occur. There is no police presence on the lake tn monitor the P 1 'li x be «art juxtapmilitm n tics and {misty playgd um: I Gunman m Olm- ml and Wm (M I†nanâ€: Anthem [van‘mm MMIH» “AIM manhole-M000 mun-1me 1mm numhfl‘mmnï¬m rhr'iun WW Ihrv Hawaii-haunt In“ and meal in «In Manchu-r r . Sm-Thbune 905440.201: ht W!) 454° a 77“ U’ITURMI ADVEJTISING W5 $402612 unï¬t! 1-300-743-3355 Ru NBS-64048778 NION K'Sumï¬-Tribune mpMaQon.m PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot l ILDHOI m (,‘mu Ucbom Kelly Business Human Robert Lazurko Dunno; Ploomr‘nun lactic Small V 6 Sun. Sun-VIM. WOO? manna“ cum tub-nu!“ (um Yak Pagan Main (imp mmmty cm Cut-Hi SIMUW [ETTERS POlICY "mm a DISTRIBUTION 905440.201: Mike Hamill: ADVERTISING 903m~2612 Id: I-M-‘MS-JBS} M! L , Farty in the week, Statis- \ tics Canada announced the rum «he we is continuil‘l 20 tradition of decline â€"- reaching not seen since 1973 (when gas was 40 cams a gallon. Nixon mm"! a crook. The Sn‘ng and Amrriam Gmï¬m‘ war? at the driw-in and The Partridge Family and Cniumbo on TV. and we rocked m the Stones' Angie and ijn lohn's Cmuxme Ruck). The annual survey of policempon ed crime showed the number of inciâ€" dents fell by 5 per cent betWeen 2009 and 2010. along with the severiw of the crtmm Homicides. attempted murders. serious assaults and mbbeï¬es were all down. Youth were accused of commit ting fewer offence-a Property crime was reported less frequently with redut‘tiom in break-ins and car thefts. “v0 days later. a York Regional Phlice ofï¬cer wan shot during an amwd mh- hery in Aurora In the rational pan of our minds, know this ’um'l a crime wave; we knuw our communities are safe. But one Of out cups wax \‘hnl. fur goodness' sake. Re: Highâ€"powered boats don't belong on lake. letter :0 the editor by MaryAnn Jr Bob lama. luly 30. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fast boats, drinking HAVE YOUR SAY, not monitored on lake ‘WHITCIIIIRCHâ€" I read with interest this let- ter regarding the wake from these boats perhaps being a factor in the deaths of the two young girls who dmwned last l have on two occasbm observed kids being knocked off their flbaling dcvim due to wake from a boat going by at a high speed, on our lake. The lake. because it its not very deep. has many. many weeds in it. a surprise dis- mount from a rubber dingy can create a problem for the young kids getting entangled. This is something ~thal needs to be looked a! serious- ly before any more accidents RippIes of shock. dismay and om Politics trumps reality when cop is shot he stark juxtaposition uf poli- tics and reality played out in Yuri Region last melt; speed of the bums. drinking and boating or life jacket use. The lake is so very small that the wake from the bats has nowhere to go but to the bank. which isnot very far away ‘ ' "‘ It would. at the very least. take out one problem that is abundantly apparent on the lake. No one will ever know what really happened. I feel for the families of these two young girls It is such a waste. I do hope something is done in the near future. D Whatdoyouttinkotm issuesotothers? Lmaillettersto ï¬rijme rage sptqad throughout York Region's communism '/ Our $1159 of security was threal- ened ~â€" let's face 1:. nobody is really safe from random Crime - and many of us wen.- left feeling vulnerable. othch wanting histice. young men -~x~ one a young uï¬cndcr -â€"â€"- from l’ickt‘ring face a plotho nra of robbery-Maxed charges Ryan Bennem. 18. is Midnionalty charged with assaulting a peace ofï¬cer and weapons possession offences. The omccr. shot in the hand. is recmering, while a suspect shot by police remains in hospital. STDUFFVILLE ‘ KAYT BARCLAY M! '“H MAN'S“ (AXE Debora Kelly It doesn't help that the communi- ty's emotkms are still raw following the senseless death of (Zonst. Garrett Styles. whuwasdragedandcmshedbyavan hehadptdkdoverinï¬astGwiflimbury A 15-year-old in charged with ï¬rst- degwe murder. debate about young offenders and the justice mlem. Coming (his fall. the Tbï¬es' omnibus bill would put more young ofl’endets in iail.endhouseanestfmmanyoflemxs and impose mandatory minimum sen- tences for sexual offences against chilv dmn and drug crhnes. With the [chase of the crime rate. the federal Conservatives’ ga-tougium- crime agenda came under renewed ï¬ne. Bymewayflmepmrindal Conserva- tives get elected Oct. 6. some prisoners will be writing in the community remi- niscent. of mm gangs. while released sex offenders will be wearing UPS track- ing devices. Hell yeah. did ynu say? Yet most statistics and mw'anfh indi~ (ate doing the time drrcsn‘t reduce the crime. but mmribmes to an increase in re-uï¬enderx The Tbry agenda bucks the trend in "w "w" (in/doped "countries in which ids-magi- cal themy has been buried in favour of Debora may Is cam in (rm-mt me You Rpgw an evidence-based and balanced crime» We amp If the Tory bill passes. the prison population is expected to jump. at a cost that will weigh heavy on your much» imposed-upon wallet. The upgrade and expansion of iails is estimated to am more than $2 billion. per cent. from about $1.6 billion annu ally. since the Conservam'es took ofï¬ce in 2006. is pegged to climb (0 mon- than $3 billion hVBOUâ€" l4. Which in the face of tho dmppmg crime rate might haw seemed trou- bling to many of you until a vka agu. Until one of our mm gm shot Then suddenly stalisli‘s aw just an excuse and politics mumps n'aliw lglell yeah. reduction pmgram. Bu! statistics. you might \ay, dun‘t keep cops from getting shot at by punks inbamypams As far as our W t is concerned. (me victim of crime is still one too many.‘ lustice Minister Rob Nicholson has said. Meanwhile, the (‘nnuï¬nnal Sen'k‘e budget. which has increased 86 Duscmn. Ann-"nun. [human-non Nicol! Fletcher Dlucml. (bl-mom Barry Blark