Participants have been asked :0 misc at least $100 in. donations. which will go to Victim Servicm oï¬hrk Region. 3 United Way nether- Friends and nelatives of Garrett are mmembering the late York Regional Police ofï¬cer for two of his passions Satur- day â€" cycling and community. 'I‘nem’s a test stop at the station in Rich mond mnmridewillcndauhedmnm ofï¬ce in Nemnarkel. 'T‘héy'll Wear T‘shflns with the motto: (kmst. New in life not death Coast. Styles. 3 young father oftwo from Georgina. was fatally injured in June during a trafï¬c stop in East Gwillimbury. You can take pan. Register by contact- ing Del. Ken Bimini at905â€"881~1221é3a. 7541 or 961?YRP.CA at at the starting line Satunday at 7:1!) mm. Ride 4 Styies will take cyclists on a route that begins at mean police station in Markham. 87m McGowan Rd.. at 8 am. L0"! “0381 Thurs., Sept, 29 from 2-7pm it I x You can Ride 4 Styles 6193 Main St, Stouflvlllo (Across from the 60) 905-591-8000 mecooklng WNW Come Celebrate the ‘ Harvest Season REE Community Corn Roast wim o River Cruise lnfOi-ihation Night The 20th annual Canadian Hmast (lancer Foundation fundraiser is taking place in 59 com- munities 3cm Canada York's event is being held in Richmond Hill. mnnlngfnraflm Sunday‘s York Region (TIBC Run for the (tune is for Vicky Yakav ski. The Stouffville mother ofmuwas46yeam old and living an active lifestyle when she was shocked by a breast cancer diagnosis three years ago. “I'm running for every woman who has meant- ly been diagnosed With brrasl cancer." Mrs. Ynka- buski said. Find Out: ‘fyï¬vér cruising isthe most Relaxing, ' 'andPOpular Way to see the Best oflEUi‘bp’e, Russia, Viet Nam Cambodia * I‘he Run for the Cure Latcham Hall, 8 Park Drive, Stouffville Disconnts, Draw Prizes, Refreshments Monday, October 3rd, 2011 WAMA;WATERWAY Last year. more than 4.000 participants in York raised $55!).(Xl). raises funds fur much. education and advoclw. . 1111s year. the founda- tion wants to know “Who an: you running for?" 6380 Main Streak; Unit" 10. Stouffville m. W‘ ‘ it an on 20 m" : (905) 642-2500 Steam - summon #7 - 3M flashcard M - LOOSE nus: Manning“ ’ up.â€le Hosted by 905-642-51 1 1 - You can run or walk 1 or 5 km Sunday a! 10 am. from Richmond Green High School. For more information visit: www. cbcmrg: 'Mner www. mittencomlcbcfwyorkm- gum Wamymnmmmmupmmws pnorl g.) , w wuncuuncu-smurrwus r~ soccsa cum ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (including elections) Monday, Oct. 17 at 7:30 pm Lebovic Leisure Centre Meeting Room ' (30 Burkhold'er 81., Stouflville) ALL MEMBERS WELCOME Elecgg' n of flimgtor Positions for: President - Director at Large #1 0 Director at Large #2 Prevent the flu naturally. Be proactive come talk tous! www.1hecornerhousecc 6403 Main St - Stouh‘viHe 905.640.8494 1881