Mr. Hargmve said during the meeting Politicians underpaid: councillor Hargmve wants pant} with other York towns lJSSondbrdDr.UM5, 5.00“an 905642-2386 av 1‘877-410-2886MUYO) BY SANDRA BOL’AN Mes