THINGS TO DO: Busy Thursday downtown “I want (the residents) to have an exped- ence downtmm. It's not just about the shop- Mlt'sthesodaï¬n'ltg’saidAnnaRose. downtown coordinator for the Ibwn of mam-5mm. "It‘s what makessmll mums soyeat." . Alonng someodeMninSuéctnom mmainhgopen.mexeudflbesueetperform- emdanoeschool performances in thepark MgbtoftheCamandShmh'eewagonï¬dm andfacepainting. V'me 7tonm..CivicSquarewillbeï¬ï¬‚ed with local not-for-pmï¬l sewice groups, vol- unteer organizations and sports clubs provid- ing information on their associations We all say it and’we all hear it: them is nothing to do inWlmchumh-Stouffvillc. \lel. that will mtbemecasc'lhursday. Wu the weekly Downtown Stouflviue Fanners’ Malta. MoonlUn Madness. Inside Mdmhmdx-Smm and I concert by The Midway State. his gang to be a jam-packed aflemoon and mm: downtown. mammmarkctbeginsampmwhfle Moonlight Madnesskicksmaï¬uSpm. Citing the mcendyreleased Making Ends Meet naport from York Region's human services planning bnani. he while theeconomyexpe- rienoed growth from 2001 to 2006. York's low-Mme pop- ulation incmsed 55 pet ant. which mandates into 112.165 peoplelivingmpovmy. "With the help of thou- sands of vohImeels. United Wayiscommimedmmiung peopleandresomcestomcb bdneregion’spï¬ofldeaespe dew now that we're endnguo-peboemincmase mpeoplelmoddngonumted Way-funded agency doom." boardchairpetsonandCoun- 9e! Public Affairs Inc pdnd. Maqgmgor said “ Bargain hunters can get ' inside information on town organizations and sports clubs provid~ For mute information on the day's events. vrmauon on their associations gu to wwwmwmfwsxom Low-éincome population up 55% IV SANDRA DOW sbolauOyrmgxom Toromom CAT executive Glenn Keenan expressed pride in hisoompany’sdeep mated sense of corporate resppn’sibility and long- standing partnership with UnitadWay. "ms 45 our fourth time participating as title spon- sors.“ he said. “We know how important it is to launch United Way’s campnignon a strong and positive note and palCluflesBeersald. b 10 give 0! you: time 0: yorkumdwayu, cal 9054743974 at. 2:42 0! send a cheque payable to United Way onotk Reqion. 80f Centurian ' Drive, Suit: 200, Mm. “Enthusiasm isgmwingformcevcnn' Ms 1hceveningcanbetoppedoï¬byseemg Canadian ahcmative mckband'l'he Midwuy State peafonnuuideflwlcbovicCentm-br Am and Entertainment - Nineteen on the MWsmSZOandtlweshowbegixnats p.m.(Seestoryonpagt-4A)‘ ' Stduflvflle Royal Canadian Legion. branch 459. dcultunl Association. 707 Marion Orr CM RoyaIAQymdhn‘AhCaququadmnandme “It's just to get infomudOnon what's hap' pening in town.“ said Oman Anon-1m“. coumiloo-ordhntmformetm 'lthink there’s man: out there then they realize.“ Some of the gmups panicipating in the ï¬ï¬h edition of Inside include the Wl'nitchurch-Stouï¬ville Cham- ber of Commerce, Stouflville hay Fox Run. Smuï¬ville 'Ibastmuters. Stouflvme Iguana Partnership. Stouflville Ministerial Associa- Various departments from the town. including leisure services. will also be on Inadditiomoitsmdition- almieofsupponingagencies tomeexuxgem needs. United Way is working to tackle the molausesofsodalissues To help strengthen York’s quality of life. United Way is uniting people and resources on m priorities: he kids, moving people I!) poverty to possibility and building healthy people and strong neidxbmnhooda » “We‘re pleased to not only take pan today. bu: to con! tribute to UnitedWaythmugh our workplace campaiga and our volunteer participation in Day of Carma" believe dragon boat provides a solid point for the fundraising efforts ahead. Additional event sponsors included IBM and Acldands- (imingu. The Maximum Fail has its magnifying Mommksoouï¬ngmehhrkhunand Stmlï¬villemlutdwmnmnbnssadorof dIeMarkhamFair. Mummm for contesmms." said Ms Seek-y The ambassador. formerly referred in as Miss Markham, makes appendixes at the Santa Claus parades in Markham and Stouflvflle. As well. they attend the Ontario Association of Agriculture Sock-159$ (Lon vembn.