Dlupom‘blc on Ironcain F0! more information, vnit our website olectlo’nmomca or can (TTY; 1.866.679.1118), N Health (annec‘tion 13003615653, TTY: 1-866-252’9933 Yaflc Region www.york.caï¬njuryprevention Section Day is October 6th 2011. To ï¬nd out where you vote, ws'at our website. check your Notice of Registration card or can us. Each voting location wm have magn‘ifiers, Braille and other tools to facilitate voting. Don't forget to take your ID and Nottce of Registration card when you go to vote. To vote in this election, you must bé: - 18.yoars Of age, or older on October 6 . aCanadian citizen. and - a resident of Ontario ,â€" Poll: 1r. open from 9 AM to 9 PMET / 8 AM to 8 PM CT. Elections Ontario ‘ This year's food needsampï¬marflycanned "was such as tuna and salmon. along with cookies and calmed fruit. “Other people can buy fresh fruit. 50 canned fruit is not that popular as buy.“ Ms Along with food donations and cash giï¬s, which are Used to purchase fresh meat and vegetables. this year. coats am being added to the list Mr; limmcrson he wanted to include coats hu‘aux‘ we all haw wmc hanging in “Building houses is lovely and making money Ls lovely but there is a hardship rig“, in the (*Ommunity of Sloufl'ville," said Sue WebbSmilh. nnrketmgandsales dim-am for Geranium. . ‘ ' ' The company has been a pan of thc‘drivr since its inception Manse “Geranium is very much wmmined to the StoufM’lle area in many ways. We developed many communi- ties there and we feel very committed to h." according to Ms Webb Smith. She ekpects her company to donate even more this weekend than in previnus yvarx. Mr Izmnu-mm is hoping residents will still do their pan: ' ‘ “I really Hope the residents will come tor- ward thia year bigger than ever.†he said. I (‘M‘anium I kust was one of (host- duvet open. last year. the home builds: raised 82.0“) and through its tradespeople. donated truck. loads of goods. ~ Developers gave more than residents seniorsservices.refenals@york.ca rm The. Whildmtch-Smuï¬ville Fund Bank is heated at 15336 Ninth line. just north 0! Aurora Road It's open every Tluuiay from 930 to 112303.111. Coats. whether they be fmwintm or spring are requested for all ages and $1115 However they must be in good condition. 1hr coats will be distributed In 1hr fund bank. as we]! as to the Uniwd Way. Inn Hum The (bldrand other York Region urganim- lions. - our closets we are never going to wear again while them am many people who go mthmn Wam tohelp feed the hungry in Whiuhmch‘ Stwflvilk? Mitduuchétouflviflé‘s third annual Thanks- giving Famin Food Drive is on Saturday, The (election 'of food and (3511 10: the WMStouflvilc Food Bank mu take plate hum 10 amto 2 p.m.at the new Miami Was on Sandifud Drive, just south of McDonalds. Volunteers will 350 be coflect'mg used adults and d’tikhn‘s (cats in good condition. F01 more infatuation on the drive, (all the mayor’s ofï¬ce (905qu900 and 2227) YOU CAN HELP