All yud musk mam“! except bmsh must be placed m papa yard was“ {up or an open top (mama (adudmg urdhoard bolts} (Slur. opaque or (lung: bags ml] not ht collected YardM’nsu- ls collected brmfly on your regular (ofleclnon day from Ayn] to November. Plea: rckt lo the collection schedule: to! the yard waste mum»: days fat vom area. ‘_ Manuals ucepublc lot colkcmn andch leaves. plants. hm: brush. tret clipping; bunches Rumbas are no! In 100 mm (fun: lmhcsi m dumflu. and shall he Ind In bundlfl of a maximum length n? I 2 men" (fnm (rd). and weighing m) mun than .12 lugs (fn‘tv pounds“ F01 Inquiry“. pkauyomm: Custom" 5mm: at 905 6401900 0: Toll Free I 855~642®69h A (upyflnï¬ht ithédulc an be obtained {mm www lownofwi ca Maknals no! K'pr'fd include glass clippings. slumps. tool bolls. mdu. food And kitchen wastes. animal mappings. mm and vqcubks. dnmav and mid sweeping: Rtfldtnls who, umh todmp ofl'lhm yard waste (unludmg gnu clippmgs) may do w. 1m 0! khd'â€. a! the Milk! Waste Composting Flflhhj. 13%| Blmrmmgtm Road. Ruhmond Hull (pun we“ uf Ltslk Sum) Monday tn Plan do no! use wmlo Us bundles PLEASE NOTE: Th: Tm will no long" accept man and-hr ‘ W of you ma accounts. OCTOBER LIBRARY BOARD MEETING START TIME 8: LOCATION CHANGED The October Mb “bury loud meeting um be held qt Hr: Station 51 - loo Weldon Road at 5:30 pm. YARD WASTE COLLECTION I'hc Rupert Avenue Reconstructbn pm)ch It also neaan completion Tb: Contra-lot has complth most of the underwa repum and water tystcm Improvement. the curb and “drunk manna. tad construction 0! the grands: ma base for bod: Rupert Ave and Pdmwood (at: Om the nu! 2-4 Via-ks. suinch to favourable weather conditions. we up“! to c additional rrpam m alum we: md storm sac-vet mmntcmncc bolts; , o pawn; ul haw-uth “pink and dnveway aprom. - {inc-grading and plucth ofwd > The Pine Mitt! Ru‘tmsltuaiop prmecl u about to helm It u inan that the Rupert Avenue paw be essennally wmpkte bdoie commuting Pine mm m order to maintain dlsr'uptlon to the nerghbouyhoods The construction schedule 1: a few weeks behind as the Conth experienced some dulan on the other streets an the comm (lumen Aye and Hiwlhum Ave) but ave: (be next 598 weeks. wheel to favourable wealha cumin mm. we expect to (empiric, o (unstrudmn uh new watermun ï¬nk In ‘I hpcketwood Boulevard - repm 0f thesanflary sent; using tremble-«s r o mnstrmmm n9 new curbyulhg the heritage destgn concept. . pavang of base-course “pink and dnwway hymns. ind - fme grading and placement ofmd The top layer at asphalt paving I: planned fur ample-lion In 2012 or 2013. lo coordinate wzth mher puns; prawns Plus: consudct alternate routes If you do travel through a construcan area. plus-c dnvc SIOWW and exacts: caution. ll you have anv qucm'ons about that proï¬ts. plus: (mun 'l‘my Baum-an. Protect. Mama“. at ext. 231 L or lroybiumnann apphcd ’lcast If! Mnndu )§ Pl N E STREET RECONSTRUCTION nd vuur resume m mnhdcnc JIM Mlubtl l7th. the position :5 I will rcquuc wurkmg \hufls. alum. plus: \ft uul wchutc xdcnmymg posmon 20 hours per work mdud‘mg evcmngs We ate looking {at domtnom 0‘ new or gently uscd mmnuvc annqun. aims. «1. gm cmiï¬am. gift huh“ and/or sporting cvcm lulu-ts fur a UWWI)’ Auction to behdd on October lSlh If you have wmtlhxng Interesting you would like to donate. 0! to Image {m pick-up. please all Debbie It 905-6409595. Ext 329 to arrange for pickup PLANT AND BAKE SALE THURSDAY OCTOBER 6 ‘ LEISURE CENTRE/LIBRARY PLANT SALE: 9:00 am. ~ 3:00 p.m‘ BAKE SALE: 10:00:11. - 700 pm Purchak your Mums. pumpklm and ha» \kak in Miami whllr grabbing a “vet! Hat Al um Bait 'ulr \Il “mun: Way m†Ymk chmn. HAVE AN EXTRA COAT IN YOUR C10“??? _ ' Shun the Warmth! Haydn [function's Coal Dflvc until Septcmbn 30 Hap emu re that no one you add this'wimer.’ Donate your dean. gently uccd mat-s m ihmc In need' Help~ those tn \Nhnchuvch Stuulhlllc tha dnnaung canned and buch {mud Moms You (am also make: [nod/cash dunalmns at Nu (ham Tlgc-t on Saturday ()cmber 15! between 1 THE MAYOR'S 3RD ANNI'AI THANKSGIVING FAMILY FOOD DRIVE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH'STOL'Fl-Vll l. I ' ‘ MUNICIPAL OFF-ICES 'III SANDIFORD DRIVF OCTOBFR In. 20†"1:00 mm. ~ 2:00 p.m. Drop boxes are 1m; aled a! - SQouffville Dmnct Hugh - Clippers Complex 0 Slouffvillc Flrchall o chmn‘c Leisure‘ (tennr MARKHAM l-AIR SEPTEMBER 29â€: In ()(iTOBHl 2nd \' YOU I am the Unit: 'lM’