(Sole Fullerton. (Jody (.yr and Sky“ Almgren each played an integral mk- i helping (he Ihundet we! on ï¬ve victor“ in as many outings en route to winnin the due. ~ In the championship ï¬nal. Almgm scored a goal and added two assists. Three Stouï¬vfllc residents were mem- bers of the Maximum Thunder inkrmedi- utudutcnpmleddiepmvinchleM- don dumpiomhip a! [as week’s Ontario lacunae Festival. upped 00‘ with a 6-3 MnoverdIeGuelthegnlsmmeï¬nalm Lacrosse players strike Ontario gold ‘laV" "I CHI 1th hinuflviiic R‘Sidt‘ni‘i‘ m‘m "It'll! i'ulk-nun. who wrwx as an .iwxiuni nnfihv Markhaun‘lhundvr iiiirriiiuiiâ€" iiipiaui. nuirdtxi a goal and one help- 5' that iaptun-d thi- pmvinciai B divi» m while Aimgren added a goal and Iwn in championship at last week's ()niarin assists in Martham's opening game win ‘msse Festival. capped off with a 6 .3 uvcr Arthur 94!. 1mm (he Guelph Regais in the ï¬nal in in Markham's third gamv. a 3-0 vu- i ithy. inry over Niagaravnnâ€"thelziko. l‘iillenun (,‘nlo liuik'nnn. ("Aidy (M and Skyidi (ilfiiVL‘fl‘d a goal and (iddmi [WU hvlpi-rx ngn-‘n mrh p'dyl‘d an inn-grin rnli- in whiii‘Alng‘n cnimibuimi two assists lping ilw ‘llhundvi iwl nfl‘ ï¬w vii'lnrii-s Aimgmn M‘nrï¬i a pair nl' goal». In iglillt' as many outings i-n mun' In wii'ining the Thunder in a :33 win UVt'l Slaynci in 'liliu their fourth game that mum-d tin-in mm In the championship ï¬nal. Mingnrn iiwtinal med d gnu] and added Iwn assists, Mn law! I Iumkmm bunâ€"ccu-nâ€"nuj»------oâ€"-1-â€"--uu---. - â€" _ â€" . . . . â€" . . . o ‘ 0 STAFF WOTORUUE KOCKFISCHHOY ° 3" Scotsman! 0 LOOSE HUGS ----_------â€"------.i--------------_..--_--d-----. ‘ . . â€" - . ~ . . o -uébâ€"oo-o _ . . . . . . .. ,, .. *1... lenon. Cody (.yr and Skyiar :h played an integral mk' in Ibundet me! off ï¬ve victories outings en route to winning tor dcl 0 3" 8:0th - LOOSE nuns - IRMDLOOI - UNIOLSTERY CORRECTION NOTICE In our Iyer distributed on August 5 some colours of the Jersey Sheet Sets (#301096034120/ 1 ... r on page 12 may not be available in all stores Priyanka Mam- man of team Gold Undfl 6 tries to get the ball from coach Todd Sindrcy durâ€" ing Whitchurch- Stoufl‘ville Soccer Ciub house league play at the Tm (kmâ€" Idn sococr ï¬elds last KEEP AWAY