Downtown Stouffvflle Farm. ers Market vendors can now sell anything from Ontario. includ- ing items purchased for male. which does not please some of its customers and venthm When themarketmnedmree yearsagupanofitsvisionwasto provide a “venue for farmers to sen their locally Ontario M with loo‘mflcs or apprmdmately 160 km radius produce; in season and for the community to buy fresh produce and interact with the people who gmw the food they eat." \"I‘m getting sick of answer- ing questions (like) When: do the carrots come from; when: do the potatoes come from'....' said Councillor Richard Banky. who put forward the amendment to the market’s mid-year status report passed by council Duly 19. Mr. Bank-y was also a mem- ber of the now-disbanded marv- ket committee. The rules as of July 19 are: "Efl‘ective immediately locla‘lcrm- duce and products shall i ude All-local rule out at farmers market Mixed reaction to Ontario wide prOduce (Sï¬'fliï¬ibune ~ AGRICULTURE BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolanflyrmgjom mtmuon I WMWOFWW lama/51mm LOOK FOR YOUR FALL 8: WINTER LEISURE GUIDE WITH TODAY‘S SUN-TRIBUNE mommtdmmmmmmmowebmmammmamwmswmvmememAmucnmsmrm- vestcdfordKCanadhnFmdgmimBmkï¬omï¬ddsindwrcgimdhisommedbyGahcn FarmsinMnrkham ‘lhc York Region I‘oodgrains Project was started by four church as in 2001. with just 24 acres being animated to help ï¬ned the hungry in developing 001mm Today. there are 19 projects on 365 acres of famxland being har vested by all church denomina- tions within the region. Harvest feeds families around world BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolanOyrmg‘ mm “It's probably the hem pmyam we have in Canada. the best for delivermgfmdgodevelopingmm- tries." saJdWhitchurch-Stouï¬ville's Terry O'Connor, co-otdinator 0f the project. which is part of the Canadian IbodgninsBank. There an: sfx projects within Whhchurch-Stouflville; including (Lalten Farms. at Stoufl'villc Road and Warden Avenue. which has 50 acres being utilized by Bethada Last yeat. Bethesda Lutheran ‘scm about $31.11)!) to the par- ent organization. which when matched by the Canadian lmema- lutheran Church of Unionville. “We really are enlhusias-~ tic about this pmject because it is matched so well with federal money.’ said lame Smith. a mem~ ber of the chumh's congregation and its co-ordinator with York Region ‘ “ InXbIkfleflon. Wheat. soybeans. com. barley and hay are harvest- ed for sale on the open market. "mat money is sent to Canadian Wm which then buys the tionll ncy. [mailed $150.“ in food aid r Lk'veloping countries ' For every 3200 raised. a {mum ofï¬wisfedhrdmeemundu. m mum. {mgr m sun newsman WITH VEEN