mart WANG)! CLERK ' PtANNlNG AND WILMNG SBIVICES DEPAITKENT The Town of thtchurch-SQWHVIIk Is one of Untano's rte-sic! munklpshhcs. ranked as one of thc lop l0 Towns In which to invest by the Ru! Estate Investment Network Join our ‘IOWHI‘ tum m thus adminiumm support mlc Kty rcsponsibtlflks includr updating Property Management System dsls; sunbathing (uncncy of building permits snd pruperty files. (ootdtnsnng dtsmbutmn of application submissions for renew. assessing perm" spphcaflons for completeness. ensunng 1);; nnllzsuon of prescnbcd provmclsl forms; (aligning fees and bslsndn‘ of sccounls psysblc. You'll slso proud: customer rccepflon snd liaison dums and monster palms workflows and processes. Fm move infotmsnon. please In our webmc st http'llwwwmwnofws com/gobsssp Plessc forward you! resume m conï¬dence. Identifying posmon appltcd fur. by August 23.201! In Esccunvr Asslstsnt. Human Resounrs Stunts. Town of W211 I‘thuf(h>8'lou“V‘â€Â¢. H! Ssndlhnd Drive. Stuuffville. ()ntum. MA on n! Fll‘ (9051640 9259 or Ems“: hr'mwnufws u Sealed q-uutatmm. suhmmed on the forms and m the envelopes prowded by the Town of Whttchuuh Stuuttvullc. appropriately marked. she]! be rccewed by. tiletk's Department Town at Whttchurch Stoutt'vtllc m Sandtford Drive Stoulfvtlle. ()ntum L45 07.8 Prior to 3:00 o'clock p.n., to“! time on Wednesday August Nth. 201 t. Fm further mfmmatmn on’etthex of the above. please neon! webme nt WWIWDOfWIGflIIbtdSItp. nuns: wsnsqu 3s CATCHBASIN a CURB mama Yqu Input Ihmughuul this study [5 welcome Lmd ulucd. Yim can mud: the progress of this prayed by Viewing updates posted and prarucnpa-le m the survey on the Towns website at: ww w townofws rcomlhallanuu_mmsclman_la huge: “plan up Cum: mm \ mom \cn in: groups. \ulumr‘cr «gum/anon: and sports clubs mm «H we the Tuwn and hear how "new gmbps trip make Whltchu‘rch-Skmflvuk a great place to live? The lullmung as '4 Wang 0! the groups and (mam/anon: that are participating: {CALLING All. COMMUNITY-ORIENTED. CHARITABLE. NOT-FOIoPIOI'lT ORGANIZATIONS ' Would you like (0 let ptopk know mom about what YOU have to ofkt? It is not too Int: to pantry“: Fm mm: mfmmahun. pkâ€: «mm! (51" an Angus«Tnill I! gillhn nngus!unll®townofm.u. STOUI'PVILLE IUSlNE-SSES: '20]! STOUFFVILLE PIOFESSIONAI. TECHNICAL CAREER FAIR Are you hmng pmfnuoml or trdlmul cmployccs? The (latter Flit targets highly ukmcd professionals aching um! opportunities vmh exceptional Inc a] employer; The Caner Fair also and prommcs local mmpamcs with pmfcumml aï¬enhmul emphyan opportunities The 20†Cum Fan N!†be held a! Mmtrrn .m (hr ParIUWedncsday October 5, 2.00pm to 8 00pm F0! more Infornunon mmut Rebeca Mustard at 905»M0»I9l0 ext 230: or trheua muuavda’umnofwtca. INSIDE . W lilTCHUlCHâ€"STOUFF VI [LE TH U RSDAY, AUGUST 2 Slh, 20] I lnsudc Whttdumh \toufl'vdk 2011 us being held m unnummm With the annuaf Moonhght Madness uh- V What ('n K Squaw in {mm of thc Lctxmg‘ Came in! An; ~ I-inlcnmnmem Mantra on Mr Hal k: km: of Whnchurch-Stmï¬vl‘llc Whitghumh-Stmflville Chamber of Commerce ' Tény Fox Run Cm CHICK?! Society Royal Canadian Air Cach swam: smug Club Effective August 3rd. 201]. suffcan QKICDSIOH number Or by adding ’a “ utensmn number. To serve Ihc public bett¢1,our new (Tusmmct \c be open from 8 00 a.m. lo 5 00 p m for mfmma‘ prm‘essmg The Town mm offers mH-frcc phnm‘ numhus 1m Ehnn' hung / working uumde ol the local calling area. thew ncw numbers replace the prekus Newmarket (B95 XXXX: numbers l‘hc local phone numbers rcmam thc same 9 9054,4049“) or L855-542'TOWN (8696) lo speak with a Cutout: Service Auochtc o 905.640-1910 or 1â€"855-642-TOWS (8697) for the automated attendant ' The Town of Whitchmch-Stouflvallc [CQIHYCS owners of a" dog: over the age of lb’wccks to have a (uncut Town‘nsucd dog It; Dog tags can be purchased at the Town Municipal Offices at 111 Sandiford Drivt Townauthonzcd Dog Tag Selle" are nuw selling dog tags door-to-dooc. Sellers ml] be wearing photo I D badge; The ms: of a Mg IS $4100 If you are a nut resident with a (mum dug tag hum another munlctpalily. plus: contu! the ancnsmg and Puqu Stunts C(mtdmamr for details» on how to enhangr your rxnhng tag {or a Town of Whltchurch-Stouflvdle tag at an um The Tuwn apprnntcs your cooper“th tn lucnmng wur dug‘ “GRIND I910 12225 or 1‘855.642-TOWS 12225 r (“muted VIA A :(vur-d m from of then unsung If 3V mu