Come a get a total view October 3rd 2012 7??? 2012 ‘2??? Ml. Lu's plall’unn includes lowering hydro bills. eliminating the “31‘ on everything. roll- ing back ï¬rst-mmary tuition to the 2G)! level and only adjusting it at the mic of infla- tion or deflation afterwards. ' Mr. Lu. if elected. Will also make gas “I can't stand those politicians. I don't con» sider myself a politician. I'm a concermd citizrn running for ofï¬ce." thc third year York University Schulich School of Business sm- dcnt said befon? he took pm in his ï¬rSt ail- cnndidatcs meeting-Sammy aftenwon in Markham. Ml. Lu said he chase in run as an indepeno dent because he does not cam. about political party interests. Rui-da Lu doesn't pxpca to win the MI’P's seat in Oak magesmlarkmm. but he hopes to motivate the younger generation to cast a ballot and let all constituents know voting indopendvnt is an option. He wants to mpmwm the riding and said having in also answpr m a party "is a {miner lion‘" The 20-yearoold Oak Ridges tesidem threw his hat into the ymlitical ring because he is frustrated by the menmwm's lack of trans“ parency. » ~ ' Anti-politician after youth vote ‘I am '1 stand (hose politicians. Idon‘t (antenna! atva running jbr qlï¬ce.’ wrmdc'r myself a politician. I 'm a ONTARDOVOTES He supports full-day kimlvrgam-n i! Omark). “We need someone who cares about an wmmunity and puts the wuunumlv ï¬m" hesm'd. ' prices in the (TIA mm? rm par Buflaln, which he says arr 2:3 ker‘r. Mr. [M's plalfnrm alsn llu‘ludt'x ham :1ng new ck'velopmcms un tlw (Mk Ridgw and stopping the ("cmslnu‘tiun at tlu Pickering airpon For more information on his mmmlgn. go [0 ‘1“ w: m University student 20, runnmg locally as an indepen dent m next week's electhn Sandra Bolan m pm M) new