But that did not stop sivc (thervative candidate Farid Wassef from taking multiple shots at Helena lamek's Liberal govem- mem's (sheath scandal and sung's afï¬liation with its green energy plan. ‘ The jabs were them. albeit so subtle they fell on deaf ears for the most pan. “WW "W! most pan. But that did not stop sivc ConServative candidate Farid Wassef from taking multiple shots at Helena lamek's leelzal govem- mem's ehealth scandal and sung's afï¬liation with its green energy plan. ‘ But it was Ms [melt who landed a solid punch when she emphatiâ€" ICII UII “Tu-I (GIG IUI UK It was the one time the crowd Of about 50 people gave the can- didates vying to be MPP of Oak mate than polite applause during the Saturday after- noon all-candidates meetlng at the Angus Glen Public library in Markham. ‘ Election day is next Thursday. ltwastheï¬rst~amipossi~ bly only - time all the candidates. mus I! II (II Sand-1. October 16 1:00 pm Interested in helpmg the less fortunate m the commumtwan thn local group of ( volunrm Claims who m: the» prefect: to organuatm and W m York Region Evayom mkome! No We necessary' ‘ m: NIGHT FRIDAYOCTOIEI 21. m “DOOR PLAYGROUND Rise ofthePlanetofdepes- I Stduffvme Arena. 2nd floor Nineteen on the Park 0pm October 1|, 2011 Transportation provided to;and from the movie Monday/Wednesday/Friday Email leisureservicesaxownofwsca 100mm - 11:30am to arrange for a stop near you mm an I“ ' mm. Octobov 13 7:00â€"0:00 pm roars mdude Manny câ€"boots and 0mm boon, renewmg at reservmq from _ home. electronic bookish, mrhmq health rs sues. etc Freo' Pveâ€"vegnwatnn vs requued' Mondays 1154MS am muddy: 102301100 am Tuesday: 7:001:309111 Saudays 10301100 am HmhwUHmywhmthpw-u amquwmhmm - Librar) Schedules. now online, under the Leisure tab > Scheduies, drop in BY SANDRA IOLAN ‘ sbolantél‘yrmg cum Soft jabs ï¬nd marks during all-candidates meeting LEISURE SKATING l ACTIVE AGING WEEK BoginstlnwpduflOdoboM WhaunOctoM1 Scheduies now mine, . Detaiis onhne cally said if [94?me he:- mm- men! would not sell of! the [£230 ~â€" m highways “like the premoan government". Hlll ‘Hany Pam" and the Bounty Mom Pan 2 Many, Ron and We search Io: tumor†mung Hummus m "’0! «Non fo destroy the Dark lord. ’ .dng you own mulls Fm mm Rated P641 Saturday. October 19 1 30.37:“ pm om Pull“: Library Nook M! 16-22 Bnng a ton item and a non-perishable food um and charges 10v thin item mil be waved Not valid for pvevvousty mcwred ï¬nes ' Thursday. October 20 Hay "manna! Honom'm am and I'M pnns' Ants .l-Gn's ’ 3'm-.4.Oo'pm Ago: 74- 143800;!“ Fro. “mason! Pp‘reqmrahonn voquuod' Wat’s 02 in except for NUI’ Joe Whitf’eid. who was a lastaminule cancellation due to a; conflict. will square off. meeting. which was pep- pered with crying babies and [onlookers stopping by for a few tu see what was happen- ing in the middle of the library, before disappearing Into the myr- iad of book stacks. centred around bGotoyochegionLomfum onthemetinganddndection. “mamas-win “an m 5 pm Email: Whtcmukry.u Culture Days - Smrdaï¬. October 1, 11 an â€" 3 pm See an. talk to artists I nah In! 5!! the {emanvaile Group of 4mm wa5 from the Moramc Exponenco must demos and Ill! 10 par! mists I“! an ongmal wovk 01 art a! om {tee Culture Days An Actwny fm the whoie famxly ma.- our Fall Wort Bee! W, m. m. g 10:00 am â€" 390 pm pvepue the museum fat the mm months We WI" be deanmg m the sac and recrganmnq and , We need volunteers to heb staff deanmg amfms m the 8am. Come fm part 01 me j day or all at the day. Lunch wm be promded Piease cal-I to get your name 'on the 351' and to bet us know :1 ya; have any dvemy restnctuons Please not!†Mun Know on Mata Hours. Suï¬ In wetting hon Monday through Fray. Owing mutton, please remembe'v to can ahead to - qmnge research Wm; (mmnu,ww-.Mm.. May! mm»: Setond Sc" October 22 - December 3 Opening Reception: Odobor 29, 1 - 3pm Photography and 8(uipture by artist Meryl McMaster Thus anth free and Smnlsh hemage bnqus m Smuffwlte an othihitmn that vomnudou idonmy through porrrmmro Tho lllthlfll Gllkty's Big Night Out! Saturday. October 12, 7:30 pm A fabumus evenmq 0f talemv Svtent auchcm. an auctxon hrw wmo and doiermhie t’mt suppon your qalkï¬y! Please vmt www.1axchamqanmy {a ‘0! Oman: «clans-721054me WWW†1m- Amwal Studio Tour - Ottobcr 15 - 16. 10 an - 5 pm Make the Galiery one of your stops on the studuo taur' 24 venues v 36 artists! "We're not going m remain healthy by eating ham rs and but dogs and going Vthm drive- thrus daily." quipped Green Party candidate 'Ih'fon Balms. When asked how the candi- dates planned on increasing the number of doctors in emergency rooms. the majority of candidates noted some of the solution lies in prevention. the standard topics of education. health care. jobs and transporter non. He also noted the elderiy Thomle vmmwucul «human! ‘ mwedflrfmhmtk ’ Wremuiydmw m. throughom omen duxovev m H! was But to: a mmwmcmgm mum’snmdlrflln This 65 YOUR Hum. “We have to ensure doctors arr making house calls again." he said. Ms laczek. the riding's incum- bent. noted the Liberals cann- mm gum: in 2003 when heahh um- was in "disrepair". Bu! since that time. family health teams haw been instituted and despite the ehealth debacle. six million people have their health records (mlin now. “A lot of than (eheallh) money was very usefully spent." she taking up beds in hospitals when they in fact wan! to be at home. My] I!“ atmq vJ‘